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Scam atau Penipuan Terus Mengintai Pebisnis Online Dadakan

Sudah menjadi hal yang menggiurkan disaatkan sebuah bisnis itu bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang cepat dan mudah. Klik, klik, dan klik, mungkin semudah itulah yang sering membuat orang memilih atau berbisnis online di internet. Tapi jauh sebelumnya itu, sesuatu yang instan juga penuh resiko dan bahaya. Penipuan, scam, phising, dan sejenisnya yang tentu merugikan orang lain pun menjadi incaran yang kini masih tetap menjamur di dunia maya. Dalam kasus ini, ketika mulai berjelajah dan bertemu salah satu situs bisnis dengan genre "survei" yang mengajak orang-orang untuk berbagi survei tersebut dan secara singkat semakin banyak diisi orang, tentu semakin banyak uang yang dijanjikan oleh si empunya situs untuk dicairkan ke bank target (calon pengguna/member situs tersebut, red).

Tips: 5 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Account

Last week we discussed some  safety tips on Gmail  and how you can completely secure your email account from getting hacked. Twitter is not an exception and you should be very careful with your Twitter activity.  There are a lot of “phishing scams” spreading on Twitter and other social networking sites everyday. People use insane methods, scripts and fake login pages to gain access to your social profiles, thus causing identity theft which may cause severe outcomes. Imagine someone gets access to your Twitter account and then changes the account password and the email address associated with it. You lose the Twitter account and in the worst case, the scammer may gain personal information from your tweets, connections or Direct messages.   He/she may even hurt your online reputation by tweeting spam links, abusive language or vulgar images. Here is a list of techniques you should keep in mind to completely protect your Twitter account from unauthorized acti...

Daftar Online Shop Penipu di Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Semakin banyak penipu membuka online shop di Facebook dengan menjanjikan barang dengan harga miring dan ternyata menipu pembeli tanpa mengirim barang setelah calon pembeli mengirim uang. Bahkan ada beberapa yang menggunakan profile palsu dan menggunakan nama Berry Indo serta logo image di profilenya untuk menipu orang. Jangan teransang dengan harga miring BlackBerry atau produk lainnya yang ditawarkan online termasuk di Facebook. Karena sangat gampang user membuat account / profile palsu di Facebook untuk jualan. Kami pernah melaporkan facebook profile palsu kepada Facebook dan account tersebut berhasil ditutup oleh Facebook namum masih ada satu account yang aktif karena mereka mengantikan namanya. Jika anda menemukan profile palsu yang menggunakan nama BerryIndo, mohon laporkan kepada kami di

Akses Internet di Libya Diputus

Image via Wikipedia Layanan internet diputus di Libya pada Jumat saat rezim berkuasa berupaya untuk mengganggu cara demonstran anti-pemerintah mengumpulkan massa dan berkomunikasi menurut Arbour Networks. Libya "terputus tiba-tiba" dari internet pada Jumat pukul 16.15 waktu setempat (Sabtu pukul 07.15 WIB) menurut perusahaan pelacak lalu lintas dalam jaringan (online) yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat tersebut. Lalu lintas internet masuk dan keluar negara tersebut terhenti tiba-tiba setelah sebelumnya terhambat pada pagi hari, menurut skema Arbor Networks yang berjudul "Libya Pulls the Plug."

Top Ten: Online AntiVirus Scanner For You to Use

While browsing the internet, the constant fear that itches at the back of our mind is whether our machine is getting affected by any virus/worms or not. To stop this unwanted intrusion by any malware, all of us rely on our machine installed anti-virus software . But unfortunately, some of this antivirus software might hamper your computer’s performance and even allow any malware to attack your machine if not updated regularly. To make sure your computer’s safety has not been compromised, you can always scan your machine by any online antivirus scanner.  Infact, An online virus scanner can be good option if you are doubtful about your installed antivirus. Possibilities of missing some threats are always there by standalone antivirus software and somehow enough to make you jump on second opinion. But one must be careful while choosing any of such online anti-virus scanner as they can themselves turn out to be some kind of malware. To help you out in your search for ...

