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IM2 NetSAFE Miliki 2 Juta Database untuk Blokir Situs-situs Porno

PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) meresmikan netSAFE, fitur untuk mencegah pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs pornografi, kekerasan, perjudian, dan lain-lain. Maraknya pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs pornografi, kekerasan, dan perjudian, PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) kini meresmikan netSAFE. Dengan adanya blokir situs yang dilakukan melalui fitur netSAFE ini, dinilai lebih efektif dan aman, sebab fiturnya secara otomatis dapat menghalau pengguna internet untuk mengakses situs-situs yang telah diberi tanda untuk diblokir. Blokir situs yang dilakukan melalui fitur netSAFE lebih efektif dan aman karena setelah diaktifkan, fitur akan secara otomatis menghalau pengguna internet untuk mengakses situs-situs yang telah diberi tanda untuk diblokir. Lebih aman karena hanya orang dengan user ID dan password saja yang dapat membatalkan/meng-inaktivasi fitur netSAFE ini. “Karena blokir dilakukan berbasis akses jaringan, maka apabila dibandingkan dengan blokir menggunakan ...

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved

New domain means legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping. Photograph: AP The internet could soon have its own red light district after the ".xxx" suffix was approved – though pornography companies are not keen to use it. Icann, the organisation which determines what "top-level domains" (TLDs) such as .com or .uk can be added to the internet announced today that it will begin the process of registering .xxx by making checks on ICM Registry, the company that wants to run the domain and sell registrations. It marks the closing stages of a 10-year battle by ICM Registry, now run by the British internet entrepreneur Stuart Lawley, to get the .xxx domain set up so that legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping.

99% of Stories Blogs Link To Are Published By Mainstream Media

Bloggers like to think they now control the nation's news agenda--but they don't. 99% of the stories blogs link to are produced by mainstream media, according to the latest study from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism . Pew's findings—based on a year's worth of data analyzing the top stories on millions of blogs and social media pages, Twitter and YouTube—does show how new media websites can influence the overall impact of news stories, and the ways in which new media news storylines differ from the traditional press. For instance: Newspapers and broadcast networks generated more than 99% of the stories linked to by bloggers , and 87% of those stories were news reports rather than Op/Ed pieces. But there were only 13 times when blogs and the mainstream press had the same top story , the most-overlapping of which was "the U.S. economic crisis (five weeks in all)." Others were H1N1, the protests in Iran last June and S...

Facebook battles for even more of your personal info with new 'like' tool

Can Facebook get any bigger? The F8 developer event on Wednesday will reveal a Facebook 'like' button that will expand the existing sharing options between Facebook and the rest of the web, reports the New York Times . The existing share button will add a favourite link to a user's profile, but the new 'like' feature makes that much more substantial, allowing publishers to offer a wider range of social sharing tools and giving Facebook more data and what is being shared and who by. Photo by recursion_see_recursion on Flickr. Some rights reserved In return, publishers get access to some of that information to contextualise information on that page - so rather than listing the most read articles on its site, the like feature could show which articles the reader's friends had recommended.

Osama bin Laden’s Facebook account disabled

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's profile on social networking website Facebook has been shut down, after a security expert raised the issue with the website's U.S. owners. According to reports, Osama had a Facebook page named "The leader of the Mujahideen, Osama bin Laden", and he used it as a platform to show videos and speeches to Islamic militants. Talking about the decision, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said that the company could not ascertain if the profile belonged to Osama or was fake. "People often attempt to register fake accounts under the name of famous or infamous people, and we have a number of technical measures designed to prevent this behavior," Fox News quoted Noyes, as saying.

8 Pelajar Wanita Jadi Korban SMS Porno

Kasus berkirim SMS porno alias sexting yang membuat 8 pelajar wanita jadi korban, jadi berita cukup heboh di Amerika Serikat. Para pelakunya adalah empat pelajar teman sekolah korban sendiri di Yucaipa High School, California. Awalnya, polisi menerima laporan soal adanya postingan foto cabul siswa putri sekolah itu di sebuah website. Investigasi berhasil membuktikan, keempat siswa pria yang sama-sama masih berumur 15 tahun itu adalah pelakunya. Sejauh ini, sebanyak 8 siswa perempuan diketahui menjadi korban sexting itu. Para pelaku sexting memang belum dijebloskan ke bui, namun mereka terancam didakwa terlibat dalam kasus pornografi anak.

