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How To Hide Photos From Certain Users In Facebook: Most Popular Suggestions

As it is Facebook happens to be the most accessed social network site these days and with immense popularity the risk factor also counts in. You don’t want yourself to be exposed do you. So, its better to have some measures taken before the consequences can have their take on you. Facebook though is known for providing the liberty of sharing photos and albums in an organized manner but their are pot-holes to be addressed. Well for now you can follow up these steps and see whether you get some effects, in this case i guess thing’s would be fruitful if there aren’t any after-effects cause the moment you start getting response for the pictures you hid, you know you are drenched. So, here you go, Log in to your Facebook account and click “ Account ” on the upper right menu of the homepage. Click “ Privacy Settings ” in the “ Account ” tab and click “ Customize Settings ” on the “ Privacy ” page. Scroll to the “ Things Others Share ” menu and click the drop-down menu under ...

45 Tahun Bersama, Scorpions Segera Bubar!

Band asal Jerman, Scorpions, berencana bubar tahun ini pasca merilis album terbarunya. Mereka memutuskan bubar jalan setelah 45 tahun berkarir bersama. Album 'Sting in the Tail' akan dirilis pada 19 Maret mendatang. Beberapa tanggal konser telah ditetapkan. Setelah promo kelar, mereka siap berpisah. "Kami sangat bersyukur, kenyataannya kami masih punya hasrat yang sama untuk musik seperti dulu. Ini kenapa, terutama sekarang, kami sepakat kami harus menempuh ujung perjalanan ini," tulis mereka di, Selasa (26/1/2010).