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A Software Bug May Kill You

  In 1991, during the Gulf war , American Patriot missile was deployed to combat Iraqi scud missile. In one of the incident, Patriot missile missed the Scud and that resulted the death of 28 American soldiers and 100 others got injured. There was an arithmetic error during calculation which resulted inaccurate calculation since Boot.

Bocah Korban Holocaust 'Bersuara' di Facebook

Tragedi kemanusiaan Holocaust, yakni pembantaian kaum Yahudi oleh Nazi Jeman diyakini memakan banyak korban jiwa. Seorang bocah korban tragedi itu kini 'bersuara' di Facebook. Apa yang ditulisnya? Dikutip detikINET dari Telegraph, Jumat (5/2/2010), bocah korban Holocaust tersebut bernama Henio Zytomirski. Orang-orang percaya bahwa bocah berumur enam tahun itu dan ayahnya tewas di kamp kematian awal tahun 1943. Kini untuk mengenang Henio, warga Lublin Polandia membuat sebuah akun di Facebook. Dalam akun tersebut, dipasang foto Henio yang diambil tahun 1939. Sekitar 3000 orang telah menjadi teman Facebook-nya. Dalam salah satu gambar Henio, terpampang sebuah buku berbahasa Ibrani dengan caption bahasa Polandia.

Eight Ways to Kill an Idea

When you work in the advertising and creative industry long enough you come to realize that no good deed goes unpunished. This graphical representation of how some of the best creative ideas and concepts meet their big bad wolf or iceberg made my day. See the rest of the list after the jump.

Did Twitter Argument Lead to Murder?

Jameg Blake and Kwame Dancy were neighbors in Harlem. Now Blake is being accused of murdering Dancy. And, according to the New York Daily News , tweets sent between the two will be presented as important evidence in the murder trial. The Daily News is suggesting a dispute between the two men started on Twitter and allegedly ended in Dancy being shot fatally in the neck on December 1 in Harlem.

The True Odds of Airborne Terror