Yahoo Introduces Daily News-Based Series

Yahoo's news site is launching a daily 90-second series based on its most popular stories. Yahoo says it is teaming with Toyota and the production company Reveille to make "Who Knew?". The feature made its debut Monday on the popular news page. Producers take the story that gets the most clicks on Yahoo's Web site and within 24 hours make a feature that offers background material. Something new will be posted each workday. Woody Thompson, who created the "Pop Up Video" series for VH1, helped make this new series. The first episode Monday offered details about the Shroud of Turin, including how many times it has been put on display.

EPIC: Google Violated Federal Wire Tap Laws

PIC or Electronic Privacy Information Center is reported to have filed a complaint against Google stating that its latest social networking related service Google Buzz may have violated the federal wiretap laws. Allegedly, the complaint with FTC claims that Google's real time collaboration tool is engaged in unfair and deceptive practices. When the Google Buzz launched in February, it was instantly criticized for involuntarily sharing the personal data of the Gmail users with others. The complaint filed by EPIC indicates that they are unsatisfied with the changes and they want the service should be deactivated by default. Users who want the service can opt for Google Buzz to be enabled on their account. They also want that user's address book should not be used by the service. They had to bring some changes and make adjustments to Google Buzz to play defensively. And now, with a big can of worms open with Google by EPIC, they seem to be in some trouble now. Though it is sti...

Save Time on Your Computer

It’s happened to us all: You’re on the computer paying bills, organizing car pools or doing any sort of work, then you drift over to Flickr, Twitter, or your friend’s blog, and before you know it, HOURS have passed! When I’m home at night trying to be productive on my computer—or even offline, sorting through mail—I certainly lose concentration with Facebook’s help. But, distractions no more! The other day I learned about this really neat site: . Right on its homepage, it states: “On average, RescueTime recovers 3 hours and 54 minutes worth of productive time per week per person.” How it works: First of all, it tracks your computer usage, letting you see which sites soak up most of your time and identifying trends where you start to go idle and lose focus on the document you have open. My favorite part is that you can have the system “nudge” you when you get distracted, or even downright block you (at your request, of course) from websites that steal your focus. Imagin...

UK Politicians 'Social Media Reputation' Assessed Through Facebook, Twitter

A rating for British party leaders' online popularity has been made available with the use of social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook. MPs and candidates were said to be turning to the popular social forums as part of their campaign to test the political waters. And one company, Yomego, has assessed their "social media reputation scores" (SMRs), based on the "noise" and "sentiment" surrounding the politicians, The BBC reported. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was said to have a popularity score of 68.20, out of 100, while that of Lead of the Opposition David Cameron's was 58.98, compared to leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg's 68.49, which was the highest.

Needle in a Haystack: Efficient Storage of Billions of Photos

The Photos application is one of Facebook’s most popular features. Up to date, users have uploaded over 15 billion photos which makes Facebook the biggest photo sharing website. For each uploaded photo, Facebook generates and stores four images of different sizes, which translates to a total of 60 billion images and 1.5PB of storage. The current growth rate is 220 million new photos per week, which translates to 25TB of additional storage consumed weekly. At the peak there are 550,000 images served per second. These numbers pose a significant challenge for the Facebook photo storage infrastructure. NFS photo infrastructure The old photo infrastructure consisted of several tiers: Upload tier receives users’ photo uploads, scales the original images and saves them on the NFS storage tier. Photo serving tier receives HTTP requests for photo images and serves them from the NFS storage tier. NFS storage tier built on top of commercial storage appliances. Since each image is stored in i...

11 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page to Get Great Results

You can figure yourself that Facebook represents a huge and tremendous source fo traffic. Most of your friends, business partners, potential friends and clients are already there or will be in the nearest future. The social networking is also accessible on mobile devices so it is always there! A Facebook page will not only help you gain more traffic for your website, blog or both but will also gain more credibility for you and the brand you represent. Basically, this social network has more that 400 million users and in average, everyone of them spends 55 per day connected. Also the average user has 130 friends and fans 2 pages per month. Also the Fan Box is becoming more pervasive. If you feel that the page you built to promote something like a product or an idea using this social network doesn’t perform, don’t delete it because there are ways to make it better!, The New Facebook for Burglars

A new satirical website,, is making the point that it might not be the best idea to tell the world, via the internet, every time your home is left empty. The site is jokingly aimed at the web-savvy burglar, with its mission statement: “Listing all those empty homes out there”. But anybody who makes the list has only themselves to blame: it is drawn entirely from Twitter and Facebook updates posted by users of Foursquare is a social network that makes use of the GPS technology many people now carry in their mobile phones. When users are out and about, and arrive at a new location – a bar, a shop, a friend’s house - they ‘check in’ with Foursquare, which publishes their exact location with a short message. The site can be configured to put the same message out via users’ Facebook and Twitter feeds. The point of Foursquare, which only works in certain cities, is to connect with other users visiting the same places as you – and to build up ‘points’ by vi...

