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Google Apps Gives Customers the Option to Defer Feature Updates

Google announced today a new process for Google Apps feature releases. Administrators will now be able to choose between a "Rapid Release" option that pushes new features to users automatically, or a "Scheduled Release" option that gives admins more control over when new features are pushed out. This is an important step forward for Google Apps as it expands into the enterprise. Google Communications Manager Jessica Kositz says, "We expect many SMBs to choose rapid release, and scheduled release to appeal to our larger customers with more complex IT environments." Enterprise admins might not want new features popping up unexpectedly, so giving them more control over how changes are rolled out makes sense. To this end, Google is launching a site called What's New to inform Apps customers of forthcoming features. Admins will be able to use it to decide which new features to deploy and when, giving them the chance to test n...

Google Algorithm Update Casualties Speak

Image via Wikipedia Last week,  Google launched a major update to its algorithm , which was positioned as one that would go after content farms. While some sites that are often attached to that label were in fact hurt by the update, some other sites that aren’t generally considered content farms became casualties as well.  Was your site impacted by Google’s algorithm update? For better or worse?   Let us know .  Now, it’s important to note that Google did not come out and use the phrase “content farm” when it announced the update, but the company used language similar to what it has used in the past when talking about content farms. In a nutshell, the algorithm was supposed to be aimed at reducing rankings for lower quality content. Those who found their rankings impacted negatively are not thrilled with having their content deemed as such, and some of the sites that were apparently devalued, do raise some eyebrows. Take, for example, Cult of Mac. This is a tec...

Google Chrome 8 ’s Secretive Launch

It is highly very likely that Google will ever release anything without any of the speculations. Google has released a much awaited update to Chrome without making any noise. This now brings us to the new version of Chrome as we know it or Chrome 8. The version is ready for download as you read the article. Google has been very secretive about the updates in recent times. But this time they sort of out did themselves in this regard , they did not even make a blog post. The update just appeared in the site. Google Chrome 7 was reviewed favorably unanimously. It had better graphics and was a significant update. What Google Chrome 8 does so well is to build on the foundation laid down by the predecessor. The focus is to polish the browser and to enhance the security features. Some of the worthwhile and notable feature of this release are. The in-built PDF reader. Over 800 bugs from the earlier version done away with. Many security fixes are built in. The browser now supports an app ...

Hands On With the New Google Image Search

Image search now features over 1,000 images per page./ Google recently revamped its image search engine to make finding the images you're looking for quicker and easier than ever. The redesigned interface lets you scroll through 1,000 images at once (with larger image previews), and eliminates text on the image search results so you can just focus on the visuals. Previously when you did an image search, you'd see multiple pages of thumbnails with text showing the file name, dimensions, and a description associated with the image. Now you'll only see a mosaic of tightly packed image results with larger thumbnails and no text. Hovering over an image result will blow up the image, reveal the hidden metadata (for some images), and show a link to search for similar images. Although you're viewing far more images on one page, it's actually easier and faster to look through them all because of Google's "Instant scrolling" function. S...

Twitter dan FIFA Bikin Halaman Khusus Piala Dunia

TWITTER JAKARTA, - Demam Piala Dunia 2010 diperkirakan bakal memuncak mulai Jumat (11/6/2010) malam nanti begitu ajang kompetisi sepakbola terakbar ini dibuka. Twitter pun telah mengantisipasi euforia pengguna layanan mikroblogingnya selama Piala Dunia 2010 nanti dengan mempersiapkan halaman khusus bersama FIFA.

May 31 Is 'Quit Facebook Day'. Are You In?

Let's face it: Facebook hit critical mass and the mainstream a while ago. According to the site itself, there are over 400 million active users, and 50 percent of them visit on any given day. Even my brother-in-law's 91-year-old grandma is on Facebook. Now that's mainstream. When anything grows that large, that quickly, backlash is all but inevitable. But "backlash" seems like a mild term to apply to the very vocal and growing complaints that Facebook plays fast and loose with its members' privacy. In his column titled "Facebook: Privacy Enemy Number One?" PCMag's reviews editor Dan Costa noted in April that "the simple fact that gets lost in the rush towards ubiquitous social connectivity is that Facebook users still don't know what they are sharing, with whom, or why it matters. In short: Facebook remains a privacy minefield. And just yesterday, lead software and Web services analyst Michael Muchmore reported in his story, ...

