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Top Ten: Game HTML5 Langsung Bisa Dimainkan

HTML5 memang masih terbilang baru dalam bahasa markah situs web. Hingga kini HTML5 masih terus dikembangkan, namun HTML5 dengan cepat mengalami peningkatan dari sisi grafis maupun animasi. HTML5 juga dimanfaatkan para pengembang untuk menciptakan game yang dimainkan melalui  browser  terkini. Tak perlu meng-install aplikasi, pengguna hanya butuh terkoneksi dengan internet dan sudah memiliki  browser , seperti Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, atau Internet Explorer, versi terbaru. Selain di komputer desktop dan laptop, game HTML5 juga bisa dimainkan melalui perangkat  mobile  yakni  smartphone  dan tablet.

Yahoo's site mirrors Facebook in latest facelift

Yahoo Inc.'s latest facelift will include a Facebook touchup. As part of changes rolling out this week, Yahoo will import personal updates from Facebook's social network for users who want a bridge between two of the world's most popular websites. The Facebook link will need to be turned on by each Yahoo user. The personal updates, known as a "news feed" in Facebook's parlance, will be available throughout Yahoo's website, including its front page and e-mail service. Other tools will empower people to automatically let their Facebook friends know what they are doing and saying on Yahoo services such as its photo-sharing site, Flickr. The additional tie-ins follow through on a makeover that Yahoo announced late last year in an effort to make its website more compelling.

Hi5 Social Network Gets Game

Hi5 is getting in touch with its inner gamer. After a multiyear struggle to keep users from defecting to rivals, the social network is reinventing itself as a social gaming and entertainment site. Founded in 2003, hi5 will keep letting users interact with friends and family. It will also place greater emphasis on such games as pool, bingo, and Demolition City, which involves blowing up buildings around the world. Many of the pastimes include purchasing so-called virtual goods, in-game products that help a player accomplish tasks and graduate to higher levels.

Pic: Sejarah Konsel

(klik kanan view image untuk lebih jelas)

Symbian Jadi 100% Open Source

Platform perangkat genggam yang digawangi Nokia, Symbian, siap mengusung model open source seluruhnya. Dengan demikian, para vendor bakal lebih bebas berkreasi membuat perangkat besutannya.. Platform Symbian 3, termasuk di antaranya aplikasi, middleware dan sistem kernelnya, akan ditawarkan di bawah lisensi Eclipse Public dan lisensi open source lainnya. "Anda bisa mengunduh dan memodifikasinya," ujar Larry Berkin, Head of Global Alliances Symbian Foundation, dikutip detikINET dari Info World, Jumat (5/2/2010).

Penggunaan Internet Berlebihan Memicu Depresi

Sebuah peringatan bagi para pecandu internet. Orang yang menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk berselancar di internet, ternyata lebih cenderung menunjukkan tanda-tanda depresi. Tetapi masih belum jelas, apakah penggunaan internet menyebabkan depresi atau penderita depresi yang cenderung tertarik dengan internet. Ini adalah hasil penelitian yang dilakukan psikolog dari Universitas Leeds, London. Ilmuwan universitas tersebut baru-baru ini menemukan sebuah bukti "mengejutkan" bahwa beberapa pengguna yang keranjingan internet mengembangkan sebuah kebiasaan kompulsif, yakni menggantikan interaksi sosial mereka dalam kehidupan nyata dengan ruang perbincangan online serta bergaul lewat situs-situs jejaring sosial.

About Quick Response (QR) Code

QR Codes As a followup to this post about my new phone I thought I'd offer this QR Code primer and offer some example images. My new phone ( details ) allows me to create these QR codes based on more or less anything. It's really rather cool, like modern hieroglyphics. Click here to generate your own QRCodes! More detailed info as well as some (Japanese) tools can be found here . What are QR Codes? QR Codes are basically 2-dimensional UPC or barcodes. As you can see on the manufacturer's page they're capable of holding quite a bit more data than a standard UPC code. It's an internationally standardized system of encoding information so that it can be read by a visual scanner. It's almost certain to be immediately superceded by RFID chips, assuming rabid anti-technology privacy advocates don't shift us back to the dark ages. ;)

Anak Generasi Internet, Hiburannya Warnet

Gerombolan anak lelaki itu berteriak seru layaknya suporter sepak bola. "Hiat, kiri dong... kiri... itu... itu musuhnya! Hajar... hajar," teriak salah seorang anak. Mata mereka tertuju pada sebuah layar komputer di sebuah warung internet atau warnet yang mereka sewa bersama. Rupanya, mereka tengah bermain game online. Salah satu di antara mereka, Andi, mengaku sering datang ke warnet yang terletak di kawasan Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan, itu untuk bermain game. "Main Facebook juga," katanya saat berbincang di warnet Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan, Minggu (31/1/2010).

Facebook to Launch Dashboard for Your Games and Apps

At the very top, you can see that the system lists your recently used games and applications. It lists how many of your friends are using those games/apps and recent news and activity, along with action items such as “give a gift” or “take your turn.”

Foto: Ruang Kerja Rumahan

Tiga layar LCD sekaligus untuk si pekerja mandiri. Ketiga monitor tersebut digabung dengan kaki khusus, dan juga sebuah alat yang membagi tampilan layar ke tiga buah layar sekaligus.

Internet Explorer 9, a free upgrade for the web

It shocks me as a devoted Firefox user to say this, but Internet Explorer 9 could very well leapfrog the competition in the race of next-generation of web browsers in 2010 thanks to a groundbreaking platform-wide implementation of a hardware-accelerated renderer that I think is quite literally “a free upgrade for the web”. What makes IE9’s implementation of hardware-acceleration so compelling is that it has major real-world benefits and its completely transparent to both end-user and web developers. Using the new capabilities in Direct2D instead of GDI, IE9 is able to rendering all the visual elements of websites much faster and smoother using the powers of the graphics processing unit (GPU), instead of the CPU. One example of where this functionality really shines is in the Bing Maps demo where continuously panning the map is just as smooth as navigating a map in a 3D strategy game.