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How To Use Facebook As Your Instant Messenger With AIM

Years ago many people used AIM ( AOL Instant Messenger ) as their primary means of instant messaging, but it fell out of favor with the masses with the advent of social networking , namely, Facebook . Today you can use a traditional instant messenger just like people used to, using the same client, AIM. The first reaction people have to this is "I don’t want everyone on my Facebook friend list having the ability to IM me." That’s not a problem because you can specify exactly who can IM you by way of Facebook Friend Lists. Once done, the AIM client will automatically recognize these groups and you’re good to go. Step 1. Set up your Facebook Friend Lists When logged into Facebook, at top right click  Account  and then  Edit Friends .

Top Ten Google Voice Hacks and Tips

Just over a year ago Google had released their web based platform for communications - Google Voice. The only catch was that you need to request and receive an invitation to try it out. Now Google Voice has been opened to the public with no invitation required. It is packed with an array of cool features for sophisticated telephony.   In order to use Google Voice you need to configure your current phones to work with it. The application can be used in conjunction with the mobile phone and VoIP services. To make your work on Google Voice more interesting you might receive an invitation to try it out. 1. Try to create bookmarks/favorites or desktops shortcuts that act as the speed dials Most of the contact in Google Voice has a unique URL at the mobile version of the site. In case you click on the contact, its URL must be brought to you there and is unique to that particular contact. It is not URL which will automatically start the call, its just one click away. Click on "call...

Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user privacy . An early instant messenger exchange Mark had with a college friend won't help put these concerns to rest. According to SAI sources, the following exchange is between a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg and a friend shortly after Mark launched The Facebook in his dorm room: Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard Zuck: Just ask. Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one? Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They "trust me" Zuck: Dumb fucks. Brutal. Could Mark have been completely joking? Sure. But the exchange does reveal that Facebook's aggressive attitude toward privacy may have begun early on.

Facebook Drives 44 Percent Of Social Sharing On The Web

AOL Integrates Facebook Chat With AIM

Users of AOL's main instant-messaging service can now chat directly with friends on Facebook. AOL Inc. said Wednesday that a new version of the AIM software connects with the chat function on Facebook's Web site, letting AIM users communicate with friends who are logged on to the social network. The AIM user still needs a Facebook account, however, and it's the Facebook persona rather than AIM's that appears to the friend on Facebook. Users who download the new AIM software and link it with their Facebook profile will see their AIM buddy list include online Facebook friends in a separate section.

Kasus Kejahatan: Kecurangan Bisnis Hosting

"Hentikan iklan Adwords Ass Hole...!!!"

Tren Keamanan Internet 2010

Tahun 2009, tahun di mana berbagai ancaman di dunia maya hadir tak putus-putusnya baru saja berlalu. Akan tetapi, berlalunya tahun tersebut bukan berarti pula berakhir pula ancaman yang akan menghadang pengguna komputer. Symantec, salah satu pemain utama di bidang keamanan memberikan panduannya seputar prediksi dan tren para pelaku kriminal dunia maya di sepanjang tahun 2010 ini. Spammer Beradaptasi, Volume Spam akan Terus Berfluktuasi Sejak 2007, spam telah meningkat rata-rata sebesar 15 persen. Meskipun pertumbuhan signifikan email spam ini bisa jadi tidak akan berlangsung terus menerus dalam jangka panjang, tetapi terlihat jelas bahwa spammer belum mau menyerah selama terdapat motif ekonomi. Volume spam akan terus berfluktuasi di 2010 mendatang dan spammer terus beradaptasi terhadap software keamanan canggih, intervensi dari ISP yang bertanggungjawab, dan agen-agen pemerintahan di seluruh dunia.

Upcoming Facebook Redesign Surface

Chat With Multiple Facebook Friends Easily

The Facebook chat application is a very nice tool for communicating with friends without using any external chat software. But using facebook chat in the main interface is a problem due to multiple distractions etc. To access the chat app. from Facebook without any other information such as bulletin board, messages and all other services offered by social network, you can use a direct link to chat only to see your friends. Chat With Multiple Facebook Friends Easily By logging in to exclusively chat with multiple Facebook friends, you can communicate with the contacts in a manner similar to MSN. Please go to :