Facebook's Privacy Fixes Can't Cure Stupid

Facebook deserves plenty of blame for messing too much with its privacy settings, but no amount of fixing will stop people from embarrassing themselves on the Internet. An interesting thing happened in the time since Facebook's privacy fiasco began: The debate moved away from the most recent changes to Facebook's privacy -- allowing select Web sites to automatically tell your Facebook friends what you've been doing on those sites -- and now focuses on changes that are almost six months old . Suddenly, it seems, users are upset that Facebook wants status updates and friends lists shared with the world. By default, new Facebook users' profiles are set to "everyone," making life on the Internet an open book. Enter, well, Openbook , the site that exposes just how much people expose on Facebook. PCWorld has covered this site before , making note of the too-much-information that (I hope) users think was kept private. NPR played a different trick...

Is the Death of Facebook Imminent?

Recently, there is attack on Facebook from different angle. There are security concerns and there are unhappy blog posts that talks about Facebook's lack of interest in giving explanations for its complicated and constantly changing security policies. There is so much panic all over that it looks like that people are going to fund in an attempt to build another social media site. Although, Facebook is on the news for different wrong reasons, anti Facebook lobby is not strong enough to venture out for an alternative social media site because of lack of competitiveness. Say, for example, Orkut, despite of their best effort, could not establish their base in a significant way worldwide. The other communities do not have the strong potential to project themselves as a threat to Facebook. However, it is quite difficult to take over Facebook for the following reasons:

Twitter Hack Lets You Force People To Follow You

Gizmodo stumbled onto an amazing hole in Twitter that allowed you to have anyone you want following you. It looks like Twitter has shut this down after word of the hole spread across...Twitter. Here's how it worked. Log in to Twitter. Type "accept 'username'" Hit "Tweet" In "username" put in who you want. We went with Conan O'Brien because he said over the weekend, " If it ever says I’m following more than one person, I’ve been hacked. I’m a completely monogamous Twitterer—I only follow Sarah Killen." And Boom! It worked for us. Apparently it also worked for 379 other people! Conan is following 380 people now. While we were writing this post it seems Twitter closed the hole. As a result of what Twitter is doing, it knocked the number of followers and following to 0 for all users. You still get the Tweets from people that are following you though.

Dua Alasan Mengapa Sri Mulyani Patut Dicekal

Kritik terus mengalir atas rencana Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani meninggalkan Indonesia dan bekerja di Amerika Serikat sebagai Managing Director World Bank Group. Sejumlah aktivis yang tergabung dalam Petisi 28 meminta agar lembaga yang berwenang segera menjatuhkan keputusan cegah dan tangkal alias cekal terhadap Sri Mulyani. Menurut mereka tindakan cekal ini penting diberikan bukan saja karena Sri Mulyani patut diduga terlibat dalam kejahatan terencana pengucuran dana talangan untuk Bank Century, tetapi juga karena berbagai kebijakan yang dilakukan Sri Mulyani selama ini menguntungkan pihak luar. "Sri Mulyani adalah salah satu operator andal IMF (International Monetary Fund) dan Bank Dunia. Kebijakan ekonomi yang dibuat Sri Mulyani selalu menguntungkan jaringan perusahaan multi-nasional yang merupakan stake-holder IMF dan Bank Dunia," ujar Adhie Massardi, salah seorang pentolan Petisi 28. Atas kepatuhan buta Sri Mulyani selama ini, lembaga-lembaga keuangan internasional...

Out Of Band Internet Explorer Security Update

Microsoft’s Security Response team just announced that they will be publishing an out of band cumulative update for Internet Explorer due to a publicly disclosed security vulnerability that is affecting Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. The team notes that Internet Explorer 8 installations are not affected by the security vulnerability and that the security update will be released on March 30 at approximately 10:00 a.m. PDT. The update for Internet Explorer will be provided through Windows Updates or from the usual Microsoft sites where updates can be downloaded manually. The reason for the out of band update is Microsoft’s monitoring of the vulnerability which seemed to have uncovered an increased exploitation of the security vulnerability. The update for Internet Explorer is cumulative as it contains nine additional vulnerability fixes that all were supposed to be released on Microsoft’s monthly patch Tuesday on April 13.

Facebook Kicks Off Implementation of QR Codes

I can’t see this on my own Facebook profile yet, but we’ve gotten a number of tips in our inbox in the past 10 minutes so it’s safe to assume it’s not a hoax or anything: Facebook appears to have started enabling users to generate custom two-dimensional QR codes .