Why 10% of Your Friends on Twitter and Facebook Will Be Nonhuman in Five Years

Image by Eneas via Flickr That's not to say we'll be tweeting with zombies or playing FarmVille with ET. Gartner predicts the coming of "social bots"-- automated tools used by brands and organizations to engage consumers. "Efforts to systematize and automate social engagement will result in the rise of social bots--automated software agents that can handle, to varying degrees, interaction with communities of users in a manner personalized to each individual," the report reads. Gartner says that bots will become so common that an estimated 10% of our friends may be nonhuman. According to AllFacebook, the average user could soon have as many as 500 friends online--which means around 50 of them will not actually exist if Gartner's estimate is correct.

Wanita Lebih Dominan di Situs Jejaring Sosial

ComScore Inc, lembaga riset khusus dunia digital, hari ini merilis laporan terbarunya seputar persentase pengguna jejaring sosial dunia berdasarkan gender. Pada laporan bertajuk Women on the Web: How Women are Shaping the Internet, comScore memaparkan analisa mendalam terhadap pengguna Internet wanita termasuk menyoroti tren aktivitas internet, skala global dan channel digital. Dari riset yang melibatkan responden di atas 15 tahun dengan sampel yang diambil dari perkantoran dan perumahan itu diketahui bahwa pengguna wanita lebih sering mengakses situs-situs jejaring sosial dari pada pria secara global, dengan persentase 75,8 persen dibandingkan 69,7 persen (Mei 2010) dari 72,5 persen total pengguna situs jejaring sosial. "Memahami dan mengetahui pengguna Internet berdasarkan gender lebih spesifik sangat membantu semua pihak, khususnya yang berkecimpung langsung di jagat digital," kata Linda Boland Abraham, chief marketing officer comScore sekaligus executive vice presid...

Kuliah Gratis di Dunia Maya

Dahulu kala nenek moyang mencari wangsit dengan bertapa di goa, lalu pada masa modern orang mendapat pencerahan lewat buku bacaan. Kini, ketika teknologi informasi kian canggih, kita bisa memperolehnya dengan instan lewat jaringan sosial di dunia maya seperti Twitter. Demikian serentetan kiriman Goenawan Mohamad, penyair dan cendekiawan, di jaringan sosial maya Twitter selama dua hari, pertengahan Juli lalu. Pesan itu dikemas dalam pesan tak lebih dari 140 karakter. Saat disatukan, dengan jumlah total 109 kiriman, terbaca adanya gagasan utuh yang relevan untuk menanggapi situasi inteleransi di negeri ini. Catatan itu bisa kita tafsirkan lebih luas. Bukankah masyarakat di sini juga kerap melakukan kekerasan atau penghakiman atas nama Tuhan dan agama, sebagaimana di Perancis abad pertengahan itu? Padahal, segala perbedaan itu semestinya membuat hidup lebih dinamis dan indah. Harap diingat, catatan ini bukan ditulis di halaman buku atau disampaikan seorang dosen ruang ...

Amazon Digugat Soal Teknologi Kindle, toko ritel online ternama yang menjual Kindle digugat oleh Discovery Communication terkait soal teknologi pada eBook tersebut. sejatinya bukanlah produsen Kindle, melainkan hanya mendistribusikannya. Namun Discovery Communications melayangkan gugatan hak paten kepada toko online multinasional itu. Discovery Communications menuduh melanggar dua paten miliknya, yakni meliputi delivery dan keamanan dalam Kindle. Perusahaan pemilik stasiun TV kabel edukasi Discovery Channel dan Animal Planet tersebut mendesak Amazon untuk membayar royalti kepada mereka karena telah menggunakan kedua paten tersebut. Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Jumat (16/7/2010), Discovery Communications rupanya sudah mempermasalahkan kedua hak paten ini pada 1999 dan 2007. Kini, gugatan Discovery Communications telah didaftarkan ke pengadilan wilayah Delaware, Amerika Serikat.

UK Facebook users get link to child safety program

A new application was launched on Facebook on Monday by a British child protection agency to allow young users to report worrying or inappropriate behavior to child protection authorities. The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center said their application — called "ClickCEOP" — gives children between ages 13 to 18 a place to report instances of inappropriate sexual behavior and other issues. The application isn't a so-called panic button, and doesn't connect users immediately to authorities, the organization said. Rather, the application appears as a tab at the top of a user's profile once it is added, and clicking it provides links to the organization's website where bullying, sexual behavior or other online problems can be researched and, if necessary, reported. An advertisement for the application will appear on the home pages of Facebook's British teenage users. It is aimed at kids in Britain, but spokeswoman Vicky Gilling...

