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7 Best Firefox Addons for 2010

Mozilla as an open source alternative to the big guns of Microsoft and Apple has grown leaps and bounds. The credit behind the immense surge is due to the presence of Add-Ons. It seems that there is an addon for everything. Be it checking the Alexa rank of the site you are on or just checking the amount of bandwith usage. Well we have now come up with an assortment of the Top addons which were delivered to make the lives of Web Developers a bit easier. The community that tries to meet each an everyone’s need would be in an all new level once the following add ons are installed. 1. SEO Doctor SEO Doctor will allow easy SEO diagnosis and solves a myriad of problems webmasters. It is quite the cheat sheet for getting to know your webpage in depth in terms of SEO score and the number of links embedded in the page.

Top Ten Useful Safari Plugins For MAC Users

When it comes to web browser , people always go for Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome , Opera etc. A huge number of plug-ins or add-ons have made browsing experience significantly safe and productful. Although Safari , a web browser developed by Apple are used by a few number of people (90% of the Apple’s MAC users), but increasing number of plug-ins and the special feature of supporting HTML5 is gradually increasing it’s popularity. Today we have decided to introduce you to top 10 useful Safari Plug-ins for MAC users. Here is the list- 1. Glims Glims adds a cocktail of features to Safari (Tabs, Thumbnails, Full Screen, Search Engines, Search Suggestions, Forms autocomplete on, Dated download folders, etc)

Facebook CommentsTNG

Facebook CommentsTNG is a plugin for your Wordpress blog that will spider your notes page and find imported Wordpress blogs and bring the comments back into Wordpress. This is a complete rewrite from the original but I did borrow some ideas from it. Kudos to the original authors for their initial effort and for their plugin giving me the motivation to write this one! Features: Will recursively scan through all notes and bring in comments Test mode to see what would be imported without risking the database Uses simple html dom which means it’ll be easier to fix if Facebook changes Limit option to limit how far it goes back Timed automatic scanning Set what note you want it to start on E-mail field for setting a custom e-mail, The default is facebook at philtopia dot com which has a Gravatar set up with a Facebook picture Plugin can crawl your notes despite language set Plugin can get accurate post time from Facebook Auto approval of comments (make sure the plugin works for ...

8 Keunggulan WordPress

WordPress adalah salah satu portal blog paling populer di seluruh dunia. Tahukah apa saja keunggulannya? Berdasarkan keterangan tertulis WordPress yang dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (30/1/2010), berikut adalah 8 keungulan WordPress yang paling dijagokan: 1. Berbasis Open Source WordPress ini berbasis Open Source, sehingga bisa didapatkan secara gratis dan dapat dikembangkan siapa saja. 2. Kustomisasi WordPress memiliki keunggulan dalam hal Content Management System (CMS). Hal ini memudahkan pengguna untuk menambahkan dan mengubah isi dari situs maupun blog, sesuai kebutuhan.

Innovative Folding Power Plug Design

Industrial designers sometimes make the mistake of thinking that certain product elements are written in stone, or that they just aren’t worth thinking about. And sometimes it takes a set of fresh eyes to see an exceptionally simple yet innovative solution. That was the case when Royal College of Art student Min Kyu Choi re-imagined the bulky UK power plug.

Microsoft Urges Windows XP Users to Ditch Old Flash Version

Microsoft has had it with old versions of Adobe Flash and has issued Security Advisory (979267) to urge users to either uninstall old versions, or upgrade to the latest. More specifically, the software giant is asking users ditch Flash Player 6.0 as the multimedia player plugin contains multiple bugs.

Feature Related Stories with LinkWithin

Most blogging platforms now feature a number of third-party plugins that can display a list of related stories on your blog, or even on other blogs on the Internet. Typically, these plugins will look at how a story was tagged and then display a short list of similar stories that use the same keywords. LinkWithin is the newest contender in this market. The plugin looks at tags, but it also analyzes other factors like relevancy, popularity, and recency. Unlike similar plugins, however, LinkWithin doesn't just display a list of headlines underneath each post, but also a thumbnail with a picture from each post, which makes it far more attractive than most of its competitors.