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Google Jadikan PC Seperti Ponsel

Google sedang mengembangkan aplikasi desktop dari Google Voice. Langkah ini akan memberi kemudahan melakukan telepon langsung dari PC penggunanya. Akhir November lalu Google mengakuisisi Gizmo5, layanan VoIP dan bisa menerima panggilan dari sambungan telepon rumah dan dari ponsel. Gizmo5 memenuhi beberapa kekurangan dari produk Google Voice terutama menyediakan sambungan paling akhir ke rumah-rumah. Saat ini, pengguna Google Voice harus menetapkan nomor Google Voice ke telepon sebenarnya agar dapat membuat dan menerima panggilan.

9 Reasons Why Google Apps is “Telework in a Box”

I’ve recently been thinking about how Google Voice , Google Wave and Google Buzz joining the full Google Apps lineup would make it a budget-friendly teleworking platform. Organizations can now literally purchase themselves a “telework in a box” solution — a complete office productivity software, communications and collaboration package — with little or no requirement for support from their own technical staff. Here are some reasons why Google Apps might be your organization’s ideal telework platform: Low operating costs. Google Apps Premier Edition included everything and costs $50 per user per year. It can release you from software licensing costs and free up some of your internal technical staff from having to support telework applications, though you’ll still have to factor in some administrative and support time to provision and maintain remote users. Lower hardware costs. Outfitting teleworkers with hardware can be a major expense, especially if your organization isn’t...

MyWare: Personalized Service or Invasion of Privacy?

There's a fine line between what is considered a knowledge database and an invasion of privacy, and that line is likely to be determined by marketing. This week we wrote an article about Please Rob Me - a service that identifies Foursquare and Gowalla check-ins on Twitter and lets others know that a person is not home. While location-based services are often touted for their social and recommendation-based benefits, the realization that they can be used negatively have many questioning the responsibility of those groups that collect the data. In mid January Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stated that the age of privacy had come to an end and we responded that evolving preferences were not a valid justification of the elimination of privacy preferences . Nevertheless, between cookie tracking and browser identifiers like those shown in the EFF's Panopticlick and the fact that it only takes your zip code, gender and birthdate to identify you, it's hard to ensure to...

Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit’

After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town Hall at One Infinite Loop, making himself available for questions from employees bold enough to stand up and take one right between the eyes.