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Haisobat, Situs Belajar Interaktif untuk Anak

PT Telkomsel baru saja menghadirkan website belajar interaktif terbaru bertajuk yang merupakan media komunikasi berbasis Web untuk para pelajar dan anak muda. Di dalam website tersebut, Telkomsel menyediakan menu yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh anak muda untuk menambah wawasan maupun pengetahuan akademik. "Website ini dibuat untuk memberi ruang bagi para siswa maupun guru untuk saling bertukar informasi tentang aktivitas masing-masing sekolah yang tergabung di Telkomsel School Community," kata Venusiana Papasi, Vice President Area Jabodatebek Jabar Telkomsel, di Jakarta, Sabtu 29 Januari 2011. Di sisi konten akademik, sementara ini menyediakan menu pembelajaran matematika yang meliputi Aljabar dan Trigonometri, yang mana keduanya dijabarkan dengan metode yang sangat sederhana dan menarik.

What if Facebook Goes Search While Google Struggles to Go Social?

Facebook and Google don't much acknowledge that they're direct competitors, though there's no question that in many ways they are. Eric Schmidt recently said Bing was it's main competitor , and Mark Zuckerberg said its new messaging system isn't an email killer and that "Gmail is a really good product." It's true that Bing poses a significant threat to Google's search market share if Microsoft's stars align the right way (Windows Phone is a huge success, people search from within Facebook more, etc.), but it is Facebook that is practically omnipresent throughout the majority of the web. You'd be hard pressed to find many authoritative sites that don't have some kind of Facebook integration, even if it's just "like" buttons. It is all of these many, many integrations together that make Facebook a very dangerous opponent to Google.  More to Google Than Search First off, it's worth noting that Google has its tenta...

Opera to Add Powerful Features in the Upcoming Version

Image via CrunchBase The Web Browser company Opera announced some of the interesting features before the release of the upcoming version, Opera 11 Alpha at its recently held conference in Oslo. The key feature of the new version is the the ability to customize the application. Opera 11 will support extensions, apart from the widgets that the current version already supports. Firefox and Chrome already allows users to add their extensions. Opera 11 will allow several extensions with its new browser. You may come across a new new terminology while browsing the web and then you can search the Wikipedia extension for that. If you like to know how many people read the article that you are currently reading, you can use Reddit extension. Similarly, there are other extensions for Facebook , YouTube etc.

FBI access to e-mail and Web records raises fears

Invasion of privacy in the Internet age. Expanding the reach of law enforcement to snoop on e-mail traffic or on Web surfing. Those are among the criticisms being aimed at the FBI as it tries to update a key surveillance law. With its proposed amendment, is the Obama administration merely clarifying a statute or expanding it? Only time and a suddenly on guard Congress will tell. Federal law requires communications providers to produce records in counterintelligence investigations to the FBI, which doesn't need a judge's approval and court order to get them. They can be obtained merely with the signature of a special agent in charge of any FBI field office and there is no need even for a suspicion of wrongdoing, merely that the records would be relevant in a counterintelligence or counterterrorism investigation. The person whose records the government wants doesn't even need to be a suspect. The bureau's use of these so-called national security letters to gather ...

Google Web History is a Personal Choice

One item I find amusing is how the same product can be loved and hated by people. Perhaps, this is truer when the product is free such as Google’s Web History. Web history is a nice and useful feature, but it may not be for everyone. If not, we include instructions to erase your Google history . When I mention Google web history to people, they think of web cookies and the items they typed in the search box. Many people are comfortable with their browser storing this information. If not, they delete their browser cookies and cache . However, Google can capture a lot more than those info nuggets. In fact, they can use that data to refine your future search results. This is all part of Google’s effort to deliver personalized search. To start, Google web history is only available for people who have a Google account. Some common properties that require an account include Gmail, Google Reader, and Google Analytics to name a few. Other Google services such as their search engine or Goo...

Hacker Perusak Ribuan Situs Ditangkap

Pakistan telah melacak kelompok hacker besar dan memenjarakan 5 tersangka yang terlibat dalam merusak ribuan situs web domestik dan internasional dan penipuan online. “Hacker yang dikenal secara internasional telah ditangkap dalam operasi bersama negara-negara lain selama beberapa minggu ini,” kata staf senior Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Mian Idrees. “Kami telah menggali hacker terkenal Grup Pakbugs dan menangkap 5 anggota grup ini,” katanya. Pihak berwenang menyita komputer dan perlengkapan lain yang terlibat dalam berbagai macam kriminal cyber, katanya. FIA mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan, grup ini terlibat dalam pembajakan atau perusakan ribuan situs web milik pemerintah, non-pemerintah dan organisasi internasional. “Mereka juga terlibat dalam penipuan kartu kredit dan penggunaan kartu kredit yang dicuri,” katanya. Pembuat Pakbugs, Jawad Ehsan alias Humza dipercaya berbasis di Arab Saudi, katanya. Tapi pendiri Hassan Khan telah ditangkap di barat laut Peshawa...

