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Infografik: Sejumlah Penyadapan di Berbagai Negara

Kasus penyadapan memang sedang menarik saat ini, tidak saja antara Indonesia dan Australia, melainkan juga menghinggapi berbagai belahan dunia. Jauh, sebelum mengenai aksi penyadapan orang-orang nomor satu dan penting di Indonesia, salah satu sumber penyedia dan analisis dari Kasperky telah melansir sebuah infografik yang memuat sejumlah negara menjadi incaran mata-mata (cyber espionage).

Assange's mother says 'massive forces' against him

Image via Wikipedia Christine Assange, who lives in Queensland, dismissed the rape charges against her 39-year-old son, for which he remains remanded in custody in Britain and facing extradition to Sweden, saying: "Julian would not rape". But she told Australia's Seven Network that she was concerned about what will happen to her son, founder of the WikiLeaks website which has begun releasing more than 250, 000 sensitive US diplomatic cables. Julian Assange denies the sexual assault charges. "Julian, rape, straight out of my guts -- no way. Julian would not rape," Christine Assange said. She added: "It's a worry, of course. I am no different from any other mother. Every time the news goes on I am glued to it... "These massive forces have decided they are going to stop him and they are not going to play by the rules."

Australia, Negara Penggila Situs Jejaring Sosial

Australia mungkin boleh kalah untuk urusan jumlah pengguna situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook atau Twitter. Tapi, berdasarkan riset Nielsen, pengguna jejaring sosial negeri Kangguru tersebut dinilai sebagai penggila jejaring sosial. Pasalnya, pengguna jejaring sosial di Australia rata-rata menghabiskan waktu sekira tujuh jam dalam sebulan untuk mengurusi akunnya, seperti mengupdate status, mengunggah foto. Jumlah tersebut mengalahkan jumlah rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan pengguna di Amerika Serikat, Inggris atau Jepang untuk mengurusi situsnya. Rata-rata pengguna jejaring sosial secara global hanya menghabiskan waktu jika ditotal hanya lima hingga lima setengah jam dalam sebulan.

Photo: It’s been an odd Australian Open

I think its fair to say its been a strange Australian Open thus far. We’ve had player/fan fights , arrests, F-bombs , and of course underwear-gate. So although we’re only in Day 4, here is a photo essay of some of the weird, odd, and perhaps voyeuristic scenes from this year’s Australian Open. Are there slits in that thing to breathe?

Astronomy Picture of the Day