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WikiLeaks Booted From Amazon Servers

Image via Wikipedia Can WikiLeaks be gagged? A massive DDoS attack crashed the controversial site and its "cablegate" archive, forcing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to find new hosting. He did, thanks to Amazon. Now, after an intervention from an unlikely source--Joe Lieberman--Amazon has turned Assange away again. For a brief period, WikiLeaks was back up and running on through the Seattle-based company's servers. Amazon's A3 service offers self-serve cloud hosting, an ideal though temporary solution for the site's trove of confidential diplomatic documents. But Assange and Co. were kicked off Amazon's servers Wednesday, and again forced to find different hosting. Senator Joe Lieberman told AP that Amazon took down the site after inquiries from congressional staffers Tuesday. The company has stopped responding to requests for WikiLeaks, which reportedly has returned to a Swedish provider. According to reps for Sen. Lieberman, the issue is being handl...

Tech Giants To Invest in Social Web

Image via CrunchBase Facebook , Amazon and Zynga will invest in a fund named as sFund to develop application and services for the new generation of social web. The major share of $250m will come from venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers . The main focus is going to be on social start-ups for industries from consumer to enterprise and from health to mobile. It will not invest in direct competitors to Facebook, Amazon or social gaming company Zynga. “There’s going to be an opportunity over the next five years or so to pick any industry and rethink it in a social way,” said Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. KCB partner KPCB partner John Doerr also backed the same opinion. He told BBC news “These social networks are going to go from a half a billion people to billions of people connected on the planet and so represents an extraordinarily exciting time on the internet.” sFund is similar to KPCB’s $200m iFund that invested at companies who create applications for Apple’s iP...

Amazon Digugat Soal Teknologi Kindle, toko ritel online ternama yang menjual Kindle digugat oleh Discovery Communication terkait soal teknologi pada eBook tersebut. sejatinya bukanlah produsen Kindle, melainkan hanya mendistribusikannya. Namun Discovery Communications melayangkan gugatan hak paten kepada toko online multinasional itu. Discovery Communications menuduh melanggar dua paten miliknya, yakni meliputi delivery dan keamanan dalam Kindle. Perusahaan pemilik stasiun TV kabel edukasi Discovery Channel dan Animal Planet tersebut mendesak Amazon untuk membayar royalti kepada mereka karena telah menggunakan kedua paten tersebut. Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Jumat (16/7/2010), Discovery Communications rupanya sudah mempermasalahkan kedua hak paten ini pada 1999 dan 2007. Kini, gugatan Discovery Communications telah didaftarkan ke pengadilan wilayah Delaware, Amerika Serikat.

A Close Look at, the URL Shortening Service

The rise of Twitter and instant messaging has made more popular. The URL-shortening free service has become very useful tool for users across the web. According to company official blog, is getting nearly 5 billion clicks per month. Additionally, as per Google double click ranking, the website has become 76 th most-visited destination which is ahead of sites like eBay, MapQuest and the New York Times. It got a huge popularity last year when Twitter, the microblogging site where users shrink long URLs to fit tweets within the 140-character limit, replaced TinyURL with as the default link shortener. URL shorteners help people share links to webpages they like without having to copy a long URL onto the place that may contain letters, numbers and symbols. The service was launched in 2008. has some additional features compared to other URL shorteners such as TinyURL like letting users track statistics on how many people clicked their links and how many other p...

Google Akan Membuka Toko Buku Digital

Mulai pertengahan tahun ini Google dikabarkan akan mulai menjual buku-buku digital melalui toko buku online yang akan dibukanya. Demikian laporan terbaru CNN mengutip juru bicara perusahaan itu. Hal tersebut akan menempatkan Google dalam persaingan pasar e-book yang kini mulai populer. Toko buku online Kindle milik melompat lebih dulu memimpin pasar, tapi Barnes & Noble juga menyusul dengan merilis e-reader Nook, dan Apple baru-baru ini meluncurkan iBookstore untuk iPad.

What Is The Newest Hot Technology + Video

The iPad Tablet is a small flat computer that is in tablet form. It has a touch screen operating system and is used much in the same way as the iPhone. It is a much bigger system, about the span of an open book. This is convenient because one of its main uses is as an eBook device, which allows users to download text onto the screen and read it like a book. It is much like the Kindle product made by Amazon.

Camcorder Saku Versi Creative

Pengen punya camcorder yang muat disaku, sepertinya hal itu sudah tidak mustahil sebab produsen Creative memperkenalkan camcorder generasi ketiga, yang diberi nama Vado HD Pocket. Meski seukuran saku Vado juga bisa merekam di kondisi minim cahaya, selain itu Creative juga menyediakan slot mikrofon stereo eksternal, output headphone, mode detection motion dan still foto. Soal kualitas, Creative memiliki rekam dengan kualitas video high definition (HD). Untuk perangkat memori internal 4GB itu, bisa dibeli secara online melalui Amazon.

Serangan Besar Lumpuhkan Internet

Serangan yang ditujukan ke penyedia server DNS melumpuhkan beberapa perusahaan e-commerce besar. Serangan itu terjadi saat menjelang Natal yang krusial. Neustar, perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan DNS, UltraDNS mengkonfirmasi adanya serangan yang mengambil alih situs dan membuat layanan menjadi lambat. Perwakilan perusahaan mangatakan, serangan itu memang ditujukan langsung ke fasilitas Neustar di Palo Alto dan San Jose, California.

Amazon Associates and Google Blogger Now Integrated

Today we are excited to announce Amazon Associates for Blogger, a direct integration between Amazon Associates and Blogger. This new collaboration enables Bloggers to monetize their content by adding relevant Amazon products to their blog posts without interrupting the blog editing process. Amazon Associates for Blogger is available now at Amazon Associates who don’t have a Google Blogger account can set up a free Blogger account with their Associates ID and start earning right away. How does it work? The new tool allows Bloggers to add links and images to their blog posts in just 2 easy steps: Bloggers highlight the relevant text and the Amazon Product Finder will search Amazon’s millions of products and recommend the ones that are most closely associated with the text Bloggers can then insert a link or image to that product which includes their Associates ID, enabling them to earn up to 15% in referral fees from Amazon Bloggers wi...