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Top Ten: Game HTML5 Langsung Bisa Dimainkan

HTML5 memang masih terbilang baru dalam bahasa markah situs web. Hingga kini HTML5 masih terus dikembangkan, namun HTML5 dengan cepat mengalami peningkatan dari sisi grafis maupun animasi. HTML5 juga dimanfaatkan para pengembang untuk menciptakan game yang dimainkan melalui  browser  terkini. Tak perlu meng-install aplikasi, pengguna hanya butuh terkoneksi dengan internet dan sudah memiliki  browser , seperti Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, atau Internet Explorer, versi terbaru. Selain di komputer desktop dan laptop, game HTML5 juga bisa dimainkan melalui perangkat  mobile  yakni  smartphone  dan tablet.

Top Ten: Online AntiVirus Scanner For You to Use

While browsing the internet, the constant fear that itches at the back of our mind is whether our machine is getting affected by any virus/worms or not. To stop this unwanted intrusion by any malware, all of us rely on our machine installed anti-virus software . But unfortunately, some of this antivirus software might hamper your computer’s performance and even allow any malware to attack your machine if not updated regularly. To make sure your computer’s safety has not been compromised, you can always scan your machine by any online antivirus scanner.  Infact, An online virus scanner can be good option if you are doubtful about your installed antivirus. Possibilities of missing some threats are always there by standalone antivirus software and somehow enough to make you jump on second opinion. But one must be careful while choosing any of such online anti-virus scanner as they can themselves turn out to be some kind of malware. To help you out in your search for ...

10 Alasan Mengapa Twitter Lebih Menarik daripada Facebook

Yah memang sebenarnya Facebook saat ini lebih popular daripada Twitter, jumlah user Facebook lebih banyak daripada user Twitter, dan saat postingan ini ditulis, dari 100 urutan web terbanyak diakses di Indonesia, Facebook menempati nomor 1 sedangkan Twitter menempati urutan 17. Namun jika kita lihat dari sisi lain “Twitter ternyata lebih menarik daripada Facebook”. Saya yakin suatu saat semua orang bosan dengan facebook, dan itu mulai terlihat sekarang, banyak teman tidak aktif lagi bermain facebook, tidak seperti masa awal booming. Apa saja yang menarik dari Twitter? Dan apa saja yang membedakannya dengan Facebook? Hanya 140 karakter Update status twitter hanya dibatasi 140 karakter (huruf, angka, simbol, atau spasi) sedangkan update status di facebook awalnya dibatasi 160 karakter kini dinaikkan menjadi 420 karakter. Karena di twitter hanya 140 karakter, maka kita harus menulis yang singkat dan perlu saja, apalagi kalau menyertakan tautan (link) kita benar-benar ha...

Where Is the Best Place to Work?

Image via CrunchBase Of all the strategies for making workers happy, turning them into millionaires is probably the most effective. Facebook has succeeded with the wealth strategy like few other companies, earning it the title of best employer, as determined by users of the career site . Workers at the social networking colossus – or at least people who claimed to be – gave it the highest rating – 4.6 out of 5 – based on eight different criteria including work/life balance, recognition and, of course, compensation and benefits. Southwest Airlines was second on Glassdoor’s annual top 50 Best Places to Work list followed by Bain & Company, the management consulting firm.

10 Tips Keharmonisan Pasangan Suami-Istri

SIAPA PUN yang telah mengikatkan diri dalam tali pernikahan tentunya menginginkan atmosfer rumah tangga yang harmonis. Maka yang harus dipikirkan pertama kali adalah bagaimana melakukan harmonisasi hubungan suami-istri. Menjaga keharmonisan pasangan suami-istri (pasutri) tidaklah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, tapi membutuhkan usaha dan pengorbanan. Berikut ini adalah sepuluh tips mewujudkan keharmonisan pasutri, sebagaimana ditulis Wafaa‘ Muhammad, dalam kitabnya Kaifa Tushbihina Zaujah Rumansiyyah : 1. Berupaya saling mengenal dan memahami Perbedaan lingkungan dan kondisi tempat suami atau istri tumbuh sangat berpengaruh dalam pembentukan ragam selera, perilaku, dan sikap yang berlainan pada setiap pihak dari yang lain. Hal itu merupakan kewajiban setiap pasutri untuk memahami keadaan ini dan berusaha mengetahui serta mengenal pihak lain yang menjadi pasangan hidupnya. Mereka juga harus mengetahui semua hal yang berkaitan dengan situasi kehidupan yang mempengaruhi, seh...