Hacker Perusak Ribuan Situs Ditangkap

Pakistan telah melacak kelompok hacker besar dan memenjarakan 5 tersangka yang terlibat dalam merusak ribuan situs web domestik dan internasional dan penipuan online. “Hacker yang dikenal secara internasional telah ditangkap dalam operasi bersama negara-negara lain selama beberapa minggu ini,” kata staf senior Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Mian Idrees. “Kami telah menggali hacker terkenal Grup Pakbugs dan menangkap 5 anggota grup ini,” katanya. Pihak berwenang menyita komputer dan perlengkapan lain yang terlibat dalam berbagai macam kriminal cyber, katanya. FIA mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan, grup ini terlibat dalam pembajakan atau perusakan ribuan situs web milik pemerintah, non-pemerintah dan organisasi internasional. “Mereka juga terlibat dalam penipuan kartu kredit dan penggunaan kartu kredit yang dicuri,” katanya. Pembuat Pakbugs, Jawad Ehsan alias Humza dipercaya berbasis di Arab Saudi, katanya. Tapi pendiri Hassan Khan telah ditangkap di barat laut Peshawa...

iPhone 4 Sold Out Within a Day

iPhone 4 sold out n Tuesday was disrupted o as Apple out of stock in less than 24 hours. In case you pre order an iPhone 4 now it will reach by July 2, it is a already a week after the launch. With Apple's online store server overstuffed there are several issues at the AT&T customers that have access to user data of other users. The Reuters reports about the AT&T order system failing. It's hard to say how many iPhone 4 phones Apple have been already sold. It could be already close to 1 million iPhone 4 devices. A year ago Apple sold 1 million iPhone 3GS over the launch weekend. Apple definitely wants to break this record. How about this headline Apple pre-sold 1 million iPhone 4 on June 15th world wide. The number of iPhone 4 Apple already sold is hard to predict. According to AT&T, with the ever-growing iPhone 4 craze they had the busiest online sales day in AT&T history. The customers who pre-ordered iPhone 4 on Tuesday afternoon will receive their devi...

Google-owned DoubleClick buys ad tech startup

DoubleClick Inc., an Internet ad service owned by Google Inc., said Thursday that it bought online ad technology startup Invite Media. Invite Media, which is based in New York and Philadelphia, makes tools to help marketers bid on online advertising space. Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. Google bought DoubleClick in March 2008 for $3.2 billion. More recently, the online search leader passed the final regulatory hurdle in its $750 million acquisition of mobile ad service AdMob in May when the Federal Trade Commission unanimously approved that purchase.

Say Cheese: 12 Photos That Should Never Have Been Posted Online

You know the old cliche, a picture is worth a thousand words? Turns out that pictures have been deeply undervalued: A single photo can cost you your reputation, your job, even your freedom--if you post it online. Teachers, principals, firefighters, mayors, university presidents, and everyday people have all discovered the dark side of putting the wrong photos and videos on social networking sites. Sometimes they paid the price in embarrassment. An unlucky handful lost their jobs or landed in jail. The results aren't pretty, but they are sometimes hilarious. Here's our dirty dozen--12 pictures their owners probably wish they could take back. 1. Hey Kevin, Tinker Bell Wants Her Outfit Back It's bad enough to dress up like you're about to slip a dollar under some toothless child's pillow. But former intern Kevin Colvin made it much worse by asking his boss at Anglo Irish Bank if he could take time off for a "family emergency in New York," then flitting o...

