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How to Close or Archive Twitter Account of A Deceased Member Under New User Policy

Image via CrunchBase Twitter made news after the announcement of its official Tweet Button, But the microblogging ace also addressed one of the lesser discussed issues relating to ownership of user account of the ones who have expired. Those concerned about such an account needs to produce relevant information about the account owner for Twitter to take a justified action. The concerned party sends information via email or snail mail. After verifying the information Twitter either removes the account of the descended person entirely or provides archive of all that user's tweets so that the family members might access them offline. However, Twitter has introduced a new policy that every Twitter user needs to know. In case you have a family member or close-one on Twitter who has descended, here's what you need to do .

Is the Death of Facebook Imminent?

Recently, there is attack on Facebook from different angle. There are security concerns and there are unhappy blog posts that talks about Facebook's lack of interest in giving explanations for its complicated and constantly changing security policies. There is so much panic all over that it looks like that people are going to fund in an attempt to build another social media site. Although, Facebook is on the news for different wrong reasons, anti Facebook lobby is not strong enough to venture out for an alternative social media site because of lack of competitiveness. Say, for example, Orkut, despite of their best effort, could not establish their base in a significant way worldwide. The other communities do not have the strong potential to project themselves as a threat to Facebook. However, it is quite difficult to take over Facebook for the following reasons:

Facebook is not your friend

There is a wonderful graphic on the New York Times site showing how Facebook's privacy statement has got larger and larger to cover the growing holes in its privacy policy. The mapping isn't perfect: if it were, the declaration of Facebook's dedication to privacy would have to be of almost infinite size, since the default amount of privacy Facebook now offers is practically zero. When the site first started, very few people could join, and nothing became public, even to them, without the users' express permission. Now everyone can join and everything is public to almost all of them unless you make a determined effort to hide it. This effort has to be renewed every six months or so when Facebook revises its privacy policy to make it more opaque and less effective. There is a wonderfully graphic animation of the process at this site. If you decide it isn't worth it, Facebook turns out to be very difficult to leave. It is very easy to "deactivate" your acco...

Microsoft dan Facebook Dituduh Sebabkan Global Warming

Greenpeace telah menuduh Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google dan sejumlah perusahaan teknologi lainnya atas kontribusi meningkatnya pemanasan global (global warming). Menurut report dari Greenpeace, yang berjudul "Make IT Green: Cloud Computing and its Contribution to Climate Change", mengingatkan bahwa pusat data dari komputasi cloud, termasuk Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, dan sebagainya dalam bagian yang besar dapat menghabiskan bahan bakar batubara sehingga menyebabkan global warming. Greenpeace menuduh bahwa perusahaan teknologi tersebut tidak membuat pusat data yang menggunakan energy alternative, atau membuat perubahan policy. Sebelumnya, Greenpeace juga mengkritik Facebook atas pembelian listrik untuk data center yang menggunakan lebih banyak bahan batubara daripada sebelumnya. Greenpeace kemudian membentuk grup di Facebook untuk menghentikan penggunaan batubara secara berlebihan. Pernyataan tersebut juga diakui oleh Facebook, namun Facebook mengatakan menggunak...

Facebook May Share User Data With External Sites Automatically

Imagine visiting a website and finding that it already knows who you are, where you live, how old you are and who your Facebook friends are, without your ever having given it permission to access that information. If you're logged in to Facebook and visit some as yet unnamed "pre-approved" sites around the web, those sites may soon have default access to data about your Facebook account and friends, the company announced today . Barry Schnitt, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications and Public Policy at Facebook, told us in an email that "the right way to think about this is not like a new experience but as making the [Facebook] Connect experience even better and more seamless." There will be new user controls made available, but this is a new experience: this makes Facebook Connect opt-out instead of opt-in. The proposed change was first written about by Jason Kincaid on TechCrunch, who called it Facebook's Plan To Automatically Share Your D...

General Election Campaign Begins on Facebook

Social networking site Facebook has launched a new campaign to encourage its 23 million UK users to engage with the forthcoming election campaign. Democracy UK will ask questions and then aggregate opinion and debate. There will be regular polls and on election day itself, the site will also encourage users to sign up to a badge declaring that they have voted.

Google Makes Facebook Pages a Higher Priority for Businesses

Google announced via Twitter this week, that public status updates from Facebook are now included in the search engine's real-time search feature. That means the largest social network in the world is getting play in Google's real-time search alongside Twitter, MySpace, and others, and these real-time results are often featured prominently on the first page of search results for the hottest queries. Apparently only updates from Facebook PAGES are indexed, and according to Danny Sullivan , that includes links, status updates, photos, videos shared by page owners (not comments made by the fans).  Any Facebook update (from regular user profiles) can be shared publicly, so I wonder why these aren't being pulled. Results from Twitter and other places aren't only from branded sources.