Will People Leave Facebook for Buzz? Fat Chance

Let's say you'd constituted a drinking game for the aftermath of Tuesday's unveiling of Google Buzz , the odd new mishmash of status messages, geolocation, and social-media aggregation: Take a drink every time some pundit says Google is trying to "kill" Facebook, Twitter, or any number of the "geo" start-ups out there. You'd have been totally blitzed. The cries of "It's a Facebook killer!" and "It's going to kill Twitter!" are tedious, but completely understandable considering that this is one of the first big pushes from Google, which has never been able to get a good grip on social networking , to make inroads in the space. And Buzz is indeed a product that's reactionary as opposed to trailblazing. It's Google's biggest acknowledgment of the fact that people dig these short real-time messages and social-media sharing . It aims to take the reasons why people use Facebook, why people use Twitter, and w...

Bikin Website Animasi Porno, Mahasiswa Diadili

Seorang mahasiswa di China nekat melanggar ketatnya peraturan di negeri Tirai Bambu itu, yang melarang keras konten pornografi internet. Akibatnya, dia diringkus polisi setempat. Mahasiswa yang menuntut ilmu di wilayah Fuzhou tersebut menggagas sebuah situs mesum berisi animasi dan kartun porno. Polisi China yang memang sangat awas mengawasi konten mesum pun mengendus keberadaan website bersangkutan. Keberadaan situs telah diketahui sejak bulan Agustus 2009 lalu. Setelah investigasi mendalam selama empat bulan, polisi akhirnya meringkus tersangka yang hanya diidentifikasi bernama Zhuang.

Bredolab Incar Pengguna Facebook

Hati-hati jika menerima email dari admin Facebook. Perhatikan subject email New Login System, Facebook Account Update, Facebook Update Tools atau Facebook Password Reset Confirmation. Pesan berukuran sekitar 105 kb tersebut berisi arahan agar pengguna melalukan update terhadap akun Facebooknya. Namun, ketika tombol updateusernamepassword yang akan menjadi sasaran. diklik, secara otomatis pengguna akan digiring ke website Facebook yang palsu.

Predator Seks Israel Rayu 1.000 Anak via Internet

Seorang predator seks di Israel menebar rayuan maut pada sekitar 1.000 anak via internet. Sebagian korban berusia antara 8 sampai 15 tahun diajak cybersex atau bertemu di dunia nyata untuk melakukan hubungan terlarang. Polisi di Tel Aviv telah membekuk tersangka bernama Avinoam Braverman yang dituding melakukan seks virtual via webcam serta memaksa sebagian bocah mengiriminya foto bugil. Tak hanya itu, tiga gadis juga jadi mangsa Braverman saat mereka bertemu di dunia nyata. Mereka diperkosa dan disodomi oleh tersangka.

Ribuan Orang Pesan Robot Seks Pertama di Dunia

Bagi sebagian pria, wanita ini mungkin sempurna. Berat dan tinggi badannya ideal, wajahnya tak mengecewakan. Ia bisa ngobrol dengan pasangannya nyaris tanpa henti. Selama baterai belum habis, ia bisa diajak berhubungan intim kapan saja. Ya, dia memang bukan manusia melainkan Roxxy, robot seks canggih pertama di dunia yang dulu peluncurannya begitu menghebohkan. Dengan komputer di tubuhnya, Roxxxy dapat berbicara, bahkan dibekali 5 jenis kepribadian.

Is Bill Gates’ New Website Really Running On Linux?

Sometimes tips come in that seem too good to be true. Take today, for example. I got a tip that Bill Gates’ new site, The Gates Notes, was running on a Linux-powered server. This would be ironic since Gates is of course the founder of Microsoft, which is Linux’s biggest competitor in the server market. It would be the equivalent of catching Gates or CEO Steve Ballmer being caught using (and not just signing) a MacBook at a conference. So is it true? A quick search on Netcraft shows that sure enough looks to be running on the Linux OS. But wait. The results also say that web server is Microsoft-IIS/7.0. That doesn’t sound right, so what gives? Well, it turns out that because Gates is using Akamai to mirror his sites’ content in the event of massive traffic (or more specifically, something like a DDoS attack), this data is being filtered through there. Akamai uses Linux for its servers, so that’s what OS is being passed back to Netcraft. But at the same time, to make...