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WARNING: ‘Facebook Now Has A Dislike Button’ Scam Spreading Through Facebook

For users who have been awaiting the arrival of a  Facebook  “Dislike” button , don’t believe the wall posts you see claiming to be just that–it’s a scam. This fast spreading scam appears as a Facebook status update in your News Feed that says “Facebook now has a dislike button! Click ‘Enable Dislike Button’ to turn on the new feature!” Next to the Like and Comment links at the bottom of the post it also says “Enable Dislike Button,” but please don’t click on it! Once you click the link, the message will be posted as your status (exposing all of your friends to the scam) and a JavaScript code will run on your computer. These kinds of codes are very dangerous because they bypass security settings on your computer’s browser and leave your computer exposed to malware.

The End of Facebook

Perhaps a little premature, this idea that the end of Facebook is nigh, but certainly the end of  the beginning . The bad news for Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s 27-year-old billionaire creator, is that many people are doing just that. They’re using Facebook less, or leaving it altogether – which is known, would you believe it, as “Facebook suicide”. Figures show that 100,000 British users deactivated their accounts during May, reducing the total number to 29.8 million. And six million logged off for good in the United States. What started off as an exclusive online social club at Harvard University has saturated Western society. Now it could be on the way down. The thing with being rated as a hot growth stock is that when the growth starts to slow you’re rated as an ex-hot growth stock.

Facebook Akuisisi Perusahaan Israel

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Facebook memiliki langkah baru dalam mengembangkan fitur jejaring sosialnya. Perusahaan  start-up   asal Israel -- Snaptu -- diakuisisi perusahaan pimpinan Mark Zuckerberg itu. Snaptu merupakan aplikasi mobile berbasis Java yang cukup ternama di beberapa platform ponsel. Snaptu memiliki layanan Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn dan layanan jejaring sosial populer lainnya. Snaptu mulai berkarir di tahun 2007, dan memperoleh suntikan dana dari Sequioa Capital dan Carmel Ventures. Alhasil, pengguna yang memiliki ponsel   jadoel   tetap bisa berinteraksi dengan lebih efisien melalui aplikasi ini. Inilah yang membuat Snaptu diakses jutaan orang.

Facebook Bans Mark Zuckerberg Action Figure

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr MIC Gadget can’t get a break. After being C&Ded for selling Steve Jobs action figures, now they can’t even sell these goofy little “Poke” figures of Mark Zuckerberg. The figures went for $69 bucks – a bit much for a statuette of some rich dude – but they were obviously all in fun and I doubt that Facebook is planning a huge executive action figure push this Christmas. However, MIC is now no longer allowed to sell the figures and even received a C&D from a Beijing law firm: “(1) immediately stopping manufacturing and sales of any products infringing the legitimate rights of Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and FACEBOOK, including but not limited to the Action Figures, any accessory containing FACEBOOK’s trademarks; (2) immediately destroying all remaining products infringing legitimate rights of Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and FACEBOOK; (3) immediately disclosing the accounting of your sales of the Mark Zuckerberg Action Figures and any other infringing ...

Enam Orang Terkaya dari ' Tambang Emas' Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Situs jejaring sosial Facebook memang luar biasa. Film yang mengisahkan proses pembuatan jejaring ini The Social Network menembus nominee Oscar tahun ini. Facebook, yang diakses 600 juta pengguna, menjadi media sosial online nomor wahid di dunia, mengalahkan pendahulunya Friendster atau MySpace. Di Indonesia, jejaring sosial ini juga paling banyak diakses pengguna internet. Data terbaru, 90 persen pengguna internet di Indonesia mengakses jejaring ini. Negeri ini menjadi bagian dari 15 negara penetrasi Facebook terbaik.

