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How To Build a Quantum Computer?

Image by jurvetson via Flickr Quantum computing today is quite considered to be the “nirvana state” as far as most technical researches are concerned. The concept is backed up by the underlying theory of Quantum Physics . What is Quantum Physics? Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. The five main views high-lighted in Quantum Theory are: Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units. The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves. The movement of these particles is inherently random. It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is. The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.

IP Addresses will be Exhausted in Less than a Year

IP addresses are assigned to those devices like computers, phones, cars, wireless sensors, etc that is connected with the Internet. But, according to the Internet analysts, we will run out of IP addresses in less than a year. As per ReadWriteWeb, Internet is evolving on daily basis. New devices are hooked to the net very frequently. That's why we may run out of the numbers to assign those web enabled electronics. "The main reason for the concern? There's an explosion of data about to happen to the Web thanks largely to sensor data, smart grids, RFID and other Internet of Things data," Richard Macmanus writes on that site. John Curran, president and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers, told ReadWriteWeb that only 4 billion IP addresses can be assigned under the current system and that is going to be exhausted in less than a year. Our existing system for assigning IP addresses can only handle 32 bits of data. But, researchers are workin...

Computer Virus Symptoms to Worry About

Have you received an email - "My e-mail was hacked!!! I'm so sorry!" How does the email viruses spread and how do you react when you ensnare. Viruses can get your computer from any corner of the world. All the systems connected to a network are highly vulnerable to infection of all the interconnected machines. Once the virus hooks up to your computer, it scans word documents, spreadsheet and address books on the prowl for other active email addresses to target. The initial attack just affects the set-up and the access maintenance. It just wants the computer to be turned on the computer and the infected bot just waits for instructions. This computer turns into a zombie machine on which the hackers can carry out nefarious bidding. Delivery notices from the post office, messages from out-of-touch friends and headlines from seasonal sporting events. Some of the commonly known symptoms of computer virus infection are

WARNING: Facebook Malware Attack on the Loose

A Facebook phishing attack is on the loose this weekend — the third widespread attack on the site in the past three weeks. The attack attempts to steal your Facebook login credentials, install malware on your computer, and even get your home address. The attack is spread via a “hilarious video” posted to Facebook walls, reports WebSense — when clicked, a form appears requesting your Facebook login. The attack then returns you to Facebook, installs an app called “Media Player HD”, and asks you to download the “FLV player” — doing so installs malware on your machine. It gets worse: Depending on your location, you may also be presented with a contest to win an iPad … if you just enter your home address. To avoid getting caught, simply remove the “hilarious video” if you find it on your Facebook wall. If you see it elsewhere on Facebook, don’t click it … and of course remember the obvious rule: Don’t enter your Facebook login anywhere other than If you already fell fo...

The Top 7 Ways You can Detect Malware in Your System

Cybercriminals are making every effort to inject Malware in your system so that it is going to be difficult to detect. Many computers are loaded with this stuff but the users have no idea its there or how to get rid of it. It is very crucial to know what is running in your computer . This article highlights some of the useful anti malware utilities that can detect, remove and block malware from your system. Microsoft Process Explorer : Process Explorer shows you information about what processes are running on your system. It also describes each process. When your PC is running okay, you can runProcess Explorer to save a baseline. If anything goes wrong in your PC, you can see the differences between the list of processes beforehand and afterward. That may give you some clue about possibleMalware attack. Kaspersky's GetSystemInfo : GetSystemInfo is a free system program that gives you useful information about your system in order to troubleshoot technical issues. It can be us...

Facebook Software Sexual Predators

Facebook believes 'under the radar' checks developed by its engineers are more important for keeping its site safe than public deterrents such as a Ceops 'panic button'. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook has developed sophisticated algorithms to monitor its users and detect inappropriate and predatory behaviour, bolstering its latest raft of initiatives to improve the safety of its users. Having launched an education campaign, an improved reporting procedure and a 24/7 police hotline on Monday, Facebook told the Guardian that it has introduced a number of algorithms that track the behaviour of its users and flag up suspicious activity, including members with a significant number of declined friend requests and those with a high proportion of contacts of one gender. Another filter, common on web publishing sites, scans photo uploads for skin tones and blocks problem images – the "no nipples" filter that caused pictures of b...

Apple iPad blocked in Israel

The Apple iPad’s stronger signal could throw off others’ wireless connections, Israeli officials said. Photograph: Reuters Israel has banned imports of Apple 's new product, the iPad , amid concerns that its Wi-Fi signals could disrupt other devices. Customs officials said yesterday they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone, even tourists, from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards. The US federal communications commission allows devices with Wi-Fi capability to broadcast at higher power levels than are allowed in Europe and Israel meaning that the iPad 's stronger signal could throw off others' wireless connections, Israeli officials said.

