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Cina Luncurkan Twitter Komunis

Image via Wikipedia Departemen Propaganda di Kota Chongqing Cina meluncurkan situs mikrobloging "Red Microblog" dua hari lalu. Red Microblog dibuat untuk menyaingi Twitter. Dalam lamannya, pendirian situs ini merupakan permintaan Menteri Propaganda Li Changchun untuk menguasai media.  Sekretaris Partai Komunis Kota Chongqing, Bo Xilai, langsung jadi anggota dan memposting pesan-pesan bernada propaganda. "Saya sangat menyukai kata-kata (Pendiri RRC) Mao Zedong, Dunia milik kita, kita harus bekerja sama," tulisnya, seperti dilaporkan Telegraph, Kamis (16/12). Pesan-pesan lain tidak kalah optimistis. "Tidak ada langit yang lebih lebar dari telapak tangan, tidak ada jalan yang lebih panjang dari telapak kaki, tidak ada laut yang lebih luas dari hati."

Google’s New Bid to Take on Facebook

After a number of failing attempts to extend its monopoly over online social networking, search engine major Google was reported to be working on a new social networking project to challenge Facebook's domination in the field. Starting with their no-so-successful venture into social networking - Orkut, Google's launched an array of social networking products ranging from Wave to Friend Connect to Buzz, which had no great success. On the contrary, social networking ace Facebook's gaining audience and its advertising network continues to grow, which makes it a potential threat for Google. According to the reports Google would be pushing into social games that forms the most lucrative means for capture users and advertising dollars that have flooded the social networks. Several facts contribute to the popularity of social games. Basically what most social bees like about online games is ease-to-play. Google Chief Eric Schmidt admitted "the world doesn't need a co...

Verifying Ownership of a Facebook Page

Facebook now requires its users to verify ownership of Facebook Pages that have a ‘large number’ of fans. Our records indicate that you are currently the admin of a Facebook Page with a large number of fans, Digital Inspiration . To ensure a positive user experience, we require admins of large Pages to confirm their affiliation with the brand, business, person, or entity that their Page represents. To authenticate your Facebook page, you need to add a Facebook Fan widget or a Facebook Badge to your website home page and link it to your main Facebook page. If that’s not an option since you don’t control the website, there’s another way for you to authenticate a page. You can add a second email address to your Facebook account that is officially affiliated with the brand that your Facebook Page represents.

A Real Facebook Privacy Issue

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Osama bin Laden has a page on Facebook

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is reportedly using social networking website Facebook as a platform to show videos and speeches to Islamic militants. According to reports, Osama has a page named "The leader of the Mujahideen, Osama bin Laden" and his address is given as "the mountains of the world". Following the revelation, security experts have urged Facebook's US office to shut down the page.

Joanna Shields leaves Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine to join Facebook

The former Bebo president has left Shine after just a few months to join Facebook as a vice-president of sales and business development Joanna Shields, who has joined Facebook months after signing up for digital content venture with Elisabeth Murdoch. Photograph: Linda Nylind The former Bebo president Joanna Shields has joined Facebook in a senior European role, leaving the venture she launched with Elisabeth Murdoch 's Shine production company just months ago. Shields, who was the architect of Bebo's $850m sale to AOL in 2008 , is to take the newly created role of vice-president of sales and business development for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Shields, who left AOL in May last year , announced in September that she was launching a digital media content venture with Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine Group . Shields, who blazed a trail in online drama with Bebo's ground-breaking online TV series, KateModern, also had a seat on Shine's advisory board. ...

The Age of Social Networks

Social networks share a common ingredient in design and intent, the connection of people and the facilitation of conversations, sharing, and discovery. What they do not share however, are culture, behavior, and prevailing demographics . Each network is unique in its genetic and cultural composition and it is for that reason that we benefit by becoming digital anthropologists in addition to new media marketers. Demographics are distributed within all social networks, but only concentrated within a select few. Where specific demographics materialize varies from network to network and as such, the more effective social strategies and tactics are designed to reach target audiences where, when and how they engage . Over the years, I’ve relied on Google Ad Planner to surface the critical demographics in order to construct meaningful and targeted social programming. Pingdom recently examined the data and packaged the results in a visually rich presentation worthy of sharing.

Google Makes Facebook Pages a Higher Priority for Businesses

Google announced via Twitter this week, that public status updates from Facebook are now included in the search engine's real-time search feature. That means the largest social network in the world is getting play in Google's real-time search alongside Twitter, MySpace, and others, and these real-time results are often featured prominently on the first page of search results for the hottest queries. Apparently only updates from Facebook PAGES are indexed, and according to Danny Sullivan , that includes links, status updates, photos, videos shared by page owners (not comments made by the fans).  Any Facebook update (from regular user profiles) can be shared publicly, so I wonder why these aren't being pulled. Results from Twitter and other places aren't only from branded sources.

Malicious Software Infects Corporate Computers

A malicious software program has infected the computers of more than 2,500 corporations around the world, according to NetWitness, a computer network security firm. The malicious program, or Botnet, can commandeer the operating systems of both residential and corporate computing systems via the Internet. Such botnets are used by computer criminals for a range of illicit activities, including sending e-mail spam, and stealing digital documents and passwords from infected computers. In many cases they install so-called “keystroke loggers” to capture personal information.

Facebook Drives 44 Percent Of Social Sharing On The Web

About Facebook

Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 400 million users. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks. The original idea for the term Facebook came from Zuckerberg’s high school (Phillips Exeter Academy). The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until Zuckerberg brought it to the internet. With this success, Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and Hughes moved out to Palo Alto for the summer and rented a sublet. A few weeks later, Zuckerberg ran into the former cofounder of Napster , Sean Parker . Parker soon moved...

