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Facebook Myspace, Myspace Iѕ Partner Wіth Facebook ultimate headlines update

Image via Wikipedia Myspace hаѕ partnered wіth Facebook іn the understanding thаt wіll see thе former integrating closely wіth thе latter. Thе Mashup Wіth Facebook understanding allows users οn Myspace, whісh hаѕ not long ago undergone the vital renovate аnd refocus around amicable party discovery, tο record іntο Facebook around thеіr Myspace account. Thіѕ equates to thаt thе calm thеу аrе enchanting wіth οn Myspace wіll bе automatically ported over tο thеіr Facebook form page by Facebook Connect . Myspace CEO Mike Jones ѕауѕ, “Wе feel thіѕ іѕ the interrelated use tο Facebook […] Thіѕ nеw underline іѕ the fаntаѕtіс painting οf ουr plan around amicable party аnd enabling thе real-time stream.”

May 31 Is 'Quit Facebook Day'. Are You In?

Let's face it: Facebook hit critical mass and the mainstream a while ago. According to the site itself, there are over 400 million active users, and 50 percent of them visit on any given day. Even my brother-in-law's 91-year-old grandma is on Facebook. Now that's mainstream. When anything grows that large, that quickly, backlash is all but inevitable. But "backlash" seems like a mild term to apply to the very vocal and growing complaints that Facebook plays fast and loose with its members' privacy. In his column titled "Facebook: Privacy Enemy Number One?" PCMag's reviews editor Dan Costa noted in April that "the simple fact that gets lost in the rush towards ubiquitous social connectivity is that Facebook users still don't know what they are sharing, with whom, or why it matters. In short: Facebook remains a privacy minefield. And just yesterday, lead software and Web services analyst Michael Muchmore reported in his story, ...

The 7 Universal Laws of Social Marketing Success & Profit

Do you know how to use Social Media & Social Marketing for success in your business? You will when you read and use these 7 Universal Laws. There are lots of differing opinions about how to be successful with Social Media and Social Marketing, and whether it is worth it at all. To that end, here are the 7 Universal Laws for Social Marketing Success & Profit. The Law of Relationship – This Social Media thing is all based on relationship. Gone are the days when you could just throw up a website, get some traffic and make sales, all while hiding behind your computer. If those days were ever really here at all…Social marketing is based on the relationship you have with your followers, prospects and customers.

Facebook battles for even more of your personal info with new 'like' tool

Can Facebook get any bigger? The F8 developer event on Wednesday will reveal a Facebook 'like' button that will expand the existing sharing options between Facebook and the rest of the web, reports the New York Times . The existing share button will add a favourite link to a user's profile, but the new 'like' feature makes that much more substantial, allowing publishers to offer a wider range of social sharing tools and giving Facebook more data and what is being shared and who by. Photo by recursion_see_recursion on Flickr. Some rights reserved In return, publishers get access to some of that information to contextualise information on that page - so rather than listing the most read articles on its site, the like feature could show which articles the reader's friends had recommended.

Facebook May Share User Data With External Sites Automatically

Imagine visiting a website and finding that it already knows who you are, where you live, how old you are and who your Facebook friends are, without your ever having given it permission to access that information. If you're logged in to Facebook and visit some as yet unnamed "pre-approved" sites around the web, those sites may soon have default access to data about your Facebook account and friends, the company announced today . Barry Schnitt, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications and Public Policy at Facebook, told us in an email that "the right way to think about this is not like a new experience but as making the [Facebook] Connect experience even better and more seamless." There will be new user controls made available, but this is a new experience: this makes Facebook Connect opt-out instead of opt-in. The proposed change was first written about by Jason Kincaid on TechCrunch, who called it Facebook's Plan To Automatically Share Your D...

Islamic Court in Nigeria Bans Twitter for Debating on Amputation

An Islamic court in Nigeria has banned the use of Twitter and Facebook websites for conducting debates on the use of amputations as a form of punishment. The court, in the northern city of Kaduna, backed a case brought by a pro-Sharia group arguing that a rights group was hosting debates on social networking sites, which would mock the Sharia system. The Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria has said that it would appeal against the ruling, BBC reports. Sharia judges can order amputations of limbs for petty crimes in some states. The courts mostly deal with domestic issues such as marriage and divorce.

Perang Hak Asasi Manusia Meningkat di Internet

Amerika Serikat mengatakan perang hak asasi manusia sedang meningkat di Internet seperti China, Iran dan negara lainnya yang mencoba memblokir akses para politikus dan lainnya pada Kamis. Kementerian luar negeri menyoroti bagaimana Internet menjadi ajang tempur antara pendukung dan lawan atas hak-hak dasar seperti kebebasan berekspresi dan berpendapat sebagaimana dalam laporan pelecehan hak asasi manusia di seluruh dunia pada 2009. \"Ini tahun dimana orang mendapatkan akses yang besar dari pada sebelumnya untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih banyak akan hak asasi manusia melalui Internet, telepon genggam, dan alat penghubung teknologi lainnya,\" katanya dikutip AFP. \"Di waktu bersamaan tahun ini juga dimana pemerintah menghabiskan banyak waktu, uang dan perhatian membuat undang-undang dan cara-cara teknis untuk membatasi kebebasan berekspresi di Internet dan arus kritik informasi,\" tuturnya.

Twitter’s Answer To Facebook Connect

Twitter is preparing to launch a new set of tools that will let third party websites easily integrate Twitter features directly into their web sites and services, multiple sources have confirmed. In a nutshell, this is their response to the massively popular Facebook Connect. Facebook Connect was first announced in May 2008 ( Google and MySpace announced similar projects at the same time). Facebook Connect became generally available later in 2008, and it hasn’t looked back since. Today, Facebook says 80,000 websites have added Facebook Connect, and 60 million Facebook users engage with Facebook connect on these third party websites each month. For many sites, like our own CrunchBase , it’s the only way to create an account and log in.