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WikiLeaks Founder in Hiding

Image by New Media Days via Flickr For Julian Assange , the WikiLeaks founder and guiding spirit, it must have been sweet. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to smooth over the embarrassment, while the White House huffed that a criminal investigation was underway. The French government was decrying "the height of irresponsibility," and Pakistan was reckoning with a rebuke from its traditional patron, Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the pasty-faced Assange, a self-appointed knight-errant who has been doing battle with official secrecy since 2006, was in the shadows somewhere - few knew where - undoubtedly savoring the ruckus caused by WikiLeaks' exposure of confidential State Department cables. In an uncomfortable irony, however, he had to do the savoring in a secret location, because Interpol, the international anti-crime organization, has issued a high-priority "red notice" asking member countries to arrest him. President Obama's spok...

Facebook hits 500-million-member mark

Facebook, the social networking site launched by a Harvard University student in 2004, officially hit the 500-million-user mark earlier this morning – more evidence of just how central Facebook has become to today's Web world. Only a few months ago, of course, Facebook was touting the arrival of its 400 millionth member, meaning the site has apparently grown by 25 percent since February. "This is an important milestone for all of you who have helped spread Facebook around the world," Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said in a blog post this afternoon. "Now a lot more people have the opportunity to stay connected with the people they care about." Zuckerberg went on to include a few recent Facebook success stories, including the unlikely tale of Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who used Facebook to find jogging partners. It's been a tumultuous year for Facebook. The site has been condemnend by irate critics and repeatedly slammed for ignoring t...

Do Not Call Register Founder Tim Muris Joined Facebook

It seems Facebook is desperate to get rid of privacy problems faced by millions of its users. Facebook is rumored as making a relationship with Do Not Call Register that will look after its privacy issue. A speculation is going around about the creator of Do Not Call Registry Tim Muris. Tim has been rumored to join Facebook. Tim, an attorney had worked for Bush Administration. Though the exact reason behind Tim joining Facebook has not disclosed, it is probable that Facebook would utilize his experience for protecting personal information, given by its users. Tim Muris joining Facebook has already created a controversy. The Electronic privacy Information Center has filed a suit against FTC. Facebook is blamed for their involvement in unfair commercial dealings by which they have violated protection issues of the users.