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Social networking ‘leads to sex faster’

Image via CrunchBase Facebook , texting and other social networking tools make new couples to jump into bed faster, reveals a new US survey. According that third annual sex survey by Shape and Men’s Fitness magazines, nearly four out of five women and three of five men say that digital intimacy leads to having sex faster, reports a foreign news agency. However, only 38 percent of women said they have actually slept with a date any sooner because of online intimacy.

What Happens If People Believe the Facebook Movie?

They say history is written by the victors, but the reality is that Hollywood prefers a sexy story. The upcoming movie, “ The Social Network ,” is based on the semi-fictionalized accounts of those jilted during the founding of Facebook. Starring Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield (who’s about to be the next Spider-Man), written by Andrew Sorkin, directed by David Fincher, produced by Kevin Spacey, scored by Trent Reznor, and about a massive cultural phenomenon, there’s a good chance people are actually going to pay attention to this movie. “ The Social Network ,” due in theaters October 1, was inspired by “The Accidental Billionaires,” an unauthorized, dramatized account billed as a non-fiction work by Ben Mezrich, who popularized the (similarly embellished) story of MIT students taking over Vegas in “Bringing Down the House.” Mezrich’s book is told from the perspective of three early influences on Facebook who were screwed out of their roles in the company by founde...

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved

New domain means legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping. Photograph: AP The internet could soon have its own red light district after the ".xxx" suffix was approved – though pornography companies are not keen to use it. Icann, the organisation which determines what "top-level domains" (TLDs) such as .com or .uk can be added to the internet announced today that it will begin the process of registering .xxx by making checks on ICM Registry, the company that wants to run the domain and sell registrations. It marks the closing stages of a 10-year battle by ICM Registry, now run by the British internet entrepreneur Stuart Lawley, to get the .xxx domain set up so that legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping.

Facebook Accused of Syphilis Rise in Britain

For those who feel social networking sites are safe heaven for hook ups, here's an eye-opener. According to Health experts at NHS Hartlepool in Britain, Facebook is partly responsible for the rise in cases of Syphilis in three areas Sunderland, Durham and Teesside, where the site is immensely popular. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is highly transmissible through sexual contact. Sites like Facebook have made it easier for people to "meet up for casual sex", as told to Telegraph by the Peter Kelly, Director of Public Health in Teesside. According to Kelly, most of the syphilis cases he saw, came from the people who had met their sexual partners on these sites. The victims include a significant number of women. The accusation on Facebook of aggravating STD and Facebook, has been supported by some stats that suggests, "young people in Sunderland, Durham and Teesside were 25 per cent more likely to log ontosocial networking sites than those in the r...

Sex Diseases Soaringbrdue to Facebook Romps

CASES of syphilis have increased four-fold in Britain's Facebook capital as users meet up for unprotected sex, it was revealed yesterday. Figures released last month showed that people in Sunderland, Durham and Teesside were 25 per cent more likely to log on regularly. And an NHS trust chief said Facebook and similar sites were to blame for a shocking rise in cases of potentially-lethal syphilis in the region. Professor Peter Kelly, director of Public Health for NHS Tees, said: "There has been a four-fold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected, with more young women being affected."

Aplikasi 'Panas' yang Lolos di iPhone

Apple baru saja mendepak 5.000 aplikasi di toko online-nya, di antaranya adalah aplikasi berbau seks. Namun, ternyata tidak semua aplikasi 'panas' terdepak. Apa saja yang lolos? Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Kamis (25/2/2010), ada sejumlah aplikasi 'panas' yang ternyata masih bertengger di App Store, di antaranya: Playboy Aplikasi ini menampilkan sejumlah fitur seperti wawancara, video eksklusif Playmate, namun tidak sepenuhnya menampilkan gambar-gambar bugil. Adult Sex Life Aplikasi ini berisi panduan untuk menciptakan suasana intim

YouTube Fasilitasi Pengakuan Dosa Tiger Woods

Sejumlah event besar telah diboyong YouTube ke hadapan para peselancar dunia maya melalui live video feed. Dari panggung politik saat inaugurasi Presiden Barack Obama hingga panggung musik konser band U2. Dan kini, waktunya penikmat olahraga untuk menyaksikan 'come back' dari pegolf terkenal Tiger Woods. Namun kehadirannya TIger bukan untuk bertanding, ia ingin membuat konferensi pers terkait perselingkuhannya. Ya, YouTube akan menyajikan semacam acara pengakuan dosa pegolf nomor satu dunia tersebut secara live streaming. Ditayangkan pada hari Jumat pagi pukul 8 waktu setempat, di sini pengunjung bisa menyaksikan permintaan maaf Woods kepada publik atas kasus perselingkuhan yang telah menghancurkan reputasinya tersebut.

