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Menampilkan postingan dengan label Broadband

Broadband Internet Reaches 50 MBps

The Broadband Internet service in India lags behind that of other countries where downloading gigabytes of data is literally matter of minutes. The situation has not been very encouraging for the Indian users who still have to spend hours for downloading media files and software. Till a few days back, the highest data rate provided by broadband operators used to hover around 8 MBps mark. Things are going to change for the better for the Indian customers as leading telecom service provider Bharti Airtel is unleashing an unprecedented 50 MBps broadband service in select regions in the country. The residents of Delhi and Gurgaon will be able to avail the high speed broadband Internet service offered by Airtel as of now. However, with such massive speed the service is going to come at a steep cost for the users. There are two data plans offered by the company. The customers can opt for the 30 Mbps plan or the 50 MBps one. For the 50 MBps data plan, the users would have to churn out Rs. 8...

Kominfo Tertibkan Pengguna Frekuensi WiMax

Mempersingkat waktu untuk implementasi WiMax di Tanah Air, Kementerian Kominfo kini tengah menertibkan pemakaian pita frekuensi radio 2,3 GHz untuk keperluan layanan pita lebar nirkabel (wireless broadband). Pada 23 Maret 2010, Kemenkominfo melalui Direktur Pengelolaan Spektrum Frekuensi Radio Tulus Rahardjo telah mengirimkan surat No 539/T/DJT.4/KOMINFO/3/2010 kepada seluruh Kepala Balai Monitoring dan juga Kepala Loka Monitoring Frekuensi Radio Ditjen Postel yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, yang isinya berupa suatu perintah bagi mereka untuk melakukan observasi dan monitoring terhadap penggunaan frekuensi radio pada pita frekuensi radio 2360 – 2390 MHz di wilayah kewenangannya masing-masing. "Jika ditemukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran, kepada para Kepala Balai Monitoring dan juga Kepala Loka Monitoring Frekuensi Radio, diberi kewenangan untuk langsung melakukan penertiban dalam rangka penegakan hukum," papar Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementerian Kominfo, Gatot S D...