17 Fakta Terbaru Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Siapa yang tak mengenal Facebook ? Jejaring sosial populer ini bahkan telah memiliki lebih dari setengah miliar anggota di seluruh dunia. Seperti apa menariknya? Situ jejaring sosial Facebook memang sangat fenomenal. Situs yang diprakarsai pria muda bernama Mark Zuckerbeg itu pada Januari 2011 telah memiliki lebih dari 600 juta pengguna aktif. Facebook didirikan Mark Zuckerberg bersama teman sekamarnya dan sesama mahasiswa ilmu komputer Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz dan Chris Hughes . Awalnya, keanggotaan situs itu hanya terbatas untuk mahasiswa Harvard saja. Setelah Harvard, perguruan lain seperti Boston, Ivy League dan Universitas Stanford pun dapat menikmatinya. Secara perlahan, situs itu pun dibuka untuk siswa sekolah menengah dan akhirnya tiap orang berusia minimal 13 tahun boleh memiliki akun di situs itu.

Glassy-Eyed Zuckerberg Is Time’s Person of the Year

Image via Wikipedia Apparently deciding this whole WikiLeaks hubbub will blow over, by declining to pick readers’ choice Julian Assange, Time Magazine picked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as its Person of the Year . (Zuckerberg and his team also helpfully gave Time tons of access, resulting in photos and videos and sidebars galore.) Assange placed No. 3, after the Tea Party. Time Managing Editor Richard Stengel writes : In a sense, Zuckerberg and Assange are two sides of the same coin. Both express a desire for openness and transparency. While Assange attacks big institutions and governments through involuntary transparency with the goal of disempowering them, Zuckerberg enables individuals to voluntarily share information with the idea of empowering them. Assange sees the world as filled with real and imagined enemies; Zuckerberg sees the world as filled with potential friends. Both have a certain disdain for privacy: in Assange’s case because he feels it allows malevolence to flo...

Meski Umur Sudah Senja, Nge-Facebook Tetap

Image via Wikipedia Pemakai Facebook tidak hanya anak-anak muda. Nenek-nenek juga gemar menggunakan media jejaring sosial ini. Paling tidak itulah yang terjadi Inggris. Seorang nenek berusia 103 tahun  menggunakan Facebook di usia senjanya. Nenek berumur 103 tahun itu bernama Lillian Lowe. Dia meng-update status-nya yang terakhir kemarin melalui iPad -nya. Dengan gadget itu dia masuk ke Facebook dan menyentuh layar dengan jarinya bersama tujuh cucu dan 13 cicitnya. Lillian yang juga seorang penggemar The Sun ’s own app mengatakan, “Saya menyukainya, sangat luar biasa. Itu cara yang luar biasa untuk menemukan sesuatu.” Nenek penguasaha yang mampu mengingat tenggelamnya kapal pesiar mewah Titanic pada 1912 memiliki 34 teman. Dia juga sering ngobrol dengan cicitnya Kaylee (10 tahun) dan suka melihat foto-fotonya dan berbicara secara online.

Mark Zuckerberg, Person of the Year

Image by Wesley Fryer via Flickr Menurut TIME, pendiri Facebook ini dinilai sebagai sosok paling menonjol di tahun 2010. Pendiri jejaring sosial Facebook baru saja dipredikatkan sebagai Person of the Year versi majalah TIME tahun ini. Ketika pertama kali mendengar kabar ini, rasanya sulit untuk menemukan sosok lain yang benar-benar layak menerima predikat yang didamba-dambakan banyak orang itu. Hanya satu, Mark Zuckerberg . Sebagai miliarder termuda yang besar karena sebuah produk buatannya sendiri, Zuckerberg seakan menjadi contoh mimpi Amerika dan menjadi contoh nyata ungkapan "datang di tempat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat." Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, yang lahir sekitar 26 tahun yang lalu pada 14 Mei 1984, kini masuk ke dalam daftar 35 besar orang terkaya Amerika. Memang, peringkat ke-35 bukan termasuk peringkat bagus. Tapi sekadar diketahui, orang-orang yang bertengger di 34 peringkat di atas Mark berusia dua hingga tiga kali lipat usianya. Untuk mengetahui se...

