Image via CrunchBase Being able to familiarize yourself with your target market is extremely significant in marketing in spite of whether it is online or offline . You need to know what helps to attract your audience and you also need to know what pushes them away. You will want to know this information in order to get the right response from them. This is comparable when you engage in social media marketing on Facebook . One statistic posted on Facebook itself stated that it has 500 million active users and that half of them log in at least daily. That means that 250 million visitors come and log onto Facebook daily. People also spend nearly seven hours inside Facebook rather than on Google , Yahoo or MSN. There are really quite a few probable customers whom you can tap into however, you need to know how to advance towards them appropriately. Within Facebook you want to act like a friend rather than that of an Internet marketer. Your patron pool is inside Facebook itself and wh...
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