Ibnu Rachal Farhansyah Kemakan Status Facebook

sumber :

Reuters Tells Journos: Don’t Break News on Twitter! Rate This Quantcast

Reuters is in a bit of a bind. To protect its bread-and-butter wire service, it’s telling its journalists not to “scoop the wire” by breaking news stories on Twitter. According to the latest guidelines issued to staff: As with blogging within Reuters News, you should make sure that if you have hard news content that it is broken first via the wire. Don’t scoop the wire. NB this does not apply if you are ‘retweeting’ (re-publishing) someone else’s scoop. “Scooping the wire” must have been a difficult discussion internally. Just a year ago, Dean Wright, the agency’s global editor for ethics and innovation (interesting to see that Reuters has paired ethics and innovation in the same position) wrote in a blog:

Foto: Penembakan Teroris di Leupung, Aceh Besar

Dua mayat yang diduga teroris tergeletak di pinggir jalan setelah ditembak aparat kepolisian di depan Polsek Leupung, Aceh Besar, Jumat (12/3). Mereka melarikan diri dan menembak polisi saat mobil L-300 yang ditumpangi menuju Calang dihentikan.

Police Kill 2 Suspected Militants in Western Indonesia, 6 Arrested

Police hunting Islamist militants in western Indonesia killed two suspects and arrested six others at a security checkpoint Friday, an official said. One of the masterminds of the 2002 Bali bombings, Dulmatin, was shot dead near Jakarta on Tuesday. The operation was part of a monthlong series of raids that has highlighted the resilience of Southeast Asian militant networks as well as the continued pressure being applied on them by Indonesian anti-terror police. The crackdown began after police raided a militant camp in a remote corner of Aceh province. The Bali bombings and several others against Western targets in Indonesia since then were carried out by Jemaah Islamiyah or associated groups. Those targeted in the recent raids are believed linked to that network, which at its height in early 2000 had contacts with al-Qaida and cells across Southeast Asia.

10 Guidelines of Using Google Buzz for Business

Since Google Buzz was enabled on Gmail accounts last month, I’ve observed quite a bit, and experimented a little on my own, and have been seeking feedback about what Marketers think about Google Buzz .  Thanks to those of you who took time to either comment here, or respond on Twitter or Buzz.  Thinking further last week I did my best to create an illustration of where Google Buzz fits in (graphic designers be forewarned with my web communications, I ran across an interesting Buzz Stream exposing a plagiarist and this week looked at an SEO Consideration of Google Buzz vs. Twitter . This post will round out Buzz talk for a while here as I share a 10 Guidelines of using Google’s latest social service. I think there is potential with Buzz, and it needs to be a part of your social marketing plan, finding the balance can be tricky.  Here are some things I’m considering to make the most of Buzz for marketing purposes.

Toby Young Feels The Bite As Twitter Users Attack

The attack dogs of Twitter are on the rampage once again, and this time they have Daily Telegraph columnist Toby Young in their sights. He has been savaged by users of the social networking site for a third time in two weeks for having the temerity to write an article in the Spectator in which he takes umbrage at his previous 'flamings' (orchestrated attacks by users). Young's initial crime was to write a piece for the Telegraph after the death of Alexander McQueen in which he questioned the fashion designer's "genius", given how flippantly the word is used in fashion circles, and talked about the "cult of personality" that had grown up around McQueen., The New Facebook for Burglars

A new satirical website,, is making the point that it might not be the best idea to tell the world, via the internet, every time your home is left empty. The site is jokingly aimed at the web-savvy burglar, with its mission statement: “Listing all those empty homes out there”. But anybody who makes the list has only themselves to blame: it is drawn entirely from Twitter and Facebook updates posted by users of Foursquare is a social network that makes use of the GPS technology many people now carry in their mobile phones. When users are out and about, and arrive at a new location – a bar, a shop, a friend’s house - they ‘check in’ with Foursquare, which publishes their exact location with a short message. The site can be configured to put the same message out via users’ Facebook and Twitter feeds. The point of Foursquare, which only works in certain cities, is to connect with other users visiting the same places as you – and to build up ‘points’ by vi...

Google Makes Facebook Pages a Higher Priority for Businesses

Google announced via Twitter this week, that public status updates from Facebook are now included in the search engine's real-time search feature. That means the largest social network in the world is getting play in Google's real-time search alongside Twitter, MySpace, and others, and these real-time results are often featured prominently on the first page of search results for the hottest queries. Apparently only updates from Facebook PAGES are indexed, and according to Danny Sullivan , that includes links, status updates, photos, videos shared by page owners (not comments made by the fans).  Any Facebook update (from regular user profiles) can be shared publicly, so I wonder why these aren't being pulled. Results from Twitter and other places aren't only from branded sources.