Bar codes get around town and get more useful

It used to be that the only time you'd notice a bar code was at a store, maybe when a cashier scanned your groceries. But lately bar codes are showing up in more places around town — and getting more sophisticated. You might have seen one cousin of the traditional bar code: Known as a QR code, this jumble of little squares randomly arranged within a larger square is popping up on everything from bus stop billboards to restaurant windows. If you spot one and snap it with your cell phone camera, the device can show you a website, photo or video related to the advertiser. For example, Google Inc. is giving businesses stickers with QR codes that passers-by can scan. That brings up a link to a mobile version of a Google page where the business can post coupons and information about themselves. Soon the codes could lead to other avenues for connecting with customers in ways businesses can measure and control. That could help them target advertisements to the people who are most likel...

Facebook Privacy Complaint: A Complete Breakdown

The Electronic Privacy Information Center and 14 other consumer protection groups lodged a formal complaint against Facebook with the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday. The groups take issue with Facebook's privacy policies and accuse the site of unfair and deceptive trade practices that " violate user expectations, diminish user privacy, and contradict Facebook's own representations ." At issue are Facebook's Instant Personalization feature; the inability of Facebook users to make the 'Likes and Interests' section of their profile private; and the fact that Facebook discloses user profile information in certain ways even if a user has elected to keep that information private. The complaint asks the FTC to order Facebook to "restore privacy settings that were previously available...give users meaningful control over personal information, and seek other appropriate injunctive and compensatory relief." Here's a quick lo...

Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

After some reflection, I've decided to delete my account on Facebook. I'd like to encourage you to do the same. This is part altruism and part selfish. The altruism part is that I think Facebook, as a company, is unethical. The selfish part is that I'd like my own social network to migrate away from Facebook so that I'm not missing anything. In any event, here's my "Top Ten" reasons for why you should join me and many others and delete your account. 10. Facebook's Terms Of Service are completely one-sided Let's start with the basics. Facebook's Terms Of Service state that not only do they own your data (section 2.1), but if you don't keep it up to date and accurate (section 4.6), they can terminate your account (section 14). You could argue that the terms are just protecting Facebook's interests, and are not in practice enforced, but in the context of their other activities, this defense is pretty weak. As you'll see, there'...

Inilah Tiga Operator Telekomunikasi Peringkat 10 Teratas

Edelman dan Brandtology meluncurkan edisi ke-tiga dari triwulan Digital Brand Indeks (DBI 10.2) Indonesia. Berdasarkan data dari Januari-Maret 2010, DBI mendapati pertumbuhan signifikan diskusi online untuk operator-operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Tiga operator telekomunikasi Indonesia, Indosat, Telkomsel, dan Excelcomindo, terus berada di peringkat 10 teratas yang paling banyak dibicarakan untuk brand-brand teknologi di saluran-saluran yang disurvei dari Januari sampai Maret 2010. Indosat mendapatkan 102 persen peningkatan dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 11,610 kali, Telkomsel mendapatkan 137 persen peningkatan dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 8,851 kali, dan Excelcomindo mendapatkan peningkatan 204 persen dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 8,212 kali. Microblogs dan forum web memberikan kontribusi mayoritas penyebutan untuk Indosat dan Excelcomindo (lebih dari 90 persen), sementara untuk Telkomsel, situs berita memberikan kontribusi sebanyak 26,4 persen penyebutan.

Facebook Ties With Microsoft

Popular social networking site Facebook which has several millions of users all over the world has recently tied up with Redmond based software Behemoth Microsoft. The move may benefit both the companies. Facebook will be able to attract more users who are interested in using online applications. Similarly, Microsoft will be able to lock horns with arch rival Google whose Google docs are becoming increasingly popular with the web users with time. As per the deal, the users of Facebook will be able to make online documents using the online edition of Microsoft's latest office productivity suite, Office 2010. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook revealed the Facebook for Docs application in San Francisco at F8 developer's conference. The application still is in its beta version. Meanwhile, Microsoft has announced that is what the users will have to access for using online versions of latest office suite. The Facebook Microsoft tie up is clearly aimed to counter Goo...

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt told a group of editors Sunday that he is confident that newspapers will find new ways to make money online by harnessing the vast reach of the Internet. Media executives have accused Google of draining readers and advertising from newspapers' Web sites. But in a speech to open the annual conference of the American Society of News Editors, Schmidt said Google recognizes that newspapers are vital to democracy and provide a critical source of online content. "We understand how fundamental your mission is," he said. Schmidt predicted that the news business will find a new model, based on a combination of advertising and subscription revenue. He said Google hopes to facilitate that, but he offered no specifics.

