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Facebook Ties With Microsoft

Popular social networking site Facebook which has several millions of users all over the world has recently tied up with Redmond based software Behemoth Microsoft. The move may benefit both the companies. Facebook will be able to attract more users who are interested in using online applications. Similarly, Microsoft will be able to lock horns with arch rival Google whose Google docs are becoming increasingly popular with the web users with time. As per the deal, the users of Facebook will be able to make online documents using the online edition of Microsoft's latest office productivity suite, Office 2010. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook revealed the Facebook for Docs application in San Francisco at F8 developer's conference. The application still is in its beta version. Meanwhile, Microsoft has announced that is what the users will have to access for using online versions of latest office suite. The Facebook Microsoft tie up is clearly aimed to counter Goo...

Daftar Negara Pembuat Film Dewasa

Ternyata Indonesia termasuk negara yang ikut andil dalam semaraknya dunia film bokep dan diperingkat terakhir diduduki negara Malaysia. 1. Jepang Di jepang semua kategori film porno ada dari versi scat, bdsm, anime, dll. Di samping itu Jepang juga memiliki star bokep terkenal seperti Maria Ozawa, Sora aoi dan calon bintang baru yakni Madoka Ozawa, Maiko Yuki, Azumi Kawashima, Bunko Kanazawa. Negara nipon ini mempunyai film porno sekitar 1,4 milyar dalam 6 bulan. 2. USA Siapa yg tidak mengenal negara pengahasil Majalah playboy ini, di negara ini APAPUN BEBAS. Negara USA mengahsilkan 7 juta per jam film bokep.

Obama: One Year On

Before and After Earthquake Haiti Available on Google Earth

LIPI: CIA Diduga Dalangi Tragedi PKI

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) diduga berada di balik peristiwa G-30S/PKI yang meletus pada tahun 1965. Tragedi tersebut dianggap rekayasa yang mengakibatkan tewasnya Jenderal Ahmad Yani dan sejumah jenderal lainnya. Hal ini dikemukakan sejarawan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Asvi Warman Adam dalam peluncuran novel "The Forgotten Massacre," mengenai kisah persahabatan dan cinta di tengah tragedi G-30S/PKI di Grand Indonesia Shoping, Jakarta, Jumat (2/10).

Twitter Hacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army'

Microblogging site Twitter has been hacked by a group of protesters calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army. The attack forced Twitter offline for more than an hour overnight, leaving Twitter users unable to log on to the service or send tweets. Visitors to were automatically redirected to another web page, which displayed a green flag and English and Arabic writing.