Save Time on Your Computer

It’s happened to us all: You’re on the computer paying bills, organizing car pools or doing any sort of work, then you drift over to Flickr, Twitter, or your friend’s blog, and before you know it, HOURS have passed! When I’m home at night trying to be productive on my computer—or even offline, sorting through mail—I certainly lose concentration with Facebook’s help. But, distractions no more! The other day I learned about this really neat site: . Right on its homepage, it states: “On average, RescueTime recovers 3 hours and 54 minutes worth of productive time per week per person.” How it works: First of all, it tracks your computer usage, letting you see which sites soak up most of your time and identifying trends where you start to go idle and lose focus on the document you have open. My favorite part is that you can have the system “nudge” you when you get distracted, or even downright block you (at your request, of course) from websites that steal your focus. Imagin...

PC Maker, Inspiration for Microsoft Dies in Ga.

Dr. Henry Edward Roberts, a developer of an early personal computer that inspired Bill Gates to found Microsoft, died Thursday in Georgia. He was 68. Roberts, whose build-it-yourself kit concentrated thousands of dollars worth of computer capability in an affordable package, inspired Bill Gates and his childhood friend Paul Allen to come up with Microsoft in 1975 after they saw an article about the MITS Altair 8800 in Popular Electronics. Roberts, an ex-military man, later went on to careers as a farmer and a physician, but continued to keep up with computer advances: He recently told Gates he hoped to work with new, nanotechnology-enhanced machines, according to son David Roberts. "He did think it was pretty neat, some of the stuff they're doing with the processors," said David Roberts, who confirmed Gates rushed to Georgia Friday to be with his mentor. Roberts died in a Macon hospital after a long bout with pneumonia, according to his family.

Apple to Introduce Two New iPhone

Apple is working two new CDMA iPhones and one of them is supposed to be introduced in the market this summer. Carriers other than AT & T will be able to sell the gadget. The wireless network CDMA is used by the companies like Verizon and Sprint. But, AT & T and most of the global carriers use GSM technology. AT&T has over 43% smart-phone customers in US, compared with 23% customers for Verizon. Additionally, Apple plans to bring a new version of its current iPhone this summer. The model is expected to be thinner and have a faster processor, two people familiar with the device said. Some people of the company outlined that the new GSM iPhone will be manufactured by Taiwanese contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., that produced Apple's previous iPhones. The CDMA iPhone model will be made by Pegatron Technology Corp., the subsidiary of Taiwan's ASUSTeK Computer Inc., said these people. Pegatron is scheduled to produce CDMA iPhones in September. Veri...

The Top Five Terse Steve Jobs Email Replies

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, doesn't often answer emails from his customers but when he does his replies are short and blunt. Here's our top five.

Facebook Responds to Massive Phishing Scheme

Facebook has responded to a an apparently massive attempt to steal passwords from its users. "There's another spoofed email going around that claims to be from Facebook and asks you to open an attachment to receive a new password," read a post on the Facebook Security page. "This email is fake. Delete it from your inbox, and warn your friends." Facebook will never send users a new password in an attachment, the post says.

Is Voice Becoming The New Text (again)?

On a recent episode of the TV show "Modern Family," a character named Mitchell gets in his car and does something that's frustratingly familiar for early adopters of technology:

Facebook Fed Friends Go Undercover to Keep America Safe

From Wired.Com The next time someone tries to “friend” you on Facebook, it may turn out to be an undercover fed looking to examine your private messages and photos, or surveil your friends and family. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained an internal Justice Department document that describes what law enforcement is doing on social networking sites.

First Dot-com Celebrates 25th Birthday

Exactly 25 years ago, on March 15 1985, computer manufacturer Symbolics, Inc registered the first .com web domain ever: By today’s design standards, and considering how web sites looked back in the late eighties and early nineties, it’s quite decent, although a bit short on content. However, its content and even the (now defunct) company that registered it are far less important than the boom it ignited: in 1997, one million .com web domains were registered, and in 2000 the dot-com bubble peaked, resulting in an inevitable meltdown.

What Is The Newest Hot Technology + Video

The iPad Tablet is a small flat computer that is in tablet form. It has a touch screen operating system and is used much in the same way as the iPhone. It is a much bigger system, about the span of an open book. This is convenient because one of its main uses is as an eBook device, which allows users to download text onto the screen and read it like a book. It is much like the Kindle product made by Amazon.

The Senior Citizen Embraces the Internet

I just heard words I never expected to hear from my mother: “Well, why don’t you just email it to me as an attachment?” This is a woman who owned, and presumably used, her computer for 3 years before she discovered she could minimize a window! Now, lo and behold, she’s almost, dare I say, becoming comfortable with using that amazing machine in her study. Like my mother, more and more senior citizens are utilizing their computers beyond playing their favorite card games. They are discovering that the Internet can connect them, cheaply and easily, to friends old and new. Grandparents can stay more in tune with little Josh’s first steps or Hannah’s piano recital when proud parents send pictures and video clips. Far-flung families can post regular updates and accomplishments on personal blogs or websites (made simple and almost professional looking with a free application like WordPress). Voice Over Internet Providers and cell phone packages have made even the simple act of keeping in to...

Apple Trying to Store Your Video in The Cloud

(Credit: Greg Sandoval/CNET) Apple's plans for cloud computing go beyond music. The company's representatives have recently spoken with some of the major film studios about enabling iTunes users to store their content on the company's servers, two people familiar with the discussions told CNET. That's in addition to streaming television shows and music. Apple has told the studios that under the plