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Tips: 5 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Account

Last week we discussed some  safety tips on Gmail  and how you can completely secure your email account from getting hacked. Twitter is not an exception and you should be very careful with your Twitter activity.  There are a lot of “phishing scams” spreading on Twitter and other social networking sites everyday. People use insane methods, scripts and fake login pages to gain access to your social profiles, thus causing identity theft which may cause severe outcomes. Imagine someone gets access to your Twitter account and then changes the account password and the email address associated with it. You lose the Twitter account and in the worst case, the scammer may gain personal information from your tweets, connections or Direct messages.   He/she may even hurt your online reputation by tweeting spam links, abusive language or vulgar images. Here is a list of techniques you should keep in mind to completely protect your Twitter account from unauthorized acti...

Guide: 8 Tips for Making Twitter Work for You

Social media is a powerful tool, but it’s not automatically going to help your small business. If you do it right, Twitter can help you turn curious googlers into loyal customers, but if you’re not going about it the right way, it’s simply a waste of time—or worse, turn potential customers away. Here are 8 tips for making Twitter work for you. 1. Do be easy to find Choose a Twitter name close to your business name, and write a clear profile that explains what you do and where to find you. Use key words that people might be searching for: your neighborhood, your primary focus, and a link to your full website. 2. Don’t shout Using all caps is considered impolite. Consider grammar and spelling, too—even if it’s casual, it’s still important to be professional on Twitter.

5 Ways to Use Twitter for Good

I’m a big fan of  Twitter , and have been using it heavily since the outset. For those of you not yet using it, Twitter is a communications gateway that asks the question: “What are you doing now?” Users can answer and hear their friends’ answers via SMS, via IM, or on a webpage. Updates have to be under 140 characters. Think somewhere between IRC and IM and that’s Twitter. Twitter is a constant pulse product, meaning it can really sap your attention span. That seems antithetical to life-hacking, or at least to Getting Things Done. So how is it useful? Here are my tricks. Use Twitter for Good Quick Human Answers - Ask folks on your friend’s list which digital  camera  to buy for under $300 US, and you’ll get back a stream of responses. Conference / News Briefings - The last several major tech events were covered by Twitter. I heard about the Apple iPhone faster through Twitter than I would via blog surfing. Similarly, I’ve watched people in San Francisco report earthqua...

32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business

Facebook’s not just for keeping tabs on friends and filling out quizzes — it can also be used as a highly effective business tool. It’s great for marketing your products, landing gigs and connecting with your customers. Here are 32 ways to use Facebook in your business. Manage Your Profile Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Establish a  business account  if you don’t already have one. Stay out of trouble by reading the  Facebook rules  regarding business accounts. Install appropriate  applications  to integrate feeds from your blog and other social media accounts into your Facebook profile. (Although you should be careful before integrating your Twitter feed into your Faceboook profile, as a stream of tweets can seem overwhelming to your contacts.) Keep any personal parts of your profile private through  Settings .

62 Ways to Use Twitter for Business

Most of you know that  Twitter  can be used for much more than just announcing what you ate for breakfast. Many of you already know Twitter’s value in business, but you can still take it further and use it to land gigs, market your business, grow your network and gain free publicity — all in 140 characters or less. It’s true that Twitter is what you make of it. Some people publicize their daily activities, some make it about link love, some share quotes all day long. Smart people using Twitter for business mix it up. Here are 62 ways to use Twitter more effectively in your business.

Foursquare Tip: How to get the new ‘Fixer Upper’ Badge

This week,  foursquare  released a new badge for do-it-yourselfers- the Fixer Upper badge. To unlock the new badge, you need to check-in to venues categorized as ‘Hardware.’ It is still unclear as to how many check-ins it takes to unlock the badge, but the general assumption is around three. Here is the message that comes with the badge:  “Whether you’re here for 1/4″ electro-galvinized roofing nails or that hammer-machine-saw-thingy, here’s to getting stuff done!” Enjoy! source:

Triks: Bikin Firefox 4 Lebih Kencang

Image via Wikipedia Pertama-tama, buka dulu browser Firefox 4 Anda, lalu ketik di url / address bar dengan tulisan " about:config " (ingat tanpa tanda petik) Lalu cari beberapa sintaks berikut ini: browser.history_expire_days_min ganti nilainyanya menjadi 10 ( default : 90) browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers ganti nilainyanya menjadi 1 (default: -1) network.http.max-connections ganti nilainyanya menjadi 100 (default: 30) network.http.max-connections-per-server ganti nilainyanya menjadi 20 (default: 15) network.http.max- persistent-connections -per-server ganti nilainyanya menjadi 8 (default: 6) network.http.pipelining ganti menjadi true (default: false) network.http.proxy.pipelining ganti menjadi true (default: false) network.http.pipelining.maxrequests ganti menjadi 8 (default: 4) network.http.request.max-start-delay ganti menjadi 0 (default: 10) network.prefetch-next ganti menjadi false (default: true)

7 Cara Terbaik Membakar Lemak Tubuh

Ada saatnya kita tidak punya waktu untuk pergi ke gymnasium. Kini , tak perlu pusing-pusing lagi. Ada tujuh aktivitas yang mudah dilakukan dalam upaya membakar lemak dan kalori dalam tubuh. Cobalah salah satu dari kegiatan ini yang dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh.    1.   Inline skating , membakar 425 kalori dalam 30 menit Bersepatu roda akan terasa menyenangkan bahkan bisa membuat anda lupa sedang berolah raga. Pembakaran lemak terjadi saat gerakan dari sisi ke sisi pada bagian otot paha dan bokong. Aktivitas ini menuntut lebih banyak gerak ketimbang hanya bergerak lurus, seperti lari. Tapi, jangan lupa gunakan helm, serta pelindung tangan, lutut, dan siku.     2. Berlari, membakar 374 kalori dalam 30 menit Tipikal seorang pelari biasanya ramping dan kurus, tentu ada alasannya. Otot di bagian kaki, bokong, dan inti mengalami pembakaran kalori paling besar ketika berlari. Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal, ayunkan lengan dekat dengan tubuh, jangan bungkuk...

10 Tips Keharmonisan Pasangan Suami-Istri

SIAPA PUN yang telah mengikatkan diri dalam tali pernikahan tentunya menginginkan atmosfer rumah tangga yang harmonis. Maka yang harus dipikirkan pertama kali adalah bagaimana melakukan harmonisasi hubungan suami-istri. Menjaga keharmonisan pasangan suami-istri (pasutri) tidaklah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, tapi membutuhkan usaha dan pengorbanan. Berikut ini adalah sepuluh tips mewujudkan keharmonisan pasutri, sebagaimana ditulis Wafaa‘ Muhammad, dalam kitabnya Kaifa Tushbihina Zaujah Rumansiyyah : 1. Berupaya saling mengenal dan memahami Perbedaan lingkungan dan kondisi tempat suami atau istri tumbuh sangat berpengaruh dalam pembentukan ragam selera, perilaku, dan sikap yang berlainan pada setiap pihak dari yang lain. Hal itu merupakan kewajiban setiap pasutri untuk memahami keadaan ini dan berusaha mengetahui serta mengenal pihak lain yang menjadi pasangan hidupnya. Mereka juga harus mengetahui semua hal yang berkaitan dengan situasi kehidupan yang mempengaruhi, seh...

How to Restore Your Hacked/Deleted Twitter Account?

Oh! No! Did you get your account deleted? Was it hacked? Some kinda Phising attack? All is not lost my friend. If it hasn’t been a month to the mishap, then you might have everything in place again. Twitting is fun. As most of you already know, Twitter happens to be a free social networking site that allows users to stay up to date with friends, family and may be fans all packaged in as followers. Well, let me inform you once again, Twitter accounts come totally free of cost and you do have the liberty to leave as and when you prefer and for any reason. Now, lets come to the discussion may be for some reason, you accidentally get your account deleted or it seems to delete itself, or may there have been some sort of malicious activity totally unknown to you. Don’t worry there are chances you get back your account provided it hasn’t been 30 days. The username and email address on deactivated accounts is unavailable for use by another ...

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network’s WEP Password with BackTrack

Unless you’re a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don’t have all the tools on hand to get this job done. Here’s what you’ll need: A compatible wireless adapter :This is the biggest requirement. You’ll need a wireless adapter that’s capable of packet injection, and chances are the one in your computer is not. A BackTrack 3 Live CD : We already took you on a full screenshot tour of how to install and use BackTrack 3, the Linux Live CD that lets you do all sorts of security testing and tasks. Download yourself a copy of the CD and burn it, or load it up in VMware to get started. (I tried the BackTrack 4 pre-release, and it didn’t work as well as BT3. Do yourself a favor and stick with BackTrack 3 for now.) A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network : The signal should be strong and ideally people are using it, connecting and disconnecting their devices from it. The more use it gets while you collect the data you need to run your crack, the better your chances of succ...