Inilah Tiga Operator Telekomunikasi Peringkat 10 Teratas

Edelman dan Brandtology meluncurkan edisi ke-tiga dari triwulan Digital Brand Indeks (DBI 10.2) Indonesia. Berdasarkan data dari Januari-Maret 2010, DBI mendapati pertumbuhan signifikan diskusi online untuk operator-operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Tiga operator telekomunikasi Indonesia, Indosat, Telkomsel, dan Excelcomindo, terus berada di peringkat 10 teratas yang paling banyak dibicarakan untuk brand-brand teknologi di saluran-saluran yang disurvei dari Januari sampai Maret 2010. Indosat mendapatkan 102 persen peningkatan dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 11,610 kali, Telkomsel mendapatkan 137 persen peningkatan dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 8,851 kali, dan Excelcomindo mendapatkan peningkatan 204 persen dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 8,212 kali. Microblogs dan forum web memberikan kontribusi mayoritas penyebutan untuk Indosat dan Excelcomindo (lebih dari 90 persen), sementara untuk Telkomsel, situs berita memberikan kontribusi sebanyak 26,4 persen penyebutan.

Hugo Chávez embraces Twitter to fight online 'conspiracy'

Hugo Chávez on his TV show, Alo Presidente. Photograph: Prensa Miraflores/EPA Think of a camel passing through the eye of a needle, or an irresistable force meeting an immovable object, or a giant round peg in a tiny square hole, and you get the idea: Hugo Chávez meets Twitter. Venezuela 's prolix president, a leader who does not speak so much as bathe in words, thousands of them at a time, is embracing the microblogging site, which caps utterances at 140 characters. Chávez opened a Twitter account yesterday, using the tag "cadanga", which in Venezuelan Spanish means daring or rebellious.

Facebook ends Facebook Lite

Facebook has put a full stop to its "Lighter Cousin" a.k.a Facebook Lite. Facebook Lite, launched in September 2009 in India and United States was aimed at the users, who prefer to use only basic features of the main site, instead of the clutter one. Facebook Lite used to serve the users with the most trivial social networking features of Facebook, such as accepting friends' requests, updating profile status, post photos and videos, writing on friends' wall etc. With its simpler interface, the slimmed-down site was gradually gaining popularity among the users, only when the Facebook admin has decided its fate. The company has not offered any proper reason behind shutting down Lite. Facebook stated that, We're no longer supporting it, but learned a lot from the test of a slimmed-down site. If you used Lite, you'll now be taken to the main site.

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt told a group of editors Sunday that he is confident that newspapers will find new ways to make money online by harnessing the vast reach of the Internet. Media executives have accused Google of draining readers and advertising from newspapers' Web sites. But in a speech to open the annual conference of the American Society of News Editors, Schmidt said Google recognizes that newspapers are vital to democracy and provide a critical source of online content. "We understand how fundamental your mission is," he said. Schmidt predicted that the news business will find a new model, based on a combination of advertising and subscription revenue. He said Google hopes to facilitate that, but he offered no specifics.

Kejahatan Seks Anak Melonjak, Facebook Dikecam

Maraknya kasus kejahatan seks yang melibatkan Facebook sedang jadi topik hangat di Inggris. Situs jejaring terpopuler ini dianggap abai terhadap keselamatan anak kecil, karena kurang berupaya membendung para predator seks beraksi via situs. Jim Gamble, kepala CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), mengungkap pihaknya menerima komplain yang terus meningkat soal kasus pedofilia, pelecehan ataupun pembobolan account Facebook. Total ada 252 laporan soal kejahatan di Facebook dalam 3 bulan terakhir di tahun 2010. Hal ini merupakan lonjakan hampir 4 kali lipat dari tahun lalu, di mana 'hanya' ada 292 komplain dalam 12 bulan.

Top 10 Payroll Software

Payroll is a major administrative hassle for every business, especially those running on small scale. It takes hours in calculating withholdings, completing government reports, depositing tax money in various accounts, and writing and signing checks. Apart from that there are other quarterly filings and tax-payment requirements that needs to be addressed on time. In case there are inaccuracies in processing it might result in legal repercussions. A hassle free payroll requires efficient payroll software that allows employers to pay the employees with ease, and manage payroll essentials like tax, insurance, holidays, absence and online year-end submissions to HMRC. For an easy selection we conducted an extensive research to sort out the top 10Payroll software. 1. Intuit Payroll This is one of the favorite payroll software packages for small business for its simplicity and ease-of-use. Clients can easily manage their payroll online anytime, anywhere. Intuit automatically fills in the ...