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Daftar Negara Pembuat Film Dewasa

Ternyata Indonesia termasuk negara yang ikut andil dalam semaraknya dunia film bokep dan diperingkat terakhir diduduki negara Malaysia. 1. Jepang Di jepang semua kategori film porno ada dari versi scat, bdsm, anime, dll. Di samping itu Jepang juga memiliki star bokep terkenal seperti Maria Ozawa, Sora aoi dan calon bintang baru yakni Madoka Ozawa, Maiko Yuki, Azumi Kawashima, Bunko Kanazawa. Negara nipon ini mempunyai film porno sekitar 1,4 milyar dalam 6 bulan. 2. USA Siapa yg tidak mengenal negara pengahasil Majalah playboy ini, di negara ini APAPUN BEBAS. Negara USA mengahsilkan 7 juta per jam film bokep.

Broadband Internet Reaches 50 MBps

The Broadband Internet service in India lags behind that of other countries where downloading gigabytes of data is literally matter of minutes. The situation has not been very encouraging for the Indian users who still have to spend hours for downloading media files and software. Till a few days back, the highest data rate provided by broadband operators used to hover around 8 MBps mark. Things are going to change for the better for the Indian customers as leading telecom service provider Bharti Airtel is unleashing an unprecedented 50 MBps broadband service in select regions in the country. The residents of Delhi and Gurgaon will be able to avail the high speed broadband Internet service offered by Airtel as of now. However, with such massive speed the service is going to come at a steep cost for the users. There are two data plans offered by the company. The customers can opt for the 30 Mbps plan or the 50 MBps one. For the 50 MBps data plan, the users would have to churn out Rs. 8...

A Software Bug May Kill You

  In 1991, during the Gulf war , American Patriot missile was deployed to combat Iraqi scud missile. In one of the incident, Patriot missile missed the Scud and that resulted the death of 28 American soldiers and 100 others got injured. There was an arithmetic error during calculation which resulted inaccurate calculation since Boot.

Is the Latest Union Budget a Good or Bad News for Indian IT Industry?

  Although, 2010-11 Union Budget has brought some good news for the construction, hospitality, banking, education and pharma sectors, but, it does not generate any good news for IT industry. The Finance minister didn't mention anything about the extension of Tax Rebate in this budget for IT industries. Since, the tax break ends in Mar 2011, outsourcing major such as Infosys Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro are going to lose from the Budget because there is no mention of Tax Rebate in the budget. But, the Infosys chief Mr. Murthy has a different view. In an interview before the budget, he said that IT industry is quite different from other industries. IT companies need to pay higher taxes. That's why STPI (Software technology Park of India) extension is not required.

Facebook Opening Operations Office in India

Social networking site Facebook is opening an operations office in India, its first in Asia, to help manage rapid growth in the number of users. The office, in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, will have advertising and developer support teams, the company said Monday. It will supplement Facebook's other centers in Palo Alto, California; Dublin, Ireland; and Austin, Texas. The move is part of a push to create support centers across time zones, with round-the-clock, multilingual support, the company said. The number of Facebook users has rocketed to over 400 million since it was founded in 2004. Seventy percent of users are now outside the U.S. and use the site in over 70 languages, Don Faul, director of global online operations, said in his blog Monday. "In India alone, we've seen rapid growth and now have more than 8 million people there actively connecting on Facebook," he said.

8 Wanita Berpengaruh Asia

Siapa saja wanita yang dianggap paling berpengaruh dalam perekonomian dan politik di Asia? Ternyata Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati masuk dalam daftarnya. CNN edisi Asia membuat daftar 8 wanita Asia yang paling berpengaruh dari sisi ekonomi dan politik bersamaan dengan Hari Perempuan Internasional dunia ke-100 diperingati pada 8 Maret lalu. Sri Mulyani dimasukkan dalam daftar tersebut meski baru-baru ini mendapatkan tekanan setelah DPR menyatakan dirinya bersalah memutuskan penyelamatan Bank Century. Namun Sri Mulyani dipandang ulet dan efektif dalam menangani perekonomian Indonesia terutama saat menghadapi krisis.

Photo: Zarine Khan at Tennis Academy Event

Beautiful Zarine Khan recently spotted at Tennis Academy event at Xaviers, Mumbai. Zareen was seen in all new look. Till date we had seen her in Indian sarees only. The leggy lass wore a pink color shirt, with jeans and strappy sandals, question is whether she looks good in the attire? Zarine looked hot and graceful at the event Exclusive pictures of Zarine Khan from Tennis Academy event at Xaviers.

3 Idiots, Kisah Persahabatan Tiga Mahasiswa

"Hidup adalah sebuah perlombaan, jika Anda tidak cukup cepat, maka Anda akan diinjak-injak," begitulah pesan rektor Viru Sahastrabudhhe (boman Irani) saat menyambut para mahasiswa baru di kampus ICE. Di India 2.0, ada sebuah tradisi bahwa setiap anak yang baru lahir akan langsung dicap untuk memiliki status. Jika anak laki-laki, maka ia harus menjadi insinyur, sementara jika anak perempuan maka harus menjadi seorang dokter. Taruhannya sangat tinggi, siswa yang orangtuanya mengorbankan segalanya untuk pendidikan, diharapkan mencapai puncak kesuksesan.

Movie: My Name is Khan

10 Orang Wanita Pewaris Kekayaan Konglomerat Dunia

1. VANISHA MITAL BHATIA Putri dari taipan baja kelahiran India yang berbasis di Inggris, Lakshmi Mittal dengan nilai kekayaan diperkirakan mencapai US$ 51 milyar. Vanisha juga menjalani pekerjaan sehari-sehari sebagai anggota dewan komisaris di konglomerasi ayahnya, Mittal Steel. Dia juga melakukan kegiatan amal, ski, menyelam (scuba-dives) dan melukis. Suaminya, Amit Bhatia (28) yang kelahiran India merupakan investor di bidang perbankan.

Slumdog Millionaire Child Actress Now Homeless

Rubina Ali, one of the child stars of movie Slumdog Millionaire sat alone among the ruins of her home yesterday which was torn down a second time in seven months to make way for a new railway. She and her family will have to sleep in the open after 50 shacks in Mumbai, India were cleared for the impending railway construction by demolition. Back in May, the nine-year-old was the second Slumdog star to have their home destroyed in a week. As a demolition team moved in, she rushed inside her family’s shack to grab the cherished blue dress she wore for the Oscars ceremony in Hollywood earlier this year.