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Awal 2011, ASUS Keluarkan 4 Tablet

Kalau ditanya apa yang bakal menjadi tren komputasi pada 2011,salah satu jawabannya adalah komputer tablet.Kini banyak produsen yang beramai-ramai memproduksinya setelah keberhasilan iPad yang diikuti Samsung Galaxy Tab. Pabrikan yang ikut mencoba peruntungan adalah Asus.Tak tanggung- tanggung,mereka mengumumkan empat komputer tablet yang dirancang untuk beragam jenis pengguna dan aplikasi,yakni Eee Pad Slider,Eee Pad Transformer, Eee Pad Memo,dan Eee Slate EP121. Tipe-tipe tersebut tersedia dalam tiga ukuran layar dan pilihan sistem operasi Windows® 7 Home Premium atau Google Android®. Menjatuhkan pilihan kepada produk tablet apa sangatlah penting supaya pengguna tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.Untuk tablet, kriteria yang menjadi dasar pemilihan di antaranya,perangkat dapat memberikan pengalaman full multimedia dengan dukungan video HD,opsi konektivitas yang beragam,bahkan bermain game juga kompatibilitas media beragam dengan standar, seperti Adobe Flash . Bahasa sederhananya, se...

Apple's iPad war on Adobe and Flash

Last week's announcement by Apple that the UK launch of the iPad will be delayed by a month was the headline news for consumers, but for geeks a more significant development came on Thursday with some changes in the 21,000-word "agreement" that you have to sign if you are going to develop applications for Apple's iDevices. Section 3.3.1 of the document stipulates that "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++ and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the documented APIs (eg, applications that link to documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited)." Incomprehensible, eh? An API is an application programming interface – ie the protocol that programmers must follow if their software is to work with the iDevice. The really interesting clause, though, is the one enclosed in brackets. T...

Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit’

After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town Hall at One Infinite Loop, making himself available for questions from employees bold enough to stand up and take one right between the eyes.