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Apple Screwed Up Handling iPhone Gizmo-gate

It appears the saga of the lost (or stolen) iPhone prototype is drawing to a close. Tech blog Gizmodo, which paid $5000 for an unreleased, next-gen iPhone and then posted a detailed preview of the handset, now reports it has returned the device to Apple. Since Cupertino's legal sharks requested in writing that Gizmodo return the iPhone, there's little doubt the handset is the real deal.

The result? Well, the world won't top spinning, but Apple may decide to make Gizmodo's life miserable with some sort of nasty legal action. Perhaps more importantly for Apple, the big reveal may curtail the media hype that will accompany the new iPhone's summer launch.

In fact, the next-gen iPhone has already lost much of its mystery, if not its allure. Thanks to Gizmodo's scoop--ethically questionable or not--we already know what the new iPhone will look like, even though many of its finer attributes remain unknown.

source :

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