Top Ten Best Most Popular Open-Source Social Networking Software

Social Networking is what’s really hot and happening and why shouldn’t it be? You can interact, manage and be in touch with all your contacts at one single place that also sitting on your couch having your cup of coffee with a cookie may be. Among the youth social networking is the mass media, for than television and the radio. Take a look around and you will well figure out that the much famed social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook , Orkut , MySpace and LinkedIn are keeping internet users on their toes in various activities on their own site which incorporates profile, blogs, notifications, groups, files sharing (photo and video), messaging, forum discussion, search option, comments, social bookmarking and others exciting feature of social networking. But then when it comes to social networking as a mean of marketing strategy or relationship management gateway then you have to pay in some extra attention. To manage the huge contact database you need a residential software t...

Top Ten Useful Safari Plugins For MAC Users

When it comes to web browser , people always go for Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome , Opera etc. A huge number of plug-ins or add-ons have made browsing experience significantly safe and productful. Although Safari , a web browser developed by Apple are used by a few number of people (90% of the Apple’s MAC users), but increasing number of plug-ins and the special feature of supporting HTML5 is gradually increasing it’s popularity. Today we have decided to introduce you to top 10 useful Safari Plug-ins for MAC users. Here is the list- 1. Glims Glims adds a cocktail of features to Safari (Tabs, Thumbnails, Full Screen, Search Engines, Search Suggestions, Forms autocomplete on, Dated download folders, etc)

Top 20 Twitter Applications and Mashups

Most of the times, simple brilliant ideas come with big opportunities. This is also the case of Twitter. When it came out , Twitter was seen as a simple, primitive way of communicating, but, in time, people found different ways to use it: from chatting to playing games, and so on. Fortunately, Twitter has developed an API so that anyone can build applications that use Twitter data in real time. Therefore, many interesting web mashups have been build and we’ve dedicated this article to some of the most useful and cool ones we could find online at the moment. First of all, we should explain the term: a web mashup is a web application that takes information from one or more sources (in this case Twitter with maybe other big sites like Google Maps or Flicker) and presents it in a new way or with a unique layout. Some quite interesting results can come out of this combination.

10 Essential Comms / Digital Media Blogs in 2010

Oh no! Not ANOTHER top 10 list!! Apologies up front if this particular genre of blog posts isn't to your liking but the end of the year is nigh and there are some bloggers / blogs out there that have really helped shape my thinking in 2010 and I wanted to share them with you. Here are the ones I've relied on consistently - you are probably familiar with most, if not all of them, but hopefully my reasons for regularly referring to these blogs adds some value to you and your regular reading rituals.

Top Ten Most Dangerous Volcanoes in the World

Here’s the list of most dangerous volcanoes in the world .  It can be likened to a volcano as a currency, the currency has two sides, each opposite. Volcanic eruption is one of the most horrific disaster, it could occurs the deaths of hundreds or even thousands, still remind you of terrifying eruption of Krakatoa volcano that occurred in 1883, which caused massive damage and casualties in the thousands. Is not it terrible right. 10. Mauna Loa Volcano , Hawaii Mauna Loa is the largest volcano in the world (volume and area), with the volume of lava reaches approximately 18,000 cubic miles. Mauna Loa is one of the five mountains that form the Island of Hawaii. Though Mauna Loa is not the highest mountain, but the erupt is the most dangerous, this is because the content of this mountain lava consists lot of fluid that can cause serious fires. The mountain last erupted on April 15, 1984. Mauna Loa Volcano

Top Ten: Anak Muda Terkaya di Internet Dibawah 30 tahun

Siapa yang menjadi kaya raya sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Era teknologi membuat banyak pemuda pintar mendadak populer dan sangat kaya. Boleh dibilang menjadi kaya karena internet, atau anak muda yang kaya karena adanya teknologi internet. Siapa saja yang berhasil mendapatkan posisi tertinggi. Data dari Complex mengumpulkan 10 anak muda mampu berhasil sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Aodhan Cullen, 27 tahun, Statcounter, perkiraan 18 juta dollar. Dia banyak amal dengan membuat website statisik untuk mencatat pengunjung. Memiliki 1.5 juta member. Matt Mullenweg, 26 tahun, Wordpress, 40 juta dollar Matt keluar dari Gig di Cnet, membuat situs untuk blogger dan paling ramai sedunia. Sean Belnick, 23 tahun, Bizchair, 42 juta dollar. Apa yang dikerjakan ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia adalah anak muda yang memiliki toko furniture di internet. Tidak itu saja, dia bekerja di kamar untuk mengatur 100 karyawannya.

