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Mozilla Tunda Peluncuran Firefox 4 Beta 12

Image via Wikipedia Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta 12, sepertinya tidak akan dirilis sesuai jadwal sebelumnya. Mozilla mengatakan masih ada beberapa masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada web browser tersebut. Seperti dikutip dari   Macworld , Selasa (22/2/2011), seorang petinggi Mozilla, Christian Legnitto, mengatakan bahwa Beta 12 ini seharusnya merupakan versi Final Beta. Namun karena masih perlunya beberapa perbaikan, kemungkinan Beta 13 akan hadir. "Rencananya Beta 12 merupakan versi Beta terakhir, tetapi kami masih memerlukan Beta 13 jika kembali ditemukan masalah pada Beta 12," ujar Legnitto. Mozilla mendapat tekanan berat dari pesaing mereka, Microsoft , yang akan segera merilis Internet Explorer 9 . Microsoft menjanjikan akan merilis web browser terbaru mereka itu pada kuartal pertama 2011.

Mengatasi Mozilla Firefox Crash Report

Kali ini saya kana berbagi tips ,yaitu mengatasi  Mozilla firefox crash report, yang tentunnya sangat menggangu kitas saat sedang asyik browsing...tiba-tiba muncul pesan error yang mengharuskan kita merestart atau keluar dari mozilla. Perintah tersebut dinamakan Mozilla firefox crash report.

Firefox and Twitter App for Android

The development of the various news around Android-based phones are always interested me, not only because there are ’shadow’ Google behind it, but also because the development of various applications developed based on the OS and various info around Android ecosystem will always be associated with their competitors, like the iPhone and BlackBerry. Some of the developments going on around Android is interesting to note is Twitter for Android and Firefox pre-alpha for Android. Twitter for Android Twitter is busy to take care of their applications on the mobile version, after two phone ‘ngetrend’ having their mobile applications, the iPhone and BlackBerry users now turn to Android, Twitter launched their official application for Android. One reason for that is the reason many applications launches mobile version is a very significant growth, including the use of social media to help spread interest users such as photos, text, video, location and various things that are their dail...

Avoid “Man-in-the-Middle” Attacks With Perspectives

The Perspectives Firefox Extension is a useful free add-on for Firefox that improves the usability of the browser and provides an additional layer of security when connecting to sites using SSL. When you use a protocol like SSL to connect to a secure web site, your communication with that site is vulnerable to a “ man-in-the-middle ” attack unless you’re able to identify the remote server in a secure manner. Most sites can be securely identified because they buy a certificate from a Certificate Authority like VeriSign. Unfortunately, as certificates can be expensive and tricky to administer, some sites prefer to self-certify, and some have expired certificates. Attempting to connect to one of these sites will lead to Firefox issuing the “Website Certified by Unknown Authority” warning that you’ve probably seen many times: Have you ever just clicked “OK” to accept a certificate without checking it out? Most of the time, it’s probably fine, but you could be leaving yo...

Most Popular Add-on Collections Firefox

Firefox collections are groups of related add-ons assembled for easier sharing.  This idea was launched from the Firefox Add-ons site several months ago.  Since some time has passed, I thought it might be interesting to check back in with this online Mozilla feature to see which collections are the most popular out there. Here are the most popular add-on collections for the Firefox browser: Windows 7 Theme for Firefox 3.5 32430 subscribers – This collection of add-ons were gathered to help you make Firefox 3 more seamless in the Windows 7 operating system.  Not only do you get the nice theme and tweaking add-ons, but you also get some great time conserving tools too! Web Developer’s Toolbox 7934 subscribers – Speed up the development process by using add-ons to troubleshoot, edit, and debug web projects without ever clicking away from Firefox.

10 Popular Themes That Are Firefox 3.5 Ready

One of the negative side effects of a new version of Firefox rolling out is the fact that some Firefox theme creators neglect to update their themes to the newest versions.  So, when updating our browser, that leaves some of us in the dark, when it comes to using the themes we know and love.  However, this time around many more popular themes have been updated to support Firefox 3.5 and here are my favorite ten for you to choose from. Silvermel

Hacking Rapidshare Account

Jika Anda mempunyai account premium rapidshare tidaklah menjadi masalah untuk mendownload berbagai macam file yang Anda inginkan. Namun jika Anda tidak memiliki account premium atau  Anda mendownload sebagai  free user , maka Anda akan mengalami berbagai macam limit dalam mendownload file dari rapidshare antara lain  : Anda hanya diperbolehkan mendownload satu file dalam jangka waktu tertentu, Anda harus menunggu beberapa detik ( waiting time ) sebelum download button ditampilkan serta batasan kecepatan download. Namun batasan rapidshare tersebut ternyata bisa kita hindari jika kita mengerti bagaimana trik download dan trik mengakali rapidshare. Untuk mempermudah dan menambah kenyamanan bagi Anda yang ingin mendownload file  dari rapidshare, maka berikut ini saya tunjukkan trik download dan mengakali rapidshare  agar proses download  menjadi cepat dan nyaman :

Power Twitter Add-ons for Firefox

The goal of Power Twitter is simple: make twitter better .

Firefox 4 Slips to 2011

Mozilla has admitted the next point release of its Firefox browser, slated for release this month, won't appear until some time in Q1 2010 and the next major release, originally targeted for the middle of next year, is likely to slip into 2011. The news comes as some embarrassment for Mozilla, coming just a few days after it boasted Firefox 3.5 was the 'most popular browser' though some creative market share analysis.

Can Google's Chrome Banner Change the Course of the Browser Wars?

Google has an ad banner in their search home page for their Chrome browser. Can it eventually change the course of the browser wars? And what can happen if it does?

Track Santa Online With Google Earth

It's that time of year again: the Northern  American Aerospace Defense Command  (NORAD) is partnering with  Google  to track Santa, so all the world's good boys and girls can follow along online. This is not just an opportunity for you and your kids to see how close Santa is to your house, but it's also a chance to teach your children a little something about the world. Use the  Google Earth  Browser Plug-in Santa began his annual journey at 2 a.m. ET on Thursday, and Google and NORAD have developed many different ways to keep tabs on the jolly old elf this season. One of the best ways to do so is through the  Google Earth Web browser plug-in  available for Windows and  Mac OS X  users. On Windows, the plug-in works with Google Chrome,  Internet Explorer 6  or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, and Flock. Mac users can use the plug-in with Safari and Firefox 3.0 or higher and some Chromium builds. Google Chrome for Mac does not...