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Ebaumsworld Hacks YouTube, Redirects Users

YouTube is under attack from a user named 'ebaumsworld' who has placed malicious links in the comments are of the website. Several videos on the web have been under the attack. Though it is common for users to place links that redirect other users to other websites and pop-ups but the recent posts by 'ebaumsworld' and '4chan' has lead to various disturbing and abusive videos and pop-ups that can pose a potential virus threat for the users. The comments ad links posted started with the users like '4chan' and 'ebaumsworld' targeting the Justin Bieber videos. The star has already been plagued by several obscene rumors over the last few months. The recent hacking of the net by the users have caused several other videos being affected. Users have been redirected to several unwanted pages and videos. '4chan' has claimed responsibility for the corrupting of the video links of Justin Bieber. YouTube has been trying to solve the issue by blockin...

What I don’t like about Facebook Like button

Have you noticed the new " like " button , tucked in the " Comment " and " Share " options?  For any Facebook users, "like" button is just another feature that they find in Twitter and Digg, which allows them to share content with their social networks . When you click the Like button, a Link to that page is added to your Facebook profile and a story is shared with your friends . The new function will allow users to signal the content that they like on sites around the Internet . However, its not as simple as it looks, as users might be tricked into "Like" ing pages that they don't like at all. According to some marketers, Facebook will be using the data from these interactions to target them with related adverts once they return to However, Facebook spokesperson denied thatthe new tool will allows the company to track users product preference.  Still there's more to it. The websites owners can embed this con...

New Password-Stealing Virus Targets Facebook

Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus-tainted spam that targets Facebook's estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information. The emails tell recipients that the passwords on their Facebook accounts have been reset, urging them to click on an attachment to obtain new login credentials, according to anti-virus software maker McAfee Inc. If the attachment is opened, it downloads several types of malicious software, including a program that steals passwords, McAfee said on Wednesday. Hackers have long targeted Facebook users, sending them tainted messages via the social networking company's own internal email system. With this new attack, they are using regular Internet email to spread their malicious software.

Facebook CommentsTNG

Facebook CommentsTNG is a plugin for your Wordpress blog that will spider your notes page and find imported Wordpress blogs and bring the comments back into Wordpress. This is a complete rewrite from the original but I did borrow some ideas from it. Kudos to the original authors for their initial effort and for their plugin giving me the motivation to write this one! Features: Will recursively scan through all notes and bring in comments Test mode to see what would be imported without risking the database Uses simple html dom which means it’ll be easier to fix if Facebook changes Limit option to limit how far it goes back Timed automatic scanning Set what note you want it to start on E-mail field for setting a custom e-mail, The default is facebook at philtopia dot com which has a Gravatar set up with a Facebook picture Plugin can crawl your notes despite language set Plugin can get accurate post time from Facebook Auto approval of comments (make sure the plugin works for ...

Dear Google Buzz: 4 Features You Need to Add Now

GMAIL USERS: We hope you’ll join the discussion over on Mashable’s Google Buzz account . Earlier today, we posted a buzz asking our followers : “What features would you like to see in Google Buzz ( ) ?” We received just shy of 500 responses over the course of the afternoon, and we saw both big trends and unique ideas. Here are a few of the biggest and best responses. Some are obvious — some not so much. We think they’re all great ideas, though, except maybe the last one! But some 75 million people might disagree with us. Keep reading to find out what we (or rather you) are talking about, and be sure to add your own ideas to the comments here or over on our Google Buzz . The #1 Request: Collapsible Comment Threads Far and away, the most requested feature is the ability to collapse comments. By our count, 197 of the 492 comments that we read before writing this requested this feature. The issue is that posts are sorted on the main interface chronologically by the most recent commen...

Facebook Deletes 30 UK Inmates' Pages After Taunts

Facebook has deleted the pages of 30 U.K. prisoners at the request of the British government, the justice minister announced Thursday, after several incidents in which inmates reportedly used the Internet to plot with criminals and intimidate victims. Justice Minister Jack Straw said the convicts' pages had been removed within 48 hours of the government demand but he's working with the popular social networking site to remove objectionable pages even faster. "What we've got to is set up a better system with Facebook so that if they get a notice from us that this site is improper than all they have to is not make a judgment about it but press the delete button," he told the BBC in an interview Thursday.

Terror Arrest for Twitter Joke

A MAN has been arrested under the Terrorism Act for posting on Twitter that he would blow an airport "sky high" if his flight was delayed. Paul Chambers, 26, was locked in a cell, had his laptop, iPhone and home computer confiscated and has been suspended from his job all because of the online joke.

Facebook Fugitive Craig Lynch Updates Facebook Status

British police can't find escaped convict Craig Lynch, but search for him on Facebook and you’ll see that he has nearly 4,000 fans and an info box that says "Life is what you make it, live fast, die young!!!" Photo: Facebook screen grab of Craig Lynch's profile. Lynch seems intent on doing just that. Back in September, the 28-year-old Facebook-friendly convict escaped the Hollesey Bay Prison, located in Suffolk, about 100 miles north of London. Though police can't seem to figure out where he is, his Facebook friends get constant updates with Lynch describing everything from what he ate for dinner to who his first sexual conquest of 2010 will be, according to CNN .

What is Xanga?

Xanga (pronounced /ˈzæŋə/) is a website that hosts weblogs, photoblogs, and social networking profiles. It is operated by, Inc., based in New York City.