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Amankah Berkicau di Twitter?

Kicauan Twitter makin riuh saja dan menjadi populer saat ini. Saking riuhnya, Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua negara dengan pemakai Twitter terbanyak di Asia. Jika tahun lalu hanya sekitar 500 ribuan, kini telah mencapai 5 jutaan. Menurut data Google yang dikeluarkan pada 20 Februari 2010 menunjukkan peringkat sepuluh besar negara di Asia dengan jumlah pemakai Twitter terbanyak adalah: 1. Jepang: 9.9 juta 2. Indonesia: 5,1 juta 3. India: 4,2 juta 4. Korea Selatan: 1,5 juta 5. Filipina: 1,3 juta 6. Thailand: 910 ribu 7. Malaysia: 910 ribu 8. Cina: 680 ribu 9. Singapura: 240 ribu Meningkatnya pengguna Twitter berarti peluang dan berbagai potensi lain juga meningkat, tak terkecuali cyber crime. Apalagi system microblogging burung hijau itu amat terbuka dan sangat rentan disusupi peretas. Bagi pengguna Twitter perlu untuk membentengi diri. Hal tersebut akan melindungi diri kita saat asyik berkicau dengan burung biru yang lagi populer.

A Beginners Guide: 7 Smart Ways of Getting Followers at Twitter

Gathering followers at Twitter is essential, because if you’re using Twitter for business (or would like to do so in the future), you have to have a great deal of followers who’ll account for your traffic, sales and general popularity. In this article, we’ll try to have a look on how to gather a great deal of followers on Twitter, how to keep them, and introspect the new trends of Twitter following. I’ve collected seven quick and smart ways to boost the number of your followers and would like to share them with you. 1. Work on your profile. It’s the only thing that your potential followers can see. Customize it; make it beautiful, it’ll work and attract followers. At least if your profile is beautiful. 2. Participate in Twitter games/trends. My profile recently got quite of an attention (read: followers) because I submitted some entries to #twitterfilms. Put yourself on the line with stuff like this. Once you have a load of followers, you may also start games yourself. It’ll get...

How To Use Twitter Correctly

Well, that’s quite easy. Since Twitter is free to use and available in every country in the world, you can just register and post tweets, engage in superficial internet relationships which require little or no investment. However, there’s more than that in Twitter. In this article, we’ll try to have some insight on how to use the famous 140-character micro blogging service correctly, as well as introduce you to basic vocabulary every Twitter should know. Before you start Tweeting, here’s the basic vocabulary of Twitter: To ‘follow’ someone means to subscribe to another users’ tweets, or follow to subscribe from them. You may want to follow only followorthy users as they give you more valuable content than the others. To Retweet or RT means to re-tweet tweets tweeted by other twitters, this can help you a lot, as it shows that you don’t care to put yourself in front of others. You can also send Direct Messages (DM) to other users; they can only be seen by the users you send them to....

Kok bisa ya Rana dan Marsha jadi Trending Topics Twitter?

Rabu (17/2) kemarin, dua orang pelajar Indonesia, Rana dan Marsha, jadi bintang dadakan Twitter. Semua orang membicarakan mereka berdua di update status sehingga kedua nama ini sempat bertengger di Trending Topics atau Topik Teratas (TT) Twitter se dunia. Topik hangat lain seperti iPad dan Google Buzz bahkan sempat dikalahkan oleh dua ‘jagoan Twitter’ ini. Yang membuat Rana dan Marsha tenar bukan prestasi gemilang di sekolah, tapi komentar pedas dan status berisi cacian yang mengundang reaksi dari tweeple (pengguna twitter) lainnya. Rana, siswi SMP di Jakarta, mulai dihujat sejak menulis komentar berisi hinaan kepada para pengguna BlackBerry. Dia menyebut pengguna gadget yang sedang naik daun ini sebagai alay alias anak layangan (sebutan untuk orang yang dianggap kampungan). Sedangkan Marsha, siswi SMA swasta di Jakarta, sempat menghina dan menjelekkan-jelekkan sekolah negeri dan internasional yang dibalas dengan hujatan bertubi-tubi. Saking banyaknya orang yang mengetik nama “Rana...