3 Situs Andalan untuk Mencari Teks Film

Koleksi film dalam bentuk digital yang disimpan di hardisk kadang tak selalu dilengkapi dengan subtitle yang diinginkan. Padahal, subtitle bisa berguna untuk menikmati film lebih lanjut, mulai dari memahami alur cerita hingga menangkap kata-kata sulit yang mungkin diucapkan pemainnya. Untungnya, ada situs-situs internet yang menyediakan subtitle untuk di-download kolektor film. Berikut adalah tiga di antaranya: AnySubs menyediakan file teks untuk film dengan format DivX secara gratis. Di situs ini pengguna bisa melihat-lihat koleksi subtitle yang ada berdasarkan urut abjad maupun melihat Top 100 judul yang paling banyak di-download. Kebanyakan file di AnySubs menggunakan format SRT. Situs itu menyediakan pencarian subtitle berbagai bahasa, termasuk Bahasa Indonesia. Namun koleksinya akan tergantung dari keaktifan komunitas karena kebanyakan subtitle yang ada disumbangkan oleh komunitas.

Computer Virus Symptoms to Worry About

Have you received an email - "My e-mail was hacked!!! I'm so sorry!" How does the email viruses spread and how do you react when you ensnare. Viruses can get your computer from any corner of the world. All the systems connected to a network are highly vulnerable to infection of all the interconnected machines. Once the virus hooks up to your computer, it scans word documents, spreadsheet and address books on the prowl for other active email addresses to target. The initial attack just affects the set-up and the access maintenance. It just wants the computer to be turned on the computer and the infected bot just waits for instructions. This computer turns into a zombie machine on which the hackers can carry out nefarious bidding. Delivery notices from the post office, messages from out-of-touch friends and headlines from seasonal sporting events. Some of the commonly known symptoms of computer virus infection are

Cara Memblokir Konten Berbau Negatif

Sistem pengelolaan database terpusat pada server DNS memundahkan pengontrolan situs negatif. Server ini hadir untuk mengurangi kecemasan orang tua pada anak-anak mereka atas maraknya video tak senonoh yang melibatkan artis-artis papan atas. Sejak merebaknya kasus itu, banyak orang termasuk anak-anak dan remaja dibuat penasaran. Warnet-warnet dikabarkan penuh dengan pengunjung yang mencari situs yang menyediakan unduhan film itu. Untuk menyaring konten-konten yang tak senonoh, pengguna internet bisa memanfaatkan tools Nawala Project (DNS Nawala) besutan Asosiasi Warung Internet Indonesia (Awari), yang bebas digunakan oleh siapa saja. Bahkan baru-baru ini pengurus Awari (asosiasi warung internet Indonesia) juga menghimbau para pemilik warnet untuk memanfaatkan tool ini. Menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa rekaman video negatif yang marak diberikan seminggu terakhir ini adalah satu bentuk kandungan negatif internet yang terlarang untuk diakses melalu warnet (warung internet). Atas kesadaran ...

Tips Membakar Kalori Tanpa Berkeringat

Ibu hamil pasti akan mengalami peningkatan berat badan. Saat memberi asi pastinya akan sulit melakukan diet karena akan membuat asi berkurang bahkan berhenti. Biasanya banyak yang baru akan menormalkan BB-nya setelah nifas atau bahkan ada yang gak peduli sama sekali. Berat badan dengan mudah bertambah (walaupun ada sebagian orang yang susah menaikkan berat badan), sedangkan menurunkannya membutuhkan perjuangan: no pain no gain . Berikut ini ada sejumlah tips cara membakar kalori tanpa berkeringat (sedikit keringat). Konsumsi vitamin D Dalam suatu penelitian, wanita yang kekurangan vitamin ini penurunan berat badannya lambat. Dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi 2,000 mg per hari. Minum Kopi Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa kafein dapat meningkatkan pembakaran kalori. Cukup tidur (Tidur lebih banyak) Sering tidur kurang dari 4 jam sehari akan memperlambat tingkat metabolisme (pembakaran). Dianjurkan antara 7-9 jam per hari. Lakukan pekerjaan tangan cuci piring, memasak dan kerja2 ru...

