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Google hiring Goats: Baaa

Whack! You could see 200 goats chomping away the "grassy goodness" in Mountain View headquarters. Is the search-engine czar considering a new venture in business of chèvre. Google has hired hundreds of goats from California Grazing for a week - does it make any sense? Why would they do so, given their lucrative world-wide business? Well, Googleplex has designed a bats in the belfry solution for the overgrown field - goats…lol. It's not as ludicrous as it sounds. A feasibility study suggests: cost of bringing goats is comparable to hiring lawn mowers for the same job. More than this, the green benefits of hiring goats are obvious - cutting out on the mower emission; restoring plan species; fertilize while grazing; and reduce noise pollution. Google is out on honest effort to reduce the carbon footprint, perhaps the men in Mountain View are conscious of Albert "Al" Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (Oscar winning documentary on Earth's climate crisis). ...

Amazing Pencil Printer & Eraser Saves Trees

  Amazing Pencil Printer & Eraser The paperless office that was promised back in the last century never happened, and despite our increased use of the Internet and electronic gadgets, plus the endless little green pleas about saving the environment on the signature of nearly every corporate email, we still love to print stuff out.

Google Streetview Only Blurred Out Faces