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Facebook Users Changing Display Pic To Cartoon Characters

Image via CrunchBase Here is a very interesting trend that is going on in the world of Facebook . Many Facebook users have started to change their Display pics to cartoon characters. It is expected that Facebook is going through a cultural revolution at this point regarding what we can safely say the chip and Dale effect. The Facebook page that is promoting the pictures claims that it is for a campaign to end violence among children. The page coaxes adult users to change their display pics on Facebook. Until Monday (Dec. 6), there should be no human faces on Facebook but an invasion of memories. This is for eliminating violence against children, The campaign creator asks users to change their profile pics and share the above statement in their status message . Just how did campaign start off is really a mystery. So many facebook users are pointing out that this is not going to yield an acceptable end result. one user said “Yeah…like this is gonna help end violence against children...

Facebook CommentsTNG

Facebook CommentsTNG is a plugin for your Wordpress blog that will spider your notes page and find imported Wordpress blogs and bring the comments back into Wordpress. This is a complete rewrite from the original but I did borrow some ideas from it. Kudos to the original authors for their initial effort and for their plugin giving me the motivation to write this one! Features: Will recursively scan through all notes and bring in comments Test mode to see what would be imported without risking the database Uses simple html dom which means it’ll be easier to fix if Facebook changes Limit option to limit how far it goes back Timed automatic scanning Set what note you want it to start on E-mail field for setting a custom e-mail, The default is facebook at philtopia dot com which has a Gravatar set up with a Facebook picture Plugin can crawl your notes despite language set Plugin can get accurate post time from Facebook Auto approval of comments (make sure the plugin works for ...

Koleksi Poster Tentang Infographic

Anti American North Korean Propaganda

Foto: Lucu-lucuan Cuma Ada di China

Negara dengan penduduk terbesar (1,5 milyar jiwa) di dunia ini memang menarik untuk terus dikaji. Bayangkan dengan kekayaan budaya yang telah tumbuh subur semenjak 5 ribu tahun yang lalu, Cina atau Tiongkok pasti punya banyak sisi-sisi menarik di mata orang asing, tak terkecuali kita. Yang kita tahu dari saudara tua ini sayangnya terbatas pada pola-pola stereotip yang sempit sehingga kita cenderung memberi stempel yang cenderung hitam putih pada bangsa besar ini. Kini dengan prestasi ekonominya sebagai kekuatan ekonomi nomer dua dunia, segala aspek tentang Cina sebenarnya patut kita kaji. Banyak pakar sepakat abad ini milik Asia, dan salah satu budaya dominan yang akan banyak mewarnainya adalah budaya Cina. Namun menariknya, karena Cina belum lama beranjak dari statusnya sebagai negara berkembang, banyak hal yang bisa kita temui di Cina rasa-rasanya juga kerap kita dapati di Indonesia. pengiritan ekstremm ipod terbaru form cina go to gaza melawan israel menantang maut ...

Seorang Ibu Mengacuhkan Bayinya Setelah Melahirkan

Facebook sebenarnya bermanfaat bagi yang menggunakannya secara proporsional. Namun, jika sebaliknya, facebook berdampak jelek bagi penggunanya. Contohnya, seorang ibu pada gambar berikut yang malah online di facebook, sementara bayinya dipegang oleh suster.  

Picture: Looking Through The Windshield

Incredible set of crazy in pictures stories happens to people when they are traveling in the car.

Picture: Webpage Not Found, Error 404!

Eva Mendes Topless, in Lingerie For Calvin Klein

A lingerie-clad and then topless Eva Mendes is all over shirtless model Jamie Dornan in a racy new Fall 2009 campaign for Calvin Klein jeans and underwear. Shot by world-renowned photographer Steven Klein, the ads will appear in billboards as well as in magazines as Jeans ad inserts, four-page ad units and covers of Lucky, Elle, GQ, Vanity Fair, W, Nylon, Details, Interview and InStyle .

Lightning Storm on South Dakota Plains

Foto: Maudy Ayunda aka Zakiah Nurmala

Ghosts in the Machine

JUNG YEON-JE / REUTERS A thermal scanner shows the heat signatures of passengers arriving at Seoul's Incheon Airport. Such devices were deployed in the spring to help prevent the spread of swine flu.

Armed and Dangerous

Marco Vernaschi / Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting Drug dealers settle a score in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. In the past few years, the small West African nation has become a key transit point for South American drug cartels.

About Groovle

Groovle - Your GROOVY Custom Homepage - was created so people can customize their Internet homepage with images ranging from favorite celebrities or sports teams to more personal images of friends and family etc. Users of Groovle can either:

The World's Best Photos - Flickr Hive Mind
