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Pembunuh Facebook Google Mati

Google Inc akan mematikan Google Wave. Program yang disebut sebagai pembunuh Facebook itu memungkinkan orang chatting, berbagi file dan mengkolaborasi dokumen secara real time. “Wave belum mencapai adopsi pengguna yang mungkin kita sukai,” kata senior vice president Google Urs Holzle dalam blognya. Google mengatakan bahwa situs Google Wave akan tetap ada hingga akhir tahun dan teknologinya akan muncul di proyek Google selanjutnya. Sementara kodenya telah tersedia sebagai open source. Google menjelaskan,”Kami tidak berencana untuk mengembangkan Wave sebagai aplikasi tunggal, namun kami akan menjaga situs ini setidaknya hingga akhir tahun ini serta menggunakan teknologinya untuk proyek Google lainnya.”

9 Reasons Why Google Apps is “Telework in a Box”

I’ve recently been thinking about how Google Voice , Google Wave and Google Buzz joining the full Google Apps lineup would make it a budget-friendly teleworking platform. Organizations can now literally purchase themselves a “telework in a box” solution — a complete office productivity software, communications and collaboration package — with little or no requirement for support from their own technical staff. Here are some reasons why Google Apps might be your organization’s ideal telework platform: Low operating costs. Google Apps Premier Edition included everything and costs $50 per user per year. It can release you from software licensing costs and free up some of your internal technical staff from having to support telework applications, though you’ll still have to factor in some administrative and support time to provision and maintain remote users. Lower hardware costs. Outfitting teleworkers with hardware can be a major expense, especially if your organization isn’t...

The Changing Face of the Web

The web has long been an important agent of commercial change, and it too is changing fast. iQ asked four “New Web” luminaries for their thoughts on how, where, why, and the likely consequences. Mickeal Remond, CEO of Enterprise Instant Messaging Provider, Process One gave us his thoughts…. “These are exciting times for the web as it sits on the averge of moving on from a basic directory to a dynamic interactive interface, connecting users worldwide. Closed business and social networks will disappear and be replaced by one social network… the web. With communication residing on the web, businesses need tools and applications that enable them to communicate and collaborate in real-time. We’re also starting to see a move away from traditional desktop software solutions to more flexible and lower cost web-based applications, with Google already offering browser-based desktop tools with its Google Apps suite and Microsoft also moving in this direction as it will (soon) be releasing Micro...

Google Buzz Vs Google Wave

When Google announced Google Buzz, its new social sharing feature for Gmail, company representatives admitted Buzz was inspired by a similar product: Google Wave. In fact, some of the features of Buzz and Wave are so similar you might be wondering why there are two different products in the first place? Both services are supposed to help you create conversations and give you a richer experience around Web-based media like videos, images ,and regular text. But while Buzz and Wave have a lot in common, there also some key differences that set each service apart. Wave and Buzz? What the heck are you talking about?

Jejaring Sosial Baru Itu Namanya Google Buzz

Sesuai bocoran yang beredar sehari sebelumnya, perusahaan raksasa internet, Google, akhirnya resmi memperkenalkan layanan jejaring sosial dengan nama Google Buzz. Layanan ini tidak berdiri sendiri, tetapi langsung terintegrasi dengan layanan Gmail mulai Selasa (9/2/2010) dan secara bertahap akan tersedia untuk pengguna Gmail di seluruh dunia. Jadi, buat pengguna Gmail, siap-siap saja mencoba tanpa harus melakukan instalasi. Buat yang belum punya akun Gmail, tentu harus mendaftarnya terlebih dulu untuk mencoba Google Buzz. Tertarik nge-Buzz? Pelajari dulu apa itu Google Buzz. Google Buzz menyediakan fitur yang memungkinkan para pemakai Gmail kini dapat dengan cepat berbagi pesan, link situs, dan foto dengan rekan mereka sesama pengguna Gmail. Google menyebutnya berbagi ide karena menyediakan fitur seperti pesan Twitter, tetapi tanpa batasan karakter. Selain itu, juga fitur berbagi foto dan video serta update dari berbagai layanan yang sudah dipakai, seperti Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, ...