10 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers

Facebook suffers from a number of security issues. Users can run into serious risk in case they are not careful. What's more important is that users should be able to protect his/her own profile form these viruses than that for Facebook developers itself has some of the viruses or an attempt to hack your profile. The number of facebook account hacking seems to be on the increase and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account is hacked. Any online account is in danger of being hacked. With its unique features the risk of hacking aggravates. To help you out in protecting your Facebook account we have assembled a list of top 10 Facebook accounts from Facebook Hackers. 1. Proper Facebook login Avoid clicking on any URL in email or other documentation to open Facebook Login page. Go to the Facebook page and enter login details to access the account. Try to redirect clicks in most common way to hack Facebook account and it might be easily a...

Top Ten Benteng Tertua di Indonesia

10. Benteng Pendem, Cilacap. 1861 Benteng Pendem Cilacap (Belanda: Kusbatterij od de Lantong te Cilacap), dibangun 1861, adalah benteng peninggalan Belanda di pesisir pantai Teluk Penyu kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Bangunan ini merupakan bekas markas pertahanan tentara Hindia Belanda yang dibangun di area seluas 6,5 hektar secara bertahap selama 18 tahun, dari tahun 1861 hingga 1879. Benteng pendem sempat tertutup tanah pesisir pantai dan tidak terurus. Benteng ini kemudian ditemukan dan mulai digali pemerintah Cilacap tahun 1986. Benteng Pendem dahulunya merupakan markas pertahanan tentara Belanda di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah yang didesain oleh arsitek Belanda. Benteng Pendem difungsikan hingga tahun 1942. Ketika perang malawan Pasukan Jepang, benteng ini berhasil dikuasai Jepang. Tahun 1941, Jepang meninggalkan benteng ini karena kota Hiroshima dan Nagasaki dibom oleh sekutu; sehingga, benteng ini diambil alih oleh TNI Banteng Loreng Kesatuan Jawa ...

Top Ten Google Voice Hacks and Tips

Just over a year ago Google had released their web based platform for communications - Google Voice. The only catch was that you need to request and receive an invitation to try it out. Now Google Voice has been opened to the public with no invitation required. It is packed with an array of cool features for sophisticated telephony.   In order to use Google Voice you need to configure your current phones to work with it. The application can be used in conjunction with the mobile phone and VoIP services. To make your work on Google Voice more interesting you might receive an invitation to try it out. 1. Try to create bookmarks/favorites or desktops shortcuts that act as the speed dials Most of the contact in Google Voice has a unique URL at the mobile version of the site. In case you click on the contact, its URL must be brought to you there and is unique to that particular contact. It is not URL which will automatically start the call, its just one click away. Click on "call...

Top Ten Facebook Alternatives That Keep Up Your Privacy

With the rise to top spot in social networking world, Facebook's taking advantage of its monopoly. The social networking ace is eager on controlling online identity of its members and reconfiguring the world’s privacy norms. Lately Facebook has been accused of taking advantage of users privacy. In such a situation you must be looking for Facebook Alternatives. If you are looking for alternatives, you have many but those that upkeep your privacy and offer similar features and apps as Facebook are numbered. We made an effort to queue up the 10 Facebook alternatives that doesn't compromise your privacy. 1. Friendster It is already quite popular in Asia but has also grown in popularity in the United States. The network offers quite a few features to customize your profile, offering quite a few features to customize. This is the ultimate point of a social network through. You can stay updated on people's shared information  Friendster’s privacy is stricter than what we find w...

Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

After some reflection, I've decided to delete my account on Facebook. I'd like to encourage you to do the same. This is part altruism and part selfish. The altruism part is that I think Facebook, as a company, is unethical. The selfish part is that I'd like my own social network to migrate away from Facebook so that I'm not missing anything. In any event, here's my "Top Ten" reasons for why you should join me and many others and delete your account. 10. Facebook's Terms Of Service are completely one-sided Let's start with the basics. Facebook's Terms Of Service state that not only do they own your data (section 2.1), but if you don't keep it up to date and accurate (section 4.6), they can terminate your account (section 14). You could argue that the terms are just protecting Facebook's interests, and are not in practice enforced, but in the context of their other activities, this defense is pretty weak. As you'll see, there'...

Top Ten Best Microsoft Outlook 2010 Hacks and Tips

Microsoft Outlook 2010 comes with premium business and personal e-mail management tools to more than 500 million users worldwide. The new Outlook version has been designed to offer richer set of tools and features to meet the communication needs at office, home and school . With a revamped look, advanced e-mail organization, search and communication features. Outlook 2010 allows extended tools to increase productivity and to enhance your personal and business networks . We had already done with the 10 hacks and tips for Microsoft Office 2010 .  This time we assembled a unique list of 10 Microsoft Outlook hacks and tips. 1. How to add more search criteria Microsoft Office 2010 allows you to add criteria . Outlook 2010 presents a simple way to search the specific items, emails, files, calender events, tasks, etc immediately. When all the Outlook folders are indexed, you can search items for specific folders and archives.  Let's have a look at different search options and ...

Top Ten Largest Deserts

10. Kara-Kum Desert, Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan The Karakum Desert, also spelled Kara-Kum and Gara Gum is a desert in Central Asia. It occupies about 70 percent, or 350,000 km², of the area of Turkmenistan. Covering much of present day Turkmenistan, the Karakum Desert lies east of the Caspian Sea, with the Aral Sea to the north and the Amu Darya river and the Kyzyl Kum desert to the northeast. In modern times, with the shrinking of the Aral Sea, the extended “Aral Karakum” has appeared on the former seabed, with an estimated area of 15,440 sq. The sands of the Aral Karakum are made up of a salt-marsh consisting of finely-dispersed evaporites and remnants of alkaline mineral deposits, washed into the basin from irrigated fields. The dusts blown on a powerful east-west airstream carry pesticide residues that have been found in the blood of penguins in Antarctica.

Top Ten Richest People in 2010

Mukesh Ambani is ranked fourth among the World's top 10 billionaires by the Forbes Magazine with total assets worth $29 billion followed by another Indian, steel tycoon L N Mittal, who ranked fifth with a total value of $28.7 billion. The Forbes Billionaires list for 2010 has witnessed Mexican Carlo Slim surpassing Bill Gates and Warrant Buffett to be the richest man on the earth. Slim's total worth rose $18.5 billion during the year to an estimated $53.5 billion, the Forbes Magazine said. Gates remained second with a fortune of $53 billion. Apart from Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and Head of ArcelorMittal L N Mittal, there were four other Indian tycoons in the top 50 list and 49 others in the complete list of 1,011 billionaires. The four Indian businessmen, besides Ambani and Mittal, in the top 50 list are Azim Premji (ranked: 28, worth: $17 billion), Sashi Ruia and Ravi Ruia (ranked: 40, worth: $13 billion), and Savitri Jindal (ranked: 44, worth: $12.2 billi...

Top 10 Ways to Disinfect And Save Your Windows 7 After Virus Infection

Virus infection has always been an onus with Microsoft's Windows operating systems . Microsoft's "highly secured" Windows 7 is no exception either. Given the unsuccessful trails like Live OneCare and anti-malware Morro , Microsoft is yet to device a successful anti-virus . Having said that, Windows 7 has incurred a number of security enhancements that we had sited in our Windows 7 Security: A Comprehensive Guide . Now what if your newly adopted OS, Windows 7, suffers a virus attack. Just installing a compatible anti-virus and updating on time doesn't mean a virus free system. There is much to cover once your computer is under infected by virus. We decide to provide you a comprehensive overview of what you can do disinfect and save Windows 7 after it is infected. 1. Complete Virus Scan Once you realize Windows 7 is infected with virus snap the networks and the Internet to ensure that the bug is not spread to others.  Now run  the anti-virus software until your...