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Cerita Pribadi Beberapa Bintang Hollywood

Angelina Jolie : Usia 14 Setelah berhubungan seks untuk pertama kalinya, “emosi terasa tidak cukup,” kata Jolie. Jadi untuk merasa lebih dekat dengan pasangannya, ia berkata bahwa ia “mengambil pisau dan melukai pasangannya.” Brooke Shields : Usia 22 Brooke mengatakan kepada majalah Health bahwa ia berharap telah berhubungan seks sebelumnya. “Saya kira saya tidak akan punya masalah dengan berat badan jika saya telah melakukannya, saya harus membawa-bawa 20 pon ini saat berkuliah,” katanya pada tahun 2009.

Foto: Artis Hollywood Sekarang dan Dulu

Anda ingin tahu seperti apa artis Hollywood ketika jadul? Jika ya, cekidot gambar-gambar di bawah ini. Setelah melihatnya, Anda akan tahu perbedaannya. 1. Megan Fox

Lindsay Lohan, Sering Dipukul Pasangan Lesbinya

Hubungan lesbian Lindsay Lohan dengan Samantha Ronson memang sudah lama putus. Tapi kabarnya, Lohan masih sering berhubungan dengan Ronson yang juga dikenal sebagai DJ itu. Bahkan Lohan kerap dipukuli oleh Ronson. Ini diungkap oleh seorang sahabat Lohan sendiri. “Lindsay mengaku sering dianiaya brutal oleh Sam, dia punya buktinya,” kata seorang sahabat Lohan kepada “Kadang saya melihat Lindsay dan dia memiliki luka lebam di kepalanya. Dia bilang Sam memukul dirinya. Dia juga sering bilang bahwa Sam menonjok dan mencekik dirinya beberapa kali,” tambahnya. Sebenarnya, Lohan dan Ronson sudah putus, namun mereka sering berhubungan satu sama lain. “Sangat memusingkan. Mereka tidak bersama lagi, tapi mereka tetap bersama. Saya tidak pernah berpikir mengatakan ini. Tapi saya sangat merasa menyesal dengan Lohan. Dia sangat kebingungan. Dia sendirian. Dan tidak mempunyai seorang sahabat,” jelasnya.

Photo: Rare Collection of Famous People

Rare Collcetion of Famouse Celebrities This is a stunning collection of rare photos of famous people.I’m sure many of you have never seen most of these pics before.A must-see.

Ashley Tisdale Fixed Her Side Face

It’s no secret that Ashley Tisdale got a nose job a little while back and before it I would say she was a cute girl. Rarely do nose jobs work out well for people, but seeing this side angle of Ashley makes me think she made the right decision. Sure she is going against the thing God created, but isn’t that how it works? We are all gods in our heads and therefore we like to think we can make our own decisions about the bodies that we believe our own.

Eva Mendes Topless, in Lingerie For Calvin Klein

A lingerie-clad and then topless Eva Mendes is all over shirtless model Jamie Dornan in a racy new Fall 2009 campaign for Calvin Klein jeans and underwear. Shot by world-renowned photographer Steven Klein, the ads will appear in billboards as well as in magazines as Jeans ad inserts, four-page ad units and covers of Lucky, Elle, GQ, Vanity Fair, W, Nylon, Details, Interview and InStyle .

Why We Kiss: The Science of Sex

Pecking, smooching, Frenching, and playing tonsil-hockey—there are as many names for kissing as there are ways to do it. Whether we use it as an informal greeting or an intensely romantic gesture, kissing is one of those ingrained human behaviors that seems to defy explanation. Its many purposes—a blow and peck for good luck on dice, lips to ground after a rocky boat ride, kisses in the air to an acquaintance, and the long slow smooches of Hollywood—have different meanings yet are similar in nature. So why is it that we love to pucker up?

Pixar Picture vs The Rest

Foto: Aura Kasih

10 Film Paling Dinanti Pada 2010

Tahun berganti, puluhan film box office telah dinikmati pada 2009. Namun, sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan kalender untuk menandai beberapa film yang layak untuk dinanti pada 2010. Pertama,  The Wolfman (12 Februari).  Film horor ini akan menemani akhir pekan momen Valentine Anda. Dibintangi oleh Benicio Del Toro sebagai Lawrence Talbot terbang ke Inggris pada 1800an, di mana ayahnya yang diperankan oleh Anthony Hopkins menurunkannya “kutukan keluarga” sesaat ketika Larry mulai tumbuh rambut ketika diserang werewolf. Mengapa film ini perlu ditonton saat Valentine, karena akan sangat tidak adil jika vampire mendominasi pasar film berdarah-romantis.

About Groovle

Groovle - Your GROOVY Custom Homepage - was created so people can customize their Internet homepage with images ranging from favorite celebrities or sports teams to more personal images of friends and family etc. Users of Groovle can either:

Slumdog Millionaire Child Actress Now Homeless

Rubina Ali, one of the child stars of movie Slumdog Millionaire sat alone among the ruins of her home yesterday which was torn down a second time in seven months to make way for a new railway. She and her family will have to sleep in the open after 50 shacks in Mumbai, India were cleared for the impending railway construction by demolition. Back in May, the nine-year-old was the second Slumdog star to have their home destroyed in a week. As a demolition team moved in, she rushed inside her family’s shack to grab the cherished blue dress she wore for the Oscars ceremony in Hollywood earlier this year.

CNN Fail

Small, Private Funeral for Brittany Murphy

Actress Brittany Murphy will be laid to rest at a small, private funeral on Christmas Eve, while a larger memorial service may be held early next year. Family spokesman Alex Ben Block said the Thursday funeral for the "Clueless" and "Girl, Interrupted" actress will be by invitation-only at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills. The 32-year-old actress died after collapsing at her Hollywood Hills home on Sunday.

12 Alasan Selebriti Bugil di Playboy

Semua model yang menghiasi sampul depan majalah Playboy pasti akan berpose panas, bahkan rela tampil bugil. Di balik pose syur yang dilakukan para model tersebut, selalu ada alasan menarik yang pantas Anda ketahui. Ketika seorang bintang rela difoto telanjang, biasanya ada salah satu alasan dari dua hal. Pertama, mereka ingin berada di Oprah Show, atau berpose untuk majalah milik Hugh Hefner itu. Jika ingin tahu jajaran model yang rela berpose bugil dan menanggalkan seluruh pakaiannya untuk majalah pria ternama itu, Zimbio membocorkannya untuk Anda:

Brittany Murphy Dies

Sources tell TMZ Brittany Murphy's mom discovered her unconscious in the shower. We're told when paramedics arrived, they quickly determined Murphy was in full cardiac arrest and immediately administered CPR. They continued CPR in route to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center -- several miles away -- and Murphy was unresponsive. She was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Madonna Wins Write Record

MADONNA has been named as the most written about celebrity of the past decade in Britain. Researchers found Madge, 51, featured in 45,633 national newspaper articles. The top male in a "Column Inch Countdown" was ROBBIE WILLIAMS, 35, with 27,976 articles. Most written about in 2009 was MICHAEL JACKSON - who died in June - followed by SIMON COWELL, 50. Alex Ayling, of online TV channel Liv, which commissioned the survey, said: "Madonna's ability to re-invent herself and her image kept her at the top." BRITNEY SPEARS, 28, was the most-searched name on website Ask Jeeves.

Lilo's In a Mesh Again

She's been in a few scrapes in her time, but this is the biggest mesh Lindsay Lohan has ever got her self into - and the sauciest, too! The Mean Girls actress donned a sexy see-through fishnet body stocking (and very little else) for a photoshoot and video that almost melted the camera lens. Keen-to-shock Li-Lo chose to pose in the doorway of a bathroom, toilet bowl in full view. In one shot she is seen, cig in mouth, with a half-naked male model falling at her feet and clutching her thigh. You can watch a video from the photo-shoot above ... and don't forget to click on the icon at the top of the page to see all the photos in their full glory. Not bad for a star who has just given up being a lesbian!

'I Will Obey The Law' Over Twitter Defamation Case, Says Luna Maya

Actress Luna Maya has said that she is not planning to take any steps over her feud with entertainment journalists following an outburst on Twitter where she compared them to prostitutes. In a message posted on Tuesday night, she wrote: “Infotainment are LOWER than PROSTITUTES, MURDERERS!!!!! May your soul burn in hell!!!” Following her post, she has been threatened with boycotts by entertainment television programs and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) has reported her to police.

Taylor Swift's Big, Amazing Year

Her CMA nomination for entertainer of the year caps off a wild 2009 for country's new reigning princess.