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Memburu Teroris di Tanah Rencong

Pada awalnya banyak pihak kurang yakin jika di Aceh ada kelompok bersenjata jaringan teroris yang berlatih di pegunungan kawasan Jalin, Kecamatan Jantho, Aceh Besar, awal Maret 2010. Dari pegunungan kawasan Jalin, sebagai pembuka pengejaran kelompok bersenjata jaringan teroris tersebut terus berkembang ke beberapa titik lainnya di wilayah Aceh Besar. Polri menyebutkan bahwa di pedalaman kawasan Jalin tersebut telah dijadikan sebagai lokasi latihan bersenjata jaringan teroris dengan kekuatan diperkirakan mencapai 50 orang. Informasi tentang adanya jaringan bersenjata dipedalaman Jalin itu berdasarkan laporan masyarakat. Kemudian polisi melakukan pengintaian selama beberapa bulan sebelum akhirnya dilakukan penyergapan lokasi.

Indonesian Police Raid Terror Group in Aceh

The Indonesian police arrested three persons in Aceh on Tuesday thought to have ties to the late JI terrorists Imam Samudra and Noordin Top. The three were detained following a firefight in the jungles of Aceh Besar district. In addition, one local resident was killed and his son injured as a result of the crossfire. Two of the suspects are from Pandeglang district, Banten province. The third was from Aceh. The raid lasted fourteen hours and involved 100 police officers. The police announced that they had been watching the group since September 2009 after locals reported paramilitary-style training in the jungle. In the raid, the police confiscated a Malaysian Army uniforms, knives, a telescope, and a large amount of cash. There was no initial mention of any firearms captured from the suspects.