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Facebook Myspace, Myspace Iѕ Partner Wіth Facebook ultimate headlines update

Image via Wikipedia Myspace hаѕ partnered wіth Facebook іn the understanding thаt wіll see thе former integrating closely wіth thе latter. Thе Mashup Wіth Facebook understanding allows users οn Myspace, whісh hаѕ not long ago undergone the vital renovate аnd refocus around amicable party discovery, tο record іntο Facebook around thеіr Myspace account. Thіѕ equates to thаt thе calm thеу аrе enchanting wіth οn Myspace wіll bе automatically ported over tο thеіr Facebook form page by Facebook Connect . Myspace CEO Mike Jones ѕауѕ, “Wе feel thіѕ іѕ the interrelated use tο Facebook […] Thіѕ nеw underline іѕ the fаntаѕtіс painting οf ουr plan around amicable party аnd enabling thе real-time stream.”

iPad is Coming, April 3, 2010

Yes, that's the email subject that I received from Apple, so this is a trusted news. iPad is the latest innovation from Apple which many people talk about it because its unique. Well, Apple always makes a unique product. With a device called the iPad you are watching videos, listening musics, reading news online, working with iWork, read the iBook, calendar, manage contacts, create a prensentation, and many more. Only with a gadget so thin.

Apple Trying to Store Your Video in The Cloud

(Credit: Greg Sandoval/CNET) Apple's plans for cloud computing go beyond music. The company's representatives have recently spoken with some of the major film studios about enabling iTunes users to store their content on the company's servers, two people familiar with the discussions told CNET. That's in addition to streaming television shows and music. Apple has told the studios that under the plan, iTunes users will access video from various Internet-connected devices. Apple would, of course, prefer that users access video from the iPad, the company's upcoming tablet computer, the sources said. Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr said Apple doesn't comment on rumors or speculation. The news comes a month after Apple spoke to the major record companies about a similar plan involving music. Apple's vision is to build proverbial digital shelves where iTunes users store their media, one of the sources said. "Basically, they want to eliminate the hard dr...

Beautiful Japanese Gramophones

Alan sez, "A Japanese company is producing gramophones with natural touches such as bamboo needles."

Get to Know Windows 7 Libraries Inside and Out

The new Libraries feature in Windows 7 makes it easier to manage your files and folders. Today we take a comprehensive look at everything you can do with Windows 7 Libraries. The Libraries feature in Windows 7 provides a central place to manage files that are located in multiple locations throughout your computer. Instead of clicking through a bunch of directories to find the files you need, including them in a library makes for quicker access. Access Libraries To access the libraries in Windows 7, type libraries into the search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter. The default libraries in Windows 7 will open up in Explorer which are Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.

45 Tahun Bersama, Scorpions Segera Bubar!

Band asal Jerman, Scorpions, berencana bubar tahun ini pasca merilis album terbarunya. Mereka memutuskan bubar jalan setelah 45 tahun berkarir bersama. Album 'Sting in the Tail' akan dirilis pada 19 Maret mendatang. Beberapa tanggal konser telah ditetapkan. Setelah promo kelar, mereka siap berpisah. "Kami sangat bersyukur, kenyataannya kami masih punya hasrat yang sama untuk musik seperti dulu. Ini kenapa, terutama sekarang, kami sepakat kami harus menempuh ujung perjalanan ini," tulis mereka di, Selasa (26/1/2010).

Johnny Depp Meninggal Hanya Hoax

Aktor Johnny Depp jadi trending topic di situs jejaring sosial, Twitter. Penyebabnya karena Depp disebut-sebut telah meninggal dunia. Benarkah? Ternyata tidak. Bahan perbincangan para pengguna Twitter didasarkan dari screenshot situs berita CNN yang disebutkan dimuat tahun 2004 silam. Screenshot berita itu pun sebenarnya telah dinyatakan sebagai kesalahan teknis oleh CNN. CNN ketika itu mengaku telah lalai dalam memuat nama korban kecelakaan lalu lintas menjadi Johnny Depp. Padahal yang menjadi korban saat itu bukan aktor top Johnny Depp. Sejumlah situs berita asing yang selama ini dikenal memiliki keakuratan dan kecepatan berita pun tidak memuat mengenai meninggalnya Depp. Situs BBC, Reuters, Contact Music, Female First, Daily Mail, The Sun hingga CNN tidak melansir berita meninggalnya pemain film 'Donnie Brasco' tersebut pada Minggu (24/1/2010).

Taylor Swift's Big, Amazing Year

Her CMA nomination for entertainer of the year caps off a wild 2009 for country's new reigning princess.