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About Quick Response (QR) Code

QR Codes As a followup to this post about my new phone I thought I'd offer this QR Code primer and offer some example images. My new phone ( details ) allows me to create these QR codes based on more or less anything. It's really rather cool, like modern hieroglyphics. Click here to generate your own QRCodes! More detailed info as well as some (Japanese) tools can be found here . What are QR Codes? QR Codes are basically 2-dimensional UPC or barcodes. As you can see on the manufacturer's page they're capable of holding quite a bit more data than a standard UPC code. It's an internationally standardized system of encoding information so that it can be read by a visual scanner. It's almost certain to be immediately superceded by RFID chips, assuming rabid anti-technology privacy advocates don't shift us back to the dark ages. ;)