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Social networking ‘leads to sex faster’

Image via CrunchBase Facebook , texting and other social networking tools make new couples to jump into bed faster, reveals a new US survey. According that third annual sex survey by Shape and Men’s Fitness magazines, nearly four out of five women and three of five men say that digital intimacy leads to having sex faster, reports a foreign news agency. However, only 38 percent of women said they have actually slept with a date any sooner because of online intimacy.

New Password-Stealing Virus Targets Facebook

Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus-tainted spam that targets Facebook's estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information. The emails tell recipients that the passwords on their Facebook accounts have been reset, urging them to click on an attachment to obtain new login credentials, according to anti-virus software maker McAfee Inc. If the attachment is opened, it downloads several types of malicious software, including a program that steals passwords, McAfee said on Wednesday. Hackers have long targeted Facebook users, sending them tainted messages via the social networking company's own internal email system. With this new attack, they are using regular Internet email to spread their malicious software.

How to Alert Connections of a Social Network Hack

Twitter has rapidly become one of the most popular social media and microblogging services on the internet. Unfortunately, in the Web world, popularity often leads to increased security concerns. Twitter has also become a popular tool with cyber criminals, who are increasingly using it as a vessel to spread malware. This past weekend, Twitter users were hit with a phishing scam that caught many off guard. (Attacks on social networks tripled in 2009, read more here)The innocuous sounding message included a link that, if clicked, led to a spoofed Twitter login page. Anyone who logged in via that page would have had their Twitter account credentials stolen. Those victims then had the same message tweeted out to their contacts, thus causing exponential spread of the phishing attack. The messages sent were similar to the following: Lol , this is funny Lol. this is me?? Lol. this you??

Account Mikroblogging Kosong Raih Ribuan Follower

Sebuah account layanan mikroblogging ala Twitter membuat heboh. Pasalnya, account yang masih kosong melompong itu sudah mendapatkan 10.000 lebih follower. Ada apa di balik account tersebut? Ternyata pemilik account itu adalah Presiden China, Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao diketahui terdaftar di situs mikroblogging berbahasa China yang dimiliki oleh Pepople's Daily. Belum diketahui kapan account itu dibesut, namun dipastikan account tersebut asli.

Marietta Nova Triani Hilang Karena Rayuan Facebook

Kedua orang tua Marietta Nova Triani atau Nova (14) bersyukur putrinya yang hilang sejak 6 Februari 2010 lalu telah ditemukan. Nova ditemukan bersama Ari, pria yang diduga kekasihnya. "Kita bersyukur sebagai orang tua, anak telah kembali lagi. Untuk urusan ketemunya di mana silakan tanya ke polisi," ujar ayah Nova, Heri Kristiono saat tiba di Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Jl Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2010) pukul 02.10 WIB. Heri mengenakan kaos biru ditemani istrinya yang mengenakan kaos putih.

13 Sebab Account Facebook Diblokir atau Dihapus

Entry ini akan membahas 13 alasan utama kenapa Facebook seorang user bisa diblokir, di-disable, atau dihapus. Sebenarnya istilah dihapus untuk profile di Facebook ga sepenuhnya benar, karena Terms of Use Facebook mengatakan profile tidak akan dihapus, melainkan hanya diblokir status keaktifannya. Khusus bagi yang udah pernah diblokir, dan bingung kenapa bisa sampai diblokir, mungkin di sini bisa memberi sedikit memberi pencerahan dan tentunya jangan sampai diulangi lagi. Oke, kita langsung aja deh ke list alasan kenapa kamu bisa diblokir oleh pihak Facebook.

Facebook Siapkan Layanan Email?

Facebook dikabarkan sedang bersiap mengubah sistem pesannya menjadi layanan webmail. Upaya ini dinamai Project Titan. Kabar yang konon berasal dari orang dalam mengatakan Facebook sedang menyiapkan Project Titan. Proyek ini diharapkan menjadi aplikasi web yang bisa mengalahkan Gmail, produk webmail dari Google. Seperti dikutip detikINET dari TechCrunch, Sabtu (6/2/2010), layanan webmail Facebook ini nantinya akan memiliki akses POP/IMAP. Artinya, pengguna bisa mengakses email facebook dari berbagai software dan perangkat genggam.

Shutdown Windows With a Text Message, Thunderbird Edition

We've already shown you how to shutdown Windows via SMS with Outlook and how to do the same on a Mac using , but a user on the Hak5 forums demonstrates how to setup a similar SMS shutdown using the venerable Thunderbird email client. The method requires the Mailbox Alert extension and a little configuration, but once you're done you can save some power with a quick text message next time you forget to shutdown your computer. The tutorial is Windows-specific, but I'm guessing you could mesh the method with this one and accomplish the same thing for OS X.

TechCrunch Officially Hacked

Popular technology blog  Techcrunch  has been hacked and is currently down with all but a message noting that the site has indeed been compromised. The blog has experienced frequent downtime of late but as have other blogs who host on  Rackspace  including,  Mashable  and  The Inquisitr  â€“ we fortunately aren’t (we’re with  Slicehost , owned by Rackspace interestingly enough). This case appears different however with other blogs remaining live and Techcrunch admitting they had been targeted with a message that reads: