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How evil is Facebook?

Image via Wikipedia How evil is Facebook? So evil! Invader of privacy , maker of billions, social network that turns us all into casual stalkers . . . In all of the articles, blogs and, er, Facebook status updates ever written about Facebook, there does seem to be universal agreement that it is, somehow, suspect – a point on which the two recent films made about Facebook, Catfish and The Social Network , predictably concur. In fact there is now an actual figure on just how evil Facebook is: $100m worth of evil, plus Oprah. The former is how much the network's founder, Mark Zuckerberg (boooooo!), announced he is donating in his company's stock to help the public school system in Newark, New Jersey on – oh crazy coincidence! – the very day that The Social Network premiered in the US. And Oprah, of course, refers to the show on which Zuckerberg announced his upcoming donation, thereby multiplying its value by about a kajillion, and also to whom the heretofore very private Zuck...

Visualisations: How Facebook has opened the kimono

IBM researcher Matt McKeon has illustrated in a few brief slides quite how far Facebook has shifted in its treatment of users' personal data. Facebook has two issues here. One is making sure its technology delivers; that wasn't the case last week when, as TechCrunch reported, someone found a security hole that exposed private video chats . That latest problem was grist to the mill of people concerned with the bigger issue of how Facebook deals with private data through a perpetual balance of how it thinks data could be used and what users will accept. The level of openness that users will accept has shifted very fast since Facebook became mainstream, but the site continues to push that boundary forward. Since the first high-profile controversy around publishing data in news feeds back in September 2006, a string of redesigns and re-configurations have pushed users' informa...

Facebook Privacy Complaint: A Complete Breakdown

The Electronic Privacy Information Center and 14 other consumer protection groups lodged a formal complaint against Facebook with the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday. The groups take issue with Facebook's privacy policies and accuse the site of unfair and deceptive trade practices that " violate user expectations, diminish user privacy, and contradict Facebook's own representations ." At issue are Facebook's Instant Personalization feature; the inability of Facebook users to make the 'Likes and Interests' section of their profile private; and the fact that Facebook discloses user profile information in certain ways even if a user has elected to keep that information private. The complaint asks the FTC to order Facebook to "restore privacy settings that were previously available...give users meaningful control over personal information, and seek other appropriate injunctive and compensatory relief." Here's a quick lo...

How To View Private Facebook Profile

So you want to know how to view private Facebook profile or pages? Be wary of sites that claim you can view private Facebook pages or profiles. The first thing before you proceed further, is to ask yourself why you are wanting to do this. Figuring out how to view private Facebook profiles became a brief hobby of mine for a few months last year and you could follow the same tricks as well. This trick will let you see anyone’s tagged photos even if they are private for you.

List of Best 10 Facebook Hacks

In my last previous post How to hack facebook password ,I told you a method to hack a facebook password, i now though to continue the series of facebook hacks. As you know Facebook has become very famous in last 1 year. Orkut which was considered to be the best Social networking website has been sidetracked by emerging Social Networking Websites like Facebook and Twitter. Considering the popularity of Facebook we have collected the Most Essential Hacks of Facebook and presented them to you.