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Chrome Extension Adds Facebook, Twitter Sharing To Google+

I’ve also been  playing around  with  Google+  (and the neat  mobile Web app ) this morning and so far, I think it has some potential ( not everyone agrees ). But people like me tend to use more than one social networking service, so I was happy to see someone has already built a  Chrome extension  that lets Google+ users push posts to Facebook and Twitter. It’s a little buggy from time to time, but overall, it works as advertised.

Facebook: All Your Data are Belong to Us

Image via CrunchBase If you’re using social media , or basically anything on the Internet these days, you are really kidding yourself if you think you have true privacy.  That said, Facebook ’s latest change to their terms of service states that they own all of your data, even if you delete your account. We’ve run into things like this before. Google Chrome had a simlilarly suspicious TOS that was made more reasonable after a similar public outcry . Question is: will Facebook listen? It isn’t the first time they have come under fire.  Beacon and the  new facebook  were both a communication faux pas .  Can you blame Facebook though? They need to make money.  Nobody is twisting your arm to be on Facebook in the first place.   I respect that  CEO Mark Zuckerberg put out  a post  to respond to the situation at hand.  Mind you it would have been nice to see before all the public outcry, though at least they are addressing the ...

The End of Facebook

Perhaps a little premature, this idea that the end of Facebook is nigh, but certainly the end of  the beginning . The bad news for Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s 27-year-old billionaire creator, is that many people are doing just that. They’re using Facebook less, or leaving it altogether – which is known, would you believe it, as “Facebook suicide”. Figures show that 100,000 British users deactivated their accounts during May, reducing the total number to 29.8 million. And six million logged off for good in the United States. What started off as an exclusive online social club at Harvard University has saturated Western society. Now it could be on the way down. The thing with being rated as a hot growth stock is that when the growth starts to slow you’re rated as an ex-hot growth stock.

Nilai Merek Apple Geser Google

Image via CrunchBase Apple kini menjadi merek yang paling berharga di dunia alias  most valuable brand . Nilainya bahkan menggeser raksasa situs mesin pencari Google. Berdasarkan riset WPP Plc. unit Millward Brown, nilai merek Apple meroket 84 persen tahun lalu menjadi 153,3 miliar dollar AS. Sedangkan, nilai merek Google tergelincir 2 persen menjadi 111,5 miliar dollar AS. Sementara, untuk posisi ketiga ada IBM (International Business Machines) yang naik 17 persen. IBM melangkahi posisi ketiga sebelumnya yakni McDonald's. "Jadi sudah jelas bahwa setiap pekerja Apple dari Steve Jobs dan Tim Cook mendatangi magang musim panas untuk melindungi dan memelihara merek mereka sebagai prioritas utama," kata Direktur Utama WPP Millward Brown, Eileen Campbell dalam laporannya, Senin (9/5/2011).

Cara Meningkatkan Ranking Alexa

Image via CrunchBase Semua pemilik blog atau website mestinya mengerti Alexa. Alexa atau merupakan situs pemeringkat website. Sebagai pemeringkat, Alexa menempatkan posisi suatu website atau blog terhadap website atau blog lainnya. Alexa meng-update peringkat itu setiap hari. Pemasang iklan melihat peringatkan Alexa sebagai salah satu alat untuk memutuskan pilihan media untuk belanja iklan.

Google Apps Gives Customers the Option to Defer Feature Updates

Google announced today a new process for Google Apps feature releases. Administrators will now be able to choose between a "Rapid Release" option that pushes new features to users automatically, or a "Scheduled Release" option that gives admins more control over when new features are pushed out. This is an important step forward for Google Apps as it expands into the enterprise. Google Communications Manager Jessica Kositz says, "We expect many SMBs to choose rapid release, and scheduled release to appeal to our larger customers with more complex IT environments." Enterprise admins might not want new features popping up unexpectedly, so giving them more control over how changes are rolled out makes sense. To this end, Google is launching a site called What's New to inform Apps customers of forthcoming features. Admins will be able to use it to decide which new features to deploy and when, giving them the chance to test n...

Google Algorithm Update Casualties Speak

Image via Wikipedia Last week,  Google launched a major update to its algorithm , which was positioned as one that would go after content farms. While some sites that are often attached to that label were in fact hurt by the update, some other sites that aren’t generally considered content farms became casualties as well.  Was your site impacted by Google’s algorithm update? For better or worse?   Let us know .  Now, it’s important to note that Google did not come out and use the phrase “content farm” when it announced the update, but the company used language similar to what it has used in the past when talking about content farms. In a nutshell, the algorithm was supposed to be aimed at reducing rankings for lower quality content. Those who found their rankings impacted negatively are not thrilled with having their content deemed as such, and some of the sites that were apparently devalued, do raise some eyebrows. Take, for example, Cult of Mac. This is a tec...

