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Twitter Worm Sends Users to Porn Site

Image via CrunchBase A worm, designed by Magnus Holm, a Norwegian hacker created havoc at the social networking site because users are swamped by pop up messages and pornographic site. According to the security expert, a JavaScript command in the offending posts included a command, "onmouseover," that caused messages to pop up and Web sites to open automatically when the user mouse over it. Simultaneously, user is redirected to the new porn sites. Magnus announced his achievement in a Tweet. In an e-mail, Mr. Holm said he created the worm "because I wanted to experiment with the flaw," which he says was already being exploited by others. "The purpose was simply to see if it was possible to create a worm." Sarah Brown, wife of former British prime minister Gordon Brown is one of the victims. Her 1.1 million followers received a message early Tuesday with a link to a Japanese pornography site.Twitter said they fixed the problem several hours after it was ...

Internet Explorer 9 Beta is Due in September

According to Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner, Microsoft is getting ready to roll out IE version 9 in September. As per some leaked report, Microsoft is expected to release the Beta version in August. The Beta is supposed to feature more user interfaces. The Web Developers are keenly waiting for the new browser. There is a significant improvement of Internet Explorer 9 in comparison with Internet Explorer 8, with considerably improved standards compliance and functionality. The new build that Microsoft released so far is mainly targeted for the Web Developers. It includes new Microsoft Java Script Engine and the new graphic subsystem, integrated with a home page full of test sites. There is no security or no Back button. The company released three platform previews to show the IE 9 engine. However, this is a very simple interface. Perhaps the company wants everybody to wait till the release. Microsoft didn't announce any Release date for the final version. But, th...

Google Makin Cerdas

Internet memang merupakan sumber informasi yang tak ada habisnya. Ketik saja kata-kata di kotak pencarian, maka mesin telusur akan segera mengurutkan limpahan informasi kepada kita di indeks hasil pencarian. Selama ini Google telah mengindeks miliaran laman internet dengan menggunakan software Googlebot. Googlebotlah yang melakukan indeks konten-konten di web secara otomatis, agar para peselancar internet bisa mendapatkan informasi yang relevan dengan kebutuhannya. Tanpa disuruh, Googlebot diprogram untuk mengumpulkan link-link dan dokumen dari berbagai laman internet dan memudahkan laman tersebut agar bisa dicari oleh seluruh pengguna Google Search. Dikutip dari Mashable, sebelumnya, software Googlebot hanya akan membaca link-link, atau menguraikan beberapa kode program saja. Namun, menurut laporan dari Forbes, Google kini telah menambah kemampuan Googlebot. Googlebot kini bisa berinteraksi lebih dalam dengan kode-kode JavaScript. Bahkan, Googlebot bisa 'memahami' bebe...

Hacking Rapidshare Account

Jika Anda mempunyai account premium rapidshare tidaklah menjadi masalah untuk mendownload berbagai macam file yang Anda inginkan. Namun jika Anda tidak memiliki account premium atau  Anda mendownload sebagai  free user , maka Anda akan mengalami berbagai macam limit dalam mendownload file dari rapidshare antara lain  : Anda hanya diperbolehkan mendownload satu file dalam jangka waktu tertentu, Anda harus menunggu beberapa detik ( waiting time ) sebelum download button ditampilkan serta batasan kecepatan download. Namun batasan rapidshare tersebut ternyata bisa kita hindari jika kita mengerti bagaimana trik download dan trik mengakali rapidshare. Untuk mempermudah dan menambah kenyamanan bagi Anda yang ingin mendownload file  dari rapidshare, maka berikut ini saya tunjukkan trik download dan mengakali rapidshare  agar proses download  menjadi cepat dan nyaman :