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Facebook and the Big Society? No thanks

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently met the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt Photograph: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP   The culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, seems to think that Facebook will help to build David Cameron's Big Society: he tweeted yesterday that he had met Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg , who "had good ideas on improvement [sic] digital culture in policy making". This makes the Big Society look an idea even more vacuous than it already appears; but on reflection the minister is right to ask whether social networks will be important in the politics of the future. If they are, they won't be Facebook. Facebook is profoundly anti-democratic, and not just because it is a commercial operation. Facebook politics involve no real commitment any more than sending an email does. Nothing could more quickly tell you that a cause was stupid or irrelevant than the news that a Facebook group has been formed about it which ...

Pengguna Twitter Melejit, Tembus 75 Juta Akun

Meskipun sempat melamban pertumbuhannya pada paruh kedua tahun 2009, situs mikroblog Twitter menutup tahun kemarin dengan jumlah pengguna yang sensasional, 75 juta akun, naik 33 persen dalam empat bulan terakhir. Namun, dalam laporan RJMetrics Inc, lebih dari 50 persen dari 75 juta itu justru pengguna non aktif, tetapi jumlah registrasi pengguna baru terus meningkat. VIVAnews lansir dari Sanfrancisco Bizjournals, menurut RJMetrics, Twitter mencapai puncaknya pada Juli silam, di mana tercatat 2-3 pengguna baru tiap detiknya dengan 6,2 juta pengguna baru sepanjang satu bulan.