Top Ten Google Voice Hacks and Tips

Just over a year ago Google had released their web based platform for communications - Google Voice. The only catch was that you need to request and receive an invitation to try it out. Now Google Voice has been opened to the public with no invitation required. It is packed with an array of cool features for sophisticated telephony.   In order to use Google Voice you need to configure your current phones to work with it. The application can be used in conjunction with the mobile phone and VoIP services. To make your work on Google Voice more interesting you might receive an invitation to try it out. 1. Try to create bookmarks/favorites or desktops shortcuts that act as the speed dials Most of the contact in Google Voice has a unique URL at the mobile version of the site. In case you click on the contact, its URL must be brought to you there and is unique to that particular contact. It is not URL which will automatically start the call, its just one click away. Click on "call...

10 Tips to Protect Your Business from Cyber Criminals / Hackers

Several small and medium sized business have been victims of cyber crime at some point. According to the recent researches organised cyber gangs intent on cracking into corporate networks in the same way they might target a bank vault posing greater threat to business networks. The online scammers, hackers and identity thieves attempt to access your computer, personal information, finances and more. It's absolutely important to minimize your chances of becoming a victim of an internet-based crime. When online security measures are essential to protect your information, your computer and your money. We assembled a list of top 10 tips that protects your business from cyber criminals/hackers. 1. Keep Off Spammers Spammers love the unprotected computers. They constantly probe and set traps for unprotected computers that can control and use anonymously to send spam, turning them into a robot network such as "botnet" or "zombie army". The botnets are created by thous...

Six Tips To Ensure Privacy on Facebook and Other social networks

Facebook has just won its court battle in Pakistan and reaffirmed its restoration in the country . The privacy issue continues to besiege the social networking ace. However, for all those Facebook -buffs who are in no mood to celebrate Quit Facebook Day, you can better tighten your privacy. A week ago, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckberg, while addressing the privacy issues , had announced that suggesting the plans would roll out simplified controls. The new tools will offer users one menu with three settings that determine who can see shared content - friends, friends of friends and everyone. To boost up your security you can surely get on with some cool tips by Symantec for on social network to protect their personal information . The foremost thing is never to share your password for facebook or any other social networking site with anyone not even your best friend or spouse. warned that photos, videos and comments posted on the web are often there forever. Never post anything you w...

Serious Windows 7 Flaws Unearthed

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that its newest operating system Windows 7 can be vulnerable to users in terms of code execution and denial-of-service attacks. The vulnerability of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been discussed before Microsoft issued the advisory. Although, the company claims that no attack due to this Windows flaws has been reported so far. The flaw was found in the Canonical Display Driver (cdd.dll), which is used by desktop composition to mix the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and DirectX drawing. Microsoft also thinks that chances are high if an attacker can successfully exploit this vulnerability, it can result the affected system to stop responding and automatically restart. The company assured that they are going to fix the problem once the investigation is complete. By this time, affected Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 users should disable the Windows Aero Theme to prevent the issue from being exploited.

Hindari Kanker, Pilih Lipstik yang Sehat

Kita sering mendengar bahwa Depertemen Kesehatan dan Badan POM telah merazia berbagai produk kosmetik yang beredar di pasaran karena mengandung bahan berbahaya yang dapat mengancam kesehatan seperti memicu penyakit kanker. Ironis sekali jika produk kecantikan yang kita kenakan merupakan salah satu yang termasuk. Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI no.445/MenKes/Per/1998 tentang bahan zat warna, substratum, zat pengawet dan tabir surya serta keputusan Kepala Badan POM no. HK tentang kosmetik, CyberNews Wanita mencoba memberikan tips agar para kaum hawa berhati-hati dalam memilih atau menggunakan kosmetik terutama lipstik, antara lain : Biasakan membaca label produk lipstik yang akan dibeli dengan memilih produk lipstik yang sudah terdaftar oleh Depkes atau balai POM seperti melihat kode produksinya yaitu CD untuk produksi dalam negeri dan CL untuk produksi luar negeri serta CA untuk produk kosmetik yang terdaftar dalam anggota negara ASEAN. Mengo...