Facebook Top Status Trends Include iPad, iPhone 4

Image via CrunchBase Apple's iPad and iPhone 4 took the No. 4 spot in Facebook's 2010 Memology, joining the Google Zeitgeist and Twitter top trends in popularity this year. The iPad earned something of a sweep in 2010, as the tablet computer made its way into the top trend lists of leading Internet powers Google, Twitter and Facebook. Facebook Dec. 14 revealed 2010 Memology, list of top trends culled from analyzing status updates published by the social network's 500 million-plus users across 236 countries.

[How to] Get Old Facebook Profile Page| Disable New Facebook Profile Page Feature

Earlier today, Facebook rolled out New Facebook Profile which provides easier way to share more information about the users. If you are one of those who do not like the new user interface or who want to get back to old Facebook profile page, then there is no easy way to get back to old profile page. Facebook developers have not provided anyway to get back to old Facebook profile. You need to follow the below steps to get old Facebook profile page . Note: We’ve tried it out on our new account. It works like a charm. You should follow the tutorial on how to get old Facebook profile carefully . How to Get Old Facebook Profile Here is how you get back your old Facebook profile page . Remember, this process is bit risky (not at all if you follow it properly). This is how my new Facebook profile page looks like.

Face trademarked by Facebook

It seems that the word Face has been targeted by Facebook , they want it trademarked and incredibly, the US Patent Office has granted the social networking site a Notice of Allowance. This basically means that the word Face is effectively now the trademark in the US of Facebook.

Pencipta Internet Kritik Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Pencipta world wide web atau www, Tim Berners-Lee mengkritik situs jejaring sosial Facebook karena dinilai membatasi keterbukaan website. Dalam tulisan berjudul Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality yang dimuat dalam jurnal Scientific American , Berners-Lee kembali mengingatkan pengguna internet tentang kekuatan website ada pada keterbukaan dan demokratis. "Web berkembang menjadi alat yang kuat karena dibangun pada prinsip-prinsip egaliter," tulis Berners-Lee seperti dikutip Telegraph, hari ini. Setiap orang maupun kelompok, lanjut dia, bisa menggunakan website, baik yang mengatasnamakan individu, universitas maupun perusahaan.

Why the Facebook reward card might actually harm Facebook...

Image via CrunchBase The Facebook reward card scheme is a big coup for Facebook - it works the social network deeper into our everyday lives, making it helpful for business transactions as well as everyday socialising. The Taggo card takes Facebook to fulfilling Mark Zuckerberg's dream of Facebook having its own ecosystem...and of everything you do involving Facebook at some some level. But while Facebook is pushing to be at the centre of everyone's relationships, whether that's with their friend, their favourite singer or their local coffee shop -- it isn't always going to be in Facebook's favour to do that. Because Facebook gets money from advertising . While Facebook wants to help brands and businesses connect with people over fan pages, if they do that too efficiently then it takes away the need for advertising. Not just advertising elsewhere - papers, TV etc, but also the need for advertising on Facebook.

Dead man with 100 wives gets Facebook page to reunite family at funeral

Image via Wikipedia Acentus Akuku, Kenya 's most famous polygamistm, is now on Facebook in a bid to reunite his family , which includes his 100 wives. Akuku was in his late 90's when he died from natural causes earlier this month. He married more than 100 women in his lifetime and fathered nearly 200 children. Now, Nickson Mwanzo, one of his grandsons, has created a page on Facebook, where he wrote, "IF YOU ARE AKUKU'S FAMILY PLIZ JOIN AND SAY MORE ABOUT YOURSELF. THIS IS TO BRING THE RELATIVES TOGETHER" to convince Akuku's children, grandchildren , and great-grandchildren, to come together for his burial, scheduled for December.

Facebook increases security options

Image via CrunchBase Facebook , ever the victim of criticism when it comes to users' security, has announced a number of new features to help keep its social network more secure. The most significant addition is " one-time passwords " that are designed for you to use when you're out and about - handy if you're at an internet cafe or using a library-based computer. Or you're at your buddy's house and you know that they'll frape you if they get into your account. The password is sent to you via text, after you text a request (simply write "otp") to 32665. You'll get a unique password that will last for 20-minutes. You will need to log your mobile phone number with Facebook to do this - otherwise anyone would be able to get in, although no doubt people will now moan about Facebook collecting phone numbers.

How evil is Facebook?

Image via Wikipedia How evil is Facebook? So evil! Invader of privacy , maker of billions, social network that turns us all into casual stalkers . . . In all of the articles, blogs and, er, Facebook status updates ever written about Facebook, there does seem to be universal agreement that it is, somehow, suspect – a point on which the two recent films made about Facebook, Catfish and The Social Network , predictably concur. In fact there is now an actual figure on just how evil Facebook is: $100m worth of evil, plus Oprah. The former is how much the network's founder, Mark Zuckerberg (boooooo!), announced he is donating in his company's stock to help the public school system in Newark, New Jersey on – oh crazy coincidence! – the very day that The Social Network premiered in the US. And Oprah, of course, refers to the show on which Zuckerberg announced his upcoming donation, thereby multiplying its value by about a kajillion, and also to whom the heretofore very private Zuck...

Top Ten: Anak Muda Terkaya di Internet Dibawah 30 tahun

Siapa yang menjadi kaya raya sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Era teknologi membuat banyak pemuda pintar mendadak populer dan sangat kaya. Boleh dibilang menjadi kaya karena internet, atau anak muda yang kaya karena adanya teknologi internet. Siapa saja yang berhasil mendapatkan posisi tertinggi. Data dari Complex mengumpulkan 10 anak muda mampu berhasil sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Aodhan Cullen, 27 tahun, Statcounter, perkiraan 18 juta dollar. Dia banyak amal dengan membuat website statisik untuk mencatat pengunjung. Memiliki 1.5 juta member. Matt Mullenweg, 26 tahun, Wordpress, 40 juta dollar Matt keluar dari Gig di Cnet, membuat situs untuk blogger dan paling ramai sedunia. Sean Belnick, 23 tahun, Bizchair, 42 juta dollar. Apa yang dikerjakan ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia adalah anak muda yang memiliki toko furniture di internet. Tidak itu saja, dia bekerja di kamar untuk mengatur 100 karyawannya.

Facebok Zuckerberg Donates $100 million for Newark School

Image via CrunchBase Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg gives huge donation of $100 million to Newark Public schools to improve the public education on the eve of the release of the new movie " The Social Network ". The donation will be announced on The Oprah Winfrey Show on Friday with appearances by Zuckerberg, Newark Mayor Cory Booker , and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie . He denied the allegation that he made this donation to distract the public attention of a movie that portrays him as arrogant, socially out of place, and very bright. Zuckerberg's Startup, Education foundation will get the donation, which will disburse the cash. He also wanted to get involved with many charity efforts in the forthcoming years. Newark's 40,000-plus student public school system is among the worst in New Jersey. Only 40 percent of students are able to read and write after the third grade. Although, the state took control of the schools in the mid 1990s but there was not much...

Facebook’s Zuckerberg offers phone clarification

Image via CrunchBase Earlier this week we commented on the interchange between tech business blog Tech Crunch - which had written a story claiming Facebook is building its own mobile phone. Upon realising his PR people had antagonised this influential publication, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took the sensible measure of inviting Tech Crunch over to FB towers to clarify the matter. The raw transcript of the interview is here, but we've extracted what we consider to be the key excerpts. Zuck's main agenda appeared to be to clarify the semantics around what is meant by "building a phone". Of course a lot of vendors don't physically build their products, finding it more efficient to get companies like Hon Hai to do it instead. So on that basis, of course Facebook isn't building its own phone.