Forum Sex Online Tak Ampuh Hanya Diblokir

Forum sex online makin sulit dibendung di jagad maya, malahan makin membanjiri internet. Lalu, apa pendapat masyarakat mengenai masalah yang terbilang cukup krusial tersebut? "Pemerintah memang sudah seharusnya memblokir situs-situs seperti itu, walaupun itu sebenarnya tidak cukup, karena pasti nanti akan muncul lagi," terang salah satu karyawan di wilayah Sudirman bernama Ahmad Fauzi Ridwan (22), kepada okezone, di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2010). "Kalo menurut gue sih lebih ke arah sex education buat anak-anak sekolah, biar mereka jadi mengerti dan lebih dewasa dalam hal-hal yang seperti begini," usulnya.

Forum Sex Online Tidak Ditutup, Malah Berganti 'Wajah'

Forum sex online yang menyebar di Indonesia hingga saat ini belum mendapatkan tanggapan serius dari pihak yang berwenang. Buktinya, beberapa forum khusus orang dewasa itu hingga kini belum ditutup, malahan telah berganti nama. Ingin menyamarkan? Saat ditelusuri okezone, Selasa (9/2/2010), satu dari forum pelacuran tersebut adalah BB17. Di situs tersebut, saat dicoba diketik di alamat yang lama, pengunjung langsung di-direct ke forum dengan nama yang lain. Namun, selain tampilan halaman depannya yang sedikit diubah, tidak ada perubahan lainnya lagi. Semua tulisan-tulisan yang berasal dari laman baru ini, masih merupakan import dari forum BB17 yang lama. Bahkan, thread wanita panggilan yang dijajakan pun tetap tidak ada yang berubah. Saat okezone, memasukkan username lama pun, nyatanya memang masih berlaku.

"Ngeseks", Kok Minta Lewat Belakang?

Memiliki pasangan yang mahir dalam teknik bercinta memang menyenangkan. Namun, bagaimana bila pasangan suka melakukan hubungan lewat "belakang" alias seks anal? Meski sodomi atau hubungan seks yang dilakukan lewat dubur sering kali dilakukan oleh pasangan homoseksual, ternyata tak sedikit pria heteroseksual yang diam-diam ingin melakukan seks anal dengan istrinya. "Sekitar 15 persen sodomi dilakukan antarlaki-laki, sedangkan sodomi dengan istri sekitar 3 persen," kata pakar seksologi Prof Dr dr Alex Pangkahila, Sp And dari Universitas Udayana, Bali. Untuk kelompok heteroseksual, yang senang dengan sodomi pada umumnya merasa lebih terpuaskan dengan sodomi. "Mereka akan lebih puas karena jepitan otot-ototnya lebih kuat dibandingkan otot vagina," katanya.

Why We Kiss: The Science of Sex

Pecking, smooching, Frenching, and playing tonsil-hockey—there are as many names for kissing as there are ways to do it. Whether we use it as an informal greeting or an intensely romantic gesture, kissing is one of those ingrained human behaviors that seems to defy explanation. Its many purposes—a blow and peck for good luck on dice, lips to ground after a rocky boat ride, kisses in the air to an acquaintance, and the long slow smooches of Hollywood—have different meanings yet are similar in nature. So why is it that we love to pucker up?

Facebook Fugitive Craig Lynch Updates Facebook Status

British police can't find escaped convict Craig Lynch, but search for him on Facebook and you’ll see that he has nearly 4,000 fans and an info box that says "Life is what you make it, live fast, die young!!!" Photo: Facebook screen grab of Craig Lynch's profile. Lynch seems intent on doing just that. Back in September, the 28-year-old Facebook-friendly convict escaped the Hollesey Bay Prison, located in Suffolk, about 100 miles north of London. Though police can't seem to figure out where he is, his Facebook friends get constant updates with Lynch describing everything from what he ate for dinner to who his first sexual conquest of 2010 will be, according to CNN .

Film Porno Tiger Woods Mulai Digarap

Meskipun dilarang pengadilan London, upaya membuat video porno pegolf Tiger Woods sepertinya sudah tak terbendung. Buktinya, film porno Tiger sedang dibuat. Namun, film ini tidak diperankan oleh Tiger Woods yang asli melainkan diperankan oleh seseorang yang sedikit banyak mirip dengan Tiger, sebagaimana dikutip okezone dari TMZ, Jumat (18/12/2009).

The Dangers of 'Sexting'