Serious Java Flaws Unearthed

All current versions of Windows are prone to external attack due to a flaw within the Java Web Start Framework. Two security researchers made this announcement yesterday about the flaw. The flaw could lead into very simple Web attacks, to fatal attack on the system. Researchers Tavis Ormandy and Ruben Santamartamade separate statements on this. You can find Travis's one over here and Santamarta's one over here. If you send the information from the command line, Java Web Start doesn't validate it. That enables the attackers to send especially HTML tags from a Web page. All versions of Java SE 6 update 10 for Microsoft Windows are vulnerable to this attack. If you disable the plugin, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be able to avoid the attack because the toolkit can be installed independently.

FBI Using Phony Profiles on Social Networks to Track Criminals Online

The FBI and other federal agencies are going undercover on Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social networks with phony profiles to gather information and communicate with suspects, according to an internal Justice Department document. FBI agents, for example, have used Facebook to determine the whereabouts of a fugitive. Other investigators can check alibis by comparing stories a suspect tells police with their tweets sent at the same time . A civil liberties group, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, obtained the 33-page document after suing the Justice Department. It makes the document public today on its website. Specifically, the 33-page confidential document says undercover operations are helpful for communicating with suspects and targets of crime, gaining access to private information, and mapping social networks. However, the presentation expresses concern that undercover use may be complicated by the court’s decision in the trial of Lori Drew, who was acquitted o...

The Changing Face of the Web

The web has long been an important agent of commercial change, and it too is changing fast. iQ asked four “New Web” luminaries for their thoughts on how, where, why, and the likely consequences. Mickeal Remond, CEO of Enterprise Instant Messaging Provider, Process One gave us his thoughts…. “These are exciting times for the web as it sits on the averge of moving on from a basic directory to a dynamic interactive interface, connecting users worldwide. Closed business and social networks will disappear and be replaced by one social network… the web. With communication residing on the web, businesses need tools and applications that enable them to communicate and collaborate in real-time. We’re also starting to see a move away from traditional desktop software solutions to more flexible and lower cost web-based applications, with Google already offering browser-based desktop tools with its Google Apps suite and Microsoft also moving in this direction as it will (soon) be releasing Micro...

Facebook’s Insatiable Hunger for Hardware

Facebook these days is doing everything in its power to imitate Google, recruiting the search giant’s sales people, poaching its senior executives and — most importantly — using infrastructure as a competitive advantage. Like Google, Facebook has figured out that the right web infrastructure is the difference between user delight and dismay. And like Google, Facebook is finding out that it isn’t cheap. I’ve been trying to get a handle on Facebook’s infrastructure for some time, but so far have been unable to get the company to open up. The last time I reached out to them, back in January, I was hearing that they had between 1,200 and 1,500 servers, along with storage and switches from EMC Corp. and Force 10 Networks respectively. As it turns out, those server numbers weren’t even close to the total servers used by them. The company is running around 10,000 servers, according to Data Center Knowledge , citing comments made by Facebook VP of technology, Jeff Rothschild, at a re...

14 Web Koran Elektronik Besar Berbasis CMS Drupal

Drupal adalah sebuah CMS (Content Management System) Open Source yang dugunakan sebagai sarana penerbitan, mengelola dan mengatur berbagai konten pada website. Bagi penggermar dan pengguna CMS open source seperti Drupal tak perlu berkecil nyali dengan Blogger pengguna Wordpress karena dengan CMS Drupal banyak sekali yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mempublikasikan berbagai konten menarik tanpa batas seperti 14 website koran elektronik besar berbasis Drupal di seluruh dunia berikut ini:

First Dot-com Celebrates 25th Birthday

Exactly 25 years ago, on March 15 1985, computer manufacturer Symbolics, Inc registered the first .com web domain ever: By today’s design standards, and considering how web sites looked back in the late eighties and early nineties, it’s quite decent, although a bit short on content. However, its content and even the (now defunct) company that registered it are far less important than the boom it ignited: in 1997, one million .com web domains were registered, and in 2000 the dot-com bubble peaked, resulting in an inevitable meltdown.

Selecting A Web Hosting Provider – Things To Remember

Before selecting a web hosting provider is very important that you understand the different types of accommodation options you have. Each website has different needs and meet the needs of your site will help to produce a satisfactory outcome. Hosing services available to you are probably one of the following categories: Free Web Hosting Free web hosting is definitely the cheapest option. Free hosting services are best for small websites that are not intended to do much more to share some information with a small group of friends. Shared Web Hosting In case of shared web hosting your web site shares server (computer) with other web sites. If your website requires heavy resource allocation you are likely to need to look in another housing option. Reseller Web Hosting This is a less common form of acceptance, but allows clients to become web hosts. Typical examples of this can be the web design companies that host websites for their clients. Indeed, the only difference between...

3D Web Browsing

SpaceTime the 3D web browser let’s you surf the internet in 3D environment. A total internet revolution is here. That’s according to ExitReality founder Danny Stefanic, who launched his 3D web browser software at Melbourne’s Federation Square today. ExitReality purports to be for 3D internet what Google was for web searches, what You Tube was for video and what MySpace and Facebook were for social networking. Available for free at as a four megabyte download, ExitReality operates as a plug-in for existing web browsers. The developers say it was designed with the average computer in mind.