Google Tawarkan Sertifikasi Bagi Profesional TI

Image via CrunchBase Raksasa internet Google meluncurkan program sertifikasi bagi para profesional di bidang TI (Teknolog Informasi) yang bisa menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam menggunakan, mengembangkan dan menjual Google Apps for Business. Mereka yang tertarik mendapatkan sertifikasi ini harus mengikuti ujian dan menjawab sebanyak 98 pertanyaan dalam bentuk essay atau pilihan ganda. Jika lolos pada ujian yang berlangsung 2 jam 45 menit, mereka akan menerima sertifikat dan lencana Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialist. Sangat mudah? Tunggu dulu, semua pertanyaan tentunya berkaitan dengan bidang TI yang melibatkan pengalaman para peserta selama berkutat dengan Google Apps for Business.

Niat Baik Google Berujung Masalah Privasi

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Google Inc mengira melakukan hal baik bulan lalu dengan membuka sebuah kontes. Kontes seni tahunan itu padahal untuk menjembatani seluruh anak di Amerika Serikat (AS). Tindakan Google ini berubah menjadi kesempatan lain bagi kritikus Google mempertanyakan apakah pemimpin pencarian internet itu melangkahi batas privasi dengan mencari terlalu banyak informasi dari para penggunanya. Dalam hal ini, awalnya Google meminta orang tua memberi empat digit terakhir nomor Keamanan Sosial (identifikasi pribadi) anak berserta tanggal dan kota kelahiran guna memastikan tak adanya duplikasi entri atau pendaftaran.

9 Alasan Motorola Xoom Terlalu Mahal

Image via Wikipedia Motorola Xoom dikabarkan berbanderol USD 800 di Amerika Serikat. Motorola memang belum mengkonfirmasi, namun beberapa pihak yakin harga tersebut akurat. Harga ini dinilai terlalu mahal dan dapat jadi batu sandungan bagi Motorola. Simak alasannya seperti detikINET kutip dari eWeek, Selasa (8/2/2011): 1.iPad Berharga Lebih Murah Tak dapat dipungkiri, iPad adalah raja tablet dan dominan dengan 87% market share . Nah, iPad versi termurah harganya cuma USD 500 dan termahal USD 829. Mengingat iPad adalah tablet favorit, bukan tak mungkin konsumen mengenyampingkan Xoom dan memilih iPad, meski sejatinya fitur Xoom jauh di atas iPad.

Introducing Blogger Android App

Have you ever wanted to write up a quick blog post on the go? Now there is an easy way to do this on your Android phone! We are excited to announce our first version of the Blogger Android App. Using the app you can easily compose a post, attach a photo that you just took with your phone, and either save it as a local draft for later or immediately publish it to your blog. If you are an Android user, you can start using the Blogger app today by downloading it for free from the Android Market .

Sumber "Bug" Windows Phone 7 Sudah Ditemukan

Microsoft menyebut Yahoo sebagai penyebab kebocoran paket data, yang disebut ' phantom data ', pada telepon selular yang menggunakan Windows Phone 7 sebagai sistem operasi. Permasalahan yang mulai teridentifikasi sejak awal tahun 2011 itu menyebabkan ponsel menerima dan mengirim paket data tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna. Sederhananya ponsel menggunakan paket data internet tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik ponsel. Sebagian pengguna mengeluhkan bahwa " bug " itu menelan paket data bulanan mereka. Microsoft masih mencari solusi masalah tersebut. Microsoft selama ini menolak untuk menyebutkan nama penyebab masalah.

Android Kalahkan Symbian, Terpopuler di Dunia

Image via CrunchBase Selamat tinggal Symbian!!! Sistem operasi Google Android sukses mencopot mahkota Nokia Symbian sebagai pemimpin sistem operasi smartphone di dunia. Perubahan itu mengakhiri masa kejayaan Nokia yang telah berkuasa sejak dekade lalu, berdasarkan angka yang dirilis analis Canalys. Secara total, ponsel Android telah terjual 32,9 juta di seluruh dunia selama kuartal terakhir pada 2010, tujuh kali lebih banyak dibanding 2009. Hasil itu jauh dibandingkan dengan penjualan Symbian yang 31 juta.

Google’s Eric Schmid eyeballing a career in TV

Image via CrunchBase Google honcho Eric Schmid, who declared his plan to hand over control of the tech giant last week, has set his sights on a career in television. Schmid broke the news that he’s passing the CEO title to 37-year-old co-founder Larry Page in a sarcastic tweet - “Day-to-day adult supervision no longer needed!” According to sources, the outspoken chief has been consulting with CNN’s “Parker Spitzer” executive producer Liza McGuirk on developing a show featuring himself as host. The two first connected on the Sunday foreign-affairs program “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” which McGuirk executive produced and where Schmidt was a regular guest. When Schmidt filmed a pilot for CNN in August, McGuirk oversaw the production.

Awal 2011, ASUS Keluarkan 4 Tablet

Kalau ditanya apa yang bakal menjadi tren komputasi pada 2011,salah satu jawabannya adalah komputer tablet.Kini banyak produsen yang beramai-ramai memproduksinya setelah keberhasilan iPad yang diikuti Samsung Galaxy Tab. Pabrikan yang ikut mencoba peruntungan adalah Asus.Tak tanggung- tanggung,mereka mengumumkan empat komputer tablet yang dirancang untuk beragam jenis pengguna dan aplikasi,yakni Eee Pad Slider,Eee Pad Transformer, Eee Pad Memo,dan Eee Slate EP121. Tipe-tipe tersebut tersedia dalam tiga ukuran layar dan pilihan sistem operasi Windows® 7 Home Premium atau Google Android®. Menjatuhkan pilihan kepada produk tablet apa sangatlah penting supaya pengguna tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.Untuk tablet, kriteria yang menjadi dasar pemilihan di antaranya,perangkat dapat memberikan pengalaman full multimedia dengan dukungan video HD,opsi konektivitas yang beragam,bahkan bermain game juga kompatibilitas media beragam dengan standar, seperti Adobe Flash . Bahasa sederhananya, se...

Gmail Extends Free Telephony Service Till 2011

I said the last time that Google Mail has slowly evolved into a force of nature and just to prove that I was not lying Google has announced another new perk for the Gmail users that is sure going to make your decision to migrate from your existing mail id (Wahoo). The tech goliath has announced that the user of Gmail will be able to make free calls to the US and Canada for at least the rest of the year. The service when announced was quite a rage with 1 million calls getting placed within the first 24 hrs of the service going live. This stat had the pundits raving for Google’s feature some even went to the extent of calling it the “Skype Killer”. The free calling will get many more people hooked onto Google’s service. Not much was heard of the service regarding the launch regarding updates hence it is definitely Google’s queue to jump into the telephony business big time. The service originally advertised per minute rates starting at $0.02 per minute ...

Can Microsoft Compete with the iPad?

Reports indicate that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to unveil some new slates from Samsung and Dell at CES next month that are designed to compete with Apple's incredibly popular iPad.  The company has not confirmed, and the sources of the info are unnamed, but evidently trusted by the New York Times , which reports :  The Samsung device is described as "similar in size and shape to the Apple iPad, although it is not as thin. It also includes a unique and slick keyboard that slides out from below for easy typing." The people familiar with this device said it would run the Windows 7 operating system when in landscape mode, but will also have a layered interface that will appear when the keyboard is hidden and the device is held in a portrait mode.

Hacktivism on Display: Operation Payback and the Wikilkeaks Saga

hack verb \ˈhak\ a : to write computer programs for enjoyment b : to gain access to a computer illegally   ac·tiv·ism noun \ˈak-ti-ˌvi-zəm\ a : a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue

Assange Tidak Cerdas! Semua Karena Format CSV

Image via Wikipedia Teknik meretas yang dilakukan Wikileaks   dan terutama pendirinya Julian Assange, bukan sesuatu yang sulit. Julian bukan sosok cerdas yang mampu membobol dokumen-dokumen rahasia milik Amerika Serikat. Semua peretas dan mereka yang paham akan teknologi informasi, bisa melakukannya!   “Dokumen-dokumen rahasia itu, terutama milik Amerika Serikat, diletakkan pada sistem yang terbuka yakni format CSV. Format CSV inilah biang keladinya sehingga orang-orang seperti Julian Assange, bisa memanfaatkannya,” demikian dipaparkan analis angkatan bersenjata Amerika Serikat, Bradley Manning, seperti dikutip dari   International Business Times , Kamis (9/12).   Apa itu format CSV?  CSV kepanjangan dari Comma Separated Values.Ini adalah sistem penyimpanan sederhana pada pusat data kabel komputer yang menyimpan semua karakter (yang ada pada   keyboard) .      Karena kemampuan menyimpan karakter tersebut, maka, semua teks yang ada, bisa diret...

Pakar SEO Bakal Targetkan Twitter dan Facebook

Coba tilik pencarian di Google. Daftar ketiga paling atas biasanya dihuni oleh hasil dari Twitter. Terutama untuk pencarian yang memang sedang ramai dibicarakan. Atau juga tilik Bing. Mesin pencari asal Microsoft ini juga kadang (kalau tidak dibilang sering) memunculkan hasil dari Facebook dalam hasil pencariannya. Terlepas dari kedua mesin ini sudah menggandeng kerjasama dengan masing-masing media sosial yang sedang mewabah ini, urusan pencarian memang sedang diburu oleh keduanya. Ok, kalau begitu, apakah keduanya bisa dipakai untuk menaikan ranking di Google untuk keperluan SEO misalnya?