Will People Leave Facebook for Buzz? Fat Chance

Let's say you'd constituted a drinking game for the aftermath of Tuesday's unveiling of Google Buzz , the odd new mishmash of status messages, geolocation, and social-media aggregation: Take a drink every time some pundit says Google is trying to "kill" Facebook, Twitter, or any number of the "geo" start-ups out there. You'd have been totally blitzed. The cries of "It's a Facebook killer!" and "It's going to kill Twitter!" are tedious, but completely understandable considering that this is one of the first big pushes from Google, which has never been able to get a good grip on social networking , to make inroads in the space. And Buzz is indeed a product that's reactionary as opposed to trailblazing. It's Google's biggest acknowledgment of the fact that people dig these short real-time messages and social-media sharing . It aims to take the reasons why people use Facebook, why people use Twitter, and w...

Meet Google Buzz, Not the Same as Yahoo! Buzz

Will Google's version give Facebook and Twitter a run for their money? As rumored yesterday, Google launched a new social effort today called Google Buzz. If you're immediate reaction is, "Wait, doesn't Yahoo! already have a product named Buzz?" Then you'd be correct. But Google didn't acquire Yahoo! Buzz. Nor has Yahoo! Buzz gone defunct and Google felt ok about picking it up as a name. The two products are alike in name and the fact that they're social. But that's about it. Google Buzz lets you be social from Gmail. You can update your status there and share photos. (Yahoo! Buzz is more akin to social bookmarking and trending topics.)

Google Buzz Vs Google Wave

When Google announced Google Buzz, its new social sharing feature for Gmail, company representatives admitted Buzz was inspired by a similar product: Google Wave. In fact, some of the features of Buzz and Wave are so similar you might be wondering why there are two different products in the first place? Both services are supposed to help you create conversations and give you a richer experience around Web-based media like videos, images ,and regular text. But while Buzz and Wave have a lot in common, there also some key differences that set each service apart. Wave and Buzz? What the heck are you talking about?

Dear Google Buzz: 4 Features You Need to Add Now

GMAIL USERS: We hope you’ll join the discussion over on Mashable’s Google Buzz account . Earlier today, we posted a buzz asking our followers : “What features would you like to see in Google Buzz ( ) ?” We received just shy of 500 responses over the course of the afternoon, and we saw both big trends and unique ideas. Here are a few of the biggest and best responses. Some are obvious — some not so much. We think they’re all great ideas, though, except maybe the last one! But some 75 million people might disagree with us. Keep reading to find out what we (or rather you) are talking about, and be sure to add your own ideas to the comments here or over on our Google Buzz . The #1 Request: Collapsible Comment Threads Far and away, the most requested feature is the ability to collapse comments. By our count, 197 of the 492 comments that we read before writing this requested this feature. The issue is that posts are sorted on the main interface chronologically by the most recent commen...

Top 13 Motivational Posters

AOL Integrates Facebook Chat With AIM

Users of AOL's main instant-messaging service can now chat directly with friends on Facebook. AOL Inc. said Wednesday that a new version of the AIM software connects with the chat function on Facebook's Web site, letting AIM users communicate with friends who are logged on to the social network. The AIM user still needs a Facebook account, however, and it's the Facebook persona rather than AIM's that appears to the friend on Facebook. Users who download the new AIM software and link it with their Facebook profile will see their AIM buddy list include online Facebook friends in a separate section.

5 Potential Negative Effects of Your Social Media Obsession

Blogs. Twitter profiles. Facebook fan pages. These are just a few of the sources of our growing social media obsession. Every day, more and more businesses are jumping on the social media bandwagon with high hopes of engaging consumers and getting more sales. And while I’m certainly a proponent of socializing your brand, there is a dark side to this obsession, and it can have some nasty effects. 1. Turning customers off with your personal beliefs - In an attempt to show customers your human side, you run the risk of alienating or offending them with your opinions and beliefs. This is especially true if you decide to discuss politics or religion. A simple Tweet talking about your support for a certain candidate or a policy can upset some of your customers and cause them to boycott your business. That’s why I recommend staying away from sensitive issues whenever possible.

Diancam Putus, Pria Sebar Foto Bugil Pacar di Facebook

Perbuatan FE (26) sungguh keterlaluan. Hanya karena kesal diancam akan diputuskan cintanya, dia tega menyebar foto bugil kekasihnya, CAW (17), di jejaring sosial facebook. Kasus ini bermula ketika CAW meminta putus dari PE. Namun lelaki yang bekerja di Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) ini tak rela CAW pindah ke lain hati. Segala jurus rayuan ia keluarkan, tapi hati CAW tak juga luluh. CAW tetap minta putus. PE tak kurang akal. Jurus andalan ia keluarkan. PE berniat memberitahu orang tua CAW, kalau hubungan asmara di antara mereka sudah melampui batas-batas orang berpacaran.

Pengguna Facebook Tembus 400 Juta

Hanya dalam waktu dua bulan, pengguna Facebook bertambah 50 juta, dari 350 juta menjadi 400 juta. Hal tersebut menjadi hadiah ulang tahun keenam bagi Facebook yang jatuh 4 Februari 2010. Kenaikan 50 juta pengguna dalam dua bulan sangat bermakna karena berarti menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan pengguna Facebook masih positif dan sangat tinggi. Pasalnya, untuk naik dari 300 juta menjadi 350 juta pengguna, sebelumnya Facebook butuh waktu tiga bulan. Seperti dilansir Mashable, Pencapaian itu disampaikan pendiri dan CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, Kamis (4/2/2010) malam waktu AS dalam kegiatan Hackathon, kompetisi ide antarkaryawan Facebook yang berlangsung sepanjang malam dan rutin dilakukan beberapa bulan sekali.