Have you noticed the new " like " button , tucked in the " Comment " and " Share " options? For any Facebook users, "like" button is just another feature that they find in Twitter and Digg, which allows them to share content with their social networks . When you click the Like button, a Link to that page is added to your Facebook profile and a story is shared with your friends . The new function will allow users to signal the content that they like on sites around the Internet . However, its not as simple as it looks, as users might be tricked into "Like" ing pages that they don't like at all. According to some marketers, Facebook will be using the data from these interactions to target them with related adverts once they return to Facebook.com. However, Facebook spokesperson denied thatthe new tool will allows the company to track users product preference. Still there's more to it. The websites owners can embed this con...
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