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Google’s Eric Schmid eyeballing a career in TV

Image via CrunchBase Google honcho Eric Schmid, who declared his plan to hand over control of the tech giant last week, has set his sights on a career in television. Schmid broke the news that he’s passing the CEO title to 37-year-old co-founder Larry Page in a sarcastic tweet - “Day-to-day adult supervision no longer needed!” According to sources, the outspoken chief has been consulting with CNN’s “Parker Spitzer” executive producer Liza McGuirk on developing a show featuring himself as host. The two first connected on the Sunday foreign-affairs program “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” which McGuirk executive produced and where Schmidt was a regular guest. When Schmidt filmed a pilot for CNN in August, McGuirk oversaw the production.

"Roadmap to Get a Google Job" Releases in 2011

Image via CrunchBase With 60% of job growth Google has been selected as the best company to work for. According to Larry Page, " Happy people are more productive ". This makes Google different from others. I believe every graduate dream to work in Google. As I am still to complete my graduation, I know that. Getting a job offer from Google never comes after just completing Computer Science or any other graduation. It's a big process. If you don't have any godfather, you'll find hard time for this. If you Google (search) 'work in Google' in Google (, you will get information on Google's unique culture, Googlers life, etc. But there is no sufficient straight forward information on web for the people who are seeking to get a job in Google. Here comes Roadmap to Get a Google Job. What is Roadmap to Get a Google Job? This is a FREE pdf book yet to be published on this blog ( aimed to help graduate who...

Google akan tambah fitur jejaring sosial

Image via CrunchBase Google Inc akan menambah fitur jejaring sosial sebagai produk utamanya selama ini, guna meningkatkan persaingan dengan Facebook Inc. Facebook sebagai situs jejaring sosial, menempati posisi pertama sebagai situs yang sering diakses masyarakat Indonesia, sedangkan Google berada pada posisi ketiga. Posisi kedua ditempati, posisi keempat Yahoo , sedangkan menempati posisi kelima. Namun, secara global, Google masih menjadi situs yang paling sering diakses, sedangkan Facebook menempati posisi kedua diikuti Youtube, yahoo dan windows live.

Facebook, Perusahaan Terfavorit untuk Bekerja

Facebook mengambil alih posisi Google sebagai perusahaan teknologi terbaik untuk bekerja. Perusahaan situs jejaring sosial asal Palo Alto, California tersebut meraih penghargaan dari Business Insider yang meriset pendapat karyawan perusahaan-perusahaan IT. Karyawan Facebook melaporkan, perusahaan itu memang tidak memberikan kemewahan seperti perusahaan Silicon Valley lainnya seperti hidangan lezat ataupun kantor yang dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas hiburan. Akan tetapi Facebook menarik karena kebebasan yang diberikan perusahaan pada karyawan. Tidak ada politik kantor, sedikit manajer kelas menengah yang menyebalkan, dan peluang untuk bekerja di divisi yang berbeda menjadi nilai plus bagi karyawan. Perusahaan itu juga dikenal memiliki ‘boot camp’ untuk mempercepat karyawan baru dalam beradaptasi dengan perusahaan. “Karyawan di sini sangat cerdas tetapi rendah hati, membuat lingkungan kerja menjadi sangat mendukung untuk mengembangkan hal-hal baru,” sebut seorang karyawan yang disu...

Google’s New Bid to Take on Facebook

After a number of failing attempts to extend its monopoly over online social networking, search engine major Google was reported to be working on a new social networking project to challenge Facebook's domination in the field. Starting with their no-so-successful venture into social networking - Orkut, Google's launched an array of social networking products ranging from Wave to Friend Connect to Buzz, which had no great success. On the contrary, social networking ace Facebook's gaining audience and its advertising network continues to grow, which makes it a potential threat for Google. According to the reports Google would be pushing into social games that forms the most lucrative means for capture users and advertising dollars that have flooded the social networks. Several facts contribute to the popularity of social games. Basically what most social bees like about online games is ease-to-play. Google Chief Eric Schmidt admitted "the world doesn't need a co...

Google CEO Schmidt Says 'high quality journalism will triumph'

The newspaper business has been absolutely decimated over the past decade as many news organizations adapted slowly to the changes brought forth by the Internet. But one of the men partly responsible for helping to usher in the new era of digital media (and advertising) is hopeful about the future of news. And he actually believes companies can make money off it. Google CEO Eric Schmidt -- speaking at the American Society of News Editors annual meeting in Washington D.C. -- reportedly said that high-quality journalism will prevail. Politico's Jake Sherman has a detailed report on Schmidt's remarks, including the high-tech executive's advice for making money off content on the Web. As has become a common refrain in the news media business, Schmidt also noted that there's more of a business model problem than a news problem facing the industry.

CEO Google Bocorkan 'gPad', Calon Penantang iPad

Google tampaknya makin serius memproduksi berbagai gadget andalan. Setelah menelurkan ponsel Nexus One, raksasa mesin cari ini dilaporkan sedang mempersiapkan komputer tablet berjuluk 'gPad' yang ditujukan untuk menghantam Apple iPad. Menurut laporan media New York Times, Chief Executive Google Eric Schmidt selip lidah sehingga dalam sebuah pesta internal, ia membocorkan tentang adanya pengembangan tablet tersebut. Schmidt mendeskripsikan tablet Google sebagai tablet reader yang punya fungsi komputasi. Dilansir V3 dan dikutip detikINET, Selasa (13/4/2010), tablet itu hampir bisa dipastikan mengandalkan sistem operasi Android berikut layanan konten di Marketplace. Sedangkan untuk menyediakan ebook, kemungkinan akan memakai layanan Google Books.

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt told a group of editors Sunday that he is confident that newspapers will find new ways to make money online by harnessing the vast reach of the Internet. Media executives have accused Google of draining readers and advertising from newspapers' Web sites. But in a speech to open the annual conference of the American Society of News Editors, Schmidt said Google recognizes that newspapers are vital to democracy and provide a critical source of online content. "We understand how fundamental your mission is," he said. Schmidt predicted that the news business will find a new model, based on a combination of advertising and subscription revenue. He said Google hopes to facilitate that, but he offered no specifics.

Google Buat Akses Internet Ultra Cepat

Google kembali menghadirkan kejutan. Mereka akan membangun jaringan broadband fiber optik ultra cepat untuk pengguna internet di Amerika Serikat. Dijanjikan, kecepatannya 100 kali lebih ngebut dibanding koneksi broadband yang ada di AS saat ini. "Tujuan kami adalah bereksperimen dengan cara baru untuk membuat akses internet lebih cepat dan lebih baik bagi setiap orang," ujar manajer produk Google, Minnie Ingersoll dan James Kelly dalam postingan blog. Mereka mengungkap, Google akan membuat dan menguji coba jaringan internet itu di berbagai wilayah mulai tahun 2010 ini. Jumlah penduduk yang dilibatkan dalam tes kemungkinan mencapai kisaran 500 ribu orang.