Google Changes Buzz Privacy Settings--again

Perhaps you, like me, have a friend who is always fond of the obvious. Perhaps that friend doesn't work at Google. Having launched its new Buzz service last week, melding some mimicry of Twitter and Facebook, Google seemed to take a page straight from the latter's Beacon of customer service by creating start-up settings that were anything other than comfortable, anything other than private. This seemed obvious to many. Now, having been buzzed by feedback from annoyed users and commentators, Google announced on its blog Saturday that it will make radical changes to the Buzz start-up experience over the next few days. In a post by Gmail and Google Buzz Product Manager Todd Jackson, Google says that it has been listening "loud and clear."

Warning: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw

There is a huge privacy flaw in Google's new Twitter/Facebook competitor, Google Buzz. When you first go into Google Buzz, it automatically sets you up with followers and people to follow. A Google spokesperson tells us these people are chosen based on whom the users emails and chats with most using Gmail. That's fine. The problem is that -- by default -- the people you follow and the people that follow you are made public to anyone who looks at your profile. In other words, before you change any settings in Google Buzz, someone could go into your profile and see the people you email and chat with most. A Google spokesperson asked us to phrase this claim differently. Like this: "In other words, after you create your profile in Buzz, if you don't edit any of the default settings, someone could visit your profile and see the people you email and chat with most (provided you didn't edit this list during profile creation)." (Freaking out already? Here...

Setelah Phising, Twitter Reset Password

Twitter melakukan reset password bagi sejumlah pengguna yang mengalami serangan phising. "Sebagai keberlanjutan dari upaya Twitter dalam melindungi para penggunanya, kami melakukan reset password untuk sejumlah akun yang kami yakini telah terkena serangan," ujar juru bicara Twitter Del Harvey, seperti dikutip dari Cnet, Rabu (3/2/2010). "Beberapa pengguna Twitter nampaknya menggunakan username dan password mereka untuk mendaftar pada aplikasi pengembang pihak ketiga yang kemudian memposting tweet ke akun mereka," tambahnya. Sementara mereka terus melakukan investigasi, Twitter berusaha meyakinkan para pengguna bahwa langkah yang mereka ambil menjamin keamanan mereka. Twitter pun terus menginformasikan update terbaru soal investigasi yang dapat dilihat pada @safety dan @spam.

Pengguna Twitter Melejit, Tembus 75 Juta Akun

Meskipun sempat melamban pertumbuhannya pada paruh kedua tahun 2009, situs mikroblog Twitter menutup tahun kemarin dengan jumlah pengguna yang sensasional, 75 juta akun, naik 33 persen dalam empat bulan terakhir. Namun, dalam laporan RJMetrics Inc, lebih dari 50 persen dari 75 juta itu justru pengguna non aktif, tetapi jumlah registrasi pengguna baru terus meningkat. VIVAnews lansir dari Sanfrancisco Bizjournals, menurut RJMetrics, Twitter mencapai puncaknya pada Juli silam, di mana tercatat 2-3 pengguna baru tiap detiknya dengan 6,2 juta pengguna baru sepanjang satu bulan.

Bill Gates Surpasses 100,000 Twitter Followers in 8 Hours

Bill Gates Joins Twitter

Microsoft’s founder and the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, has just jointed Twitter. You can start following him at @BillGates . The account is indeed real: it is officially a verified account and is confirmed by Twitter’s ( ) Caroline Mizumoto . So far, he’s only tweeted twice and retweeted two tweets, but he’s already rapidly growing in followers (it only took a few minutes for him to jump from 400 to 4000 followers).

Information Technology Social Networks

Information technology professionals and amateur geeks have been gathering online since Usenet fi­rst launched in 1979. For people who spend their workday in front of a computer facing new technology challenges, it's natural that IT professionals took quickly to online forums, newsgroups and discussion boards. IT social networks are the latest extension of these virtual communities.