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A Software Bug May Kill You

  In 1991, during the Gulf war , American Patriot missile was deployed to combat Iraqi scud missile. In one of the incident, Patriot missile missed the Scud and that resulted the death of 28 American soldiers and 100 others got injured. There was an arithmetic error during calculation which resulted inaccurate calculation since Boot.

Hawaii Searching for Internet Answers with Google

Stuck in the Internet slow lane, Hawaii and its sluggish network are hoping Google will ride to the rescue. Through online petitions, a Facebook fan page and a YouTube video by the governor, Hawaii wants to persuade Google to choose the islands for one of its experimental fiber-optic networks, which could bring Internet speeds 100 times faster than those currently available to most Americans. The search engine giant is launching the experiment to test new ways to build fiber networks and to demonstrate the power of quick Internet to phone and cable companies. It invited all comers to say how they might benefit, and hundreds of communities from across the country have submitted bids arguing that they're the best location for the experiment. Hawaii's efforts may be a tough sell. The state's surfing speeds are among the slowest in the country, and legislative efforts to improve speeds haven't borne fruit. And the isolation of being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ...

Google China Redirects to, Impact and Consequences

Yesterday I have informed you about the Chinese government's stand point regarding Google. Google was asked either to maintain Chinese laws and regulations, or retreat. Some Chinese media even went on accusing Google of being linked to US intelligence agencies. Today Google has taken a massive step towards closing its business in China. It has shut down it's Chinese search site at and redirecting visitors to (Google Hong Kong) It is still unknown whether Google will still be operating in China with its R&D office and sales office. Loads of complains are reported from both the Chinese and American users, unhappy with the change being made. There are people in China, who want to access Google, but are also redirected to Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing access to

Anti American North Korean Propaganda