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Tiga Kebohongan Facebook Tentang Privasi

Berikut ini tiga kebohongan yang diungkapkan oleh Vice President for Public Policy Facebook, Elliot Schrage, sperti di kutip berita lampung dari vivanews saat menanggapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan hak-hak privasi konsumen, dikutip dari PC World dan New York Times. 1. Saat ditanya kenapa Facebook tidak membuat semua setelan privasi di Facebook sebagai 'Opt-in' alias seluruhnya 'private' kecuali pengguna menginginkan dan mengubahnya menjadi 'public', Elliot memberikan jawaban dan argumen yang 'memukau'. "Semuanya opt-in di facebook. Bergabung ke Facebook adalah pilihan. Kita ingin agar orang-orang terus menggunakan Facebook setiap hari. Menambah informasi, mengunggah foto, memposting status baru, menyukai sebuah laman. Semuanya Opt-in. Silakan jangan berbagi informasi, bila Anda tidak nyaman." Padahal, saat bergabung ke Facebook, sebagian besar data-data pengguna baru seperti biografi, interest, postingan, friend, family, relationship, lokasi, e...

Facebook Ganti Fitur untuk Fan Pages

Facebook kini telah membuat cara baru untuk koneksi user ke situs tersebut. Kini bukan lagi sebuah tombol bertuliskan “become of fan” di perusahaan seperti contoh Starbucks, Facebook akan memudahkan user untuk mengklik tombol “like” brand tersebut. Banyak pengguna yang suka mengklik komentar atau gambar yang diposting di situs tersebut, dan hal tersebut dua kali lebih banyak ketimbang mereka mengklik “become a fan”, menurut Facebook. Pebisnis yang menggunakan Facebook Pages, yang gratis mereka buat untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan dan untuk mempromosikan brand mereka. “Ide menyukai (liking) brand tersebut terkesan lebih natural dibandingkan ‘becoming a fan’ brand. “ ungkap Michael Lazerow, CEO Buddy Media, yang membantu perusahaan membangun brand dan periklanan mereka di situs jejaring social seperti Facebook.

Google China Redirects to, Impact and Consequences

Yesterday I have informed you about the Chinese government's stand point regarding Google. Google was asked either to maintain Chinese laws and regulations, or retreat. Some Chinese media even went on accusing Google of being linked to US intelligence agencies. Today Google has taken a massive step towards closing its business in China. It has shut down it's Chinese search site at and redirecting visitors to (Google Hong Kong) It is still unknown whether Google will still be operating in China with its R&D office and sales office. Loads of complains are reported from both the Chinese and American users, unhappy with the change being made. There are people in China, who want to access Google, but are also redirected to Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing access to

Toby Young Feels The Bite As Twitter Users Attack

The attack dogs of Twitter are on the rampage once again, and this time they have Daily Telegraph columnist Toby Young in their sights. He has been savaged by users of the social networking site for a third time in two weeks for having the temerity to write an article in the Spectator in which he takes umbrage at his previous 'flamings' (orchestrated attacks by users). Young's initial crime was to write a piece for the Telegraph after the death of Alexander McQueen in which he questioned the fashion designer's "genius", given how flippantly the word is used in fashion circles, and talked about the "cult of personality" that had grown up around McQueen.

Facebook Urged to Act After Memorial Sites Defaced

Cyber attacks on Facebook pages set up to pay tribute to two murdered Australian children has prompted calls for the social networking site to be more accountable for its users. Social media experts say it is natural that people who use sites such as Facebook or MySpace as a major form of communication should turn to these sites with personal tragedies. These memorial sites often attract thousands of friends and well-wishers, as in the case of the pages set up after the deaths this month of Elliott Fletcher, 12, and Trinity Bates, 8.

Profile of a Twitter User

Social Networks for Adults

Whil­e adults have joined online social networks that have been previously dominated by teens like MySpace and Facebook, adult users are also joining online social networks targeted at adult members. Adult social networks don't specialize in "adult" content (although those certainly exist), instead they're social networks for professionals rather than purely for friends. With over 15 million members, LinkedIn is the largest online social network for business professionals. On LinkedIn, profile pages read more like resumes, citing professional experience and education and leaving out personal tidbits like favorite books and bands. Not until recently did LinkedIn even allow users to post a profile picture for fear that it would turn the strictly business site into yet another excuse for online dating.