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Apple iPad blocked in Israel

The Apple iPad’s stronger signal could throw off others’ wireless connections, Israeli officials said. Photograph: Reuters Israel has banned imports of Apple 's new product, the iPad , amid concerns that its Wi-Fi signals could disrupt other devices. Customs officials said yesterday they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone, even tourists, from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards. The US federal communications commission allows devices with Wi-Fi capability to broadcast at higher power levels than are allowed in Europe and Israel meaning that the iPad 's stronger signal could throw off others' wireless connections, Israeli officials said.

Aplikasi iPhone Singkirkan Jerawat Saat Menelepon

Aplikasi khusus yang dikembangkan untuk iPhone diklaim bisa menyingkirkan keriput dan jerawat pada wajah, saat penggunanya bercakap di telepon. Bagaimana caranya?. Dr Greg Pearson yang mengembangkan aplikasi bernama AcneApp ini menggunakan 420 nanometer cahaya biru dan 550 nanometer cahaya merah untuk membantu membunuh bakteri jerawat dan menyburkan pertumbuhan kolagen. Aplikasi seharga USD1,99 bekerja pada kulit saat pengguna iPhone atau iPod Touch tengah menelepon. Namun Pearson mengaku belum bisa memastikan seberapa efektif dampak positif yang didapat kulit saat terkena paparan sinar biru dan merah dari aplikasi ini.

Light Touch

With all this talk of tablets and the much hyped launch Apple have planned at the end of the month perhaps the future lies in the Light Touch that instantly turns any flat surface into a touch screen (found via Design Boom ).