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Top 10 Hot Technology Trends for 2010

Enterprise Social Networking Social networks will spread further in the workplace, taking collaboration to a new level. As the lines between professional and personal communications become increasingly blurred, IT leaders will need to incorporate enterprise social networking into their overall unified communications and collaboration strategy. Enterprise-grade versions of Facebook, Twitter and Wikis in the workplace will begin to be as common as e-mail and will change the way business is conducted. As a result, the decision-making process will be accelerated, customers will receive immediate answers and workers will be more empowered. Aiming for the ‘Clouds’ Cloud computing – whether public or private – is enabling businesses to move to a new and more efficient IT model. It is allowing enterprises to use computing resources (network, server, storage) on–demand and to serve applications centrally. With security and performance enterprise-ready, the ‘cloud’ is enabling businesses to ...

Information Technology Social Networks

Information technology professionals and amateur geeks have been gathering online since Usenet fi­rst launched in 1979. For people who spend their workday in front of a computer facing new technology challenges, it's natural that IT professionals took quickly to online forums, newsgroups and discussion boards. IT social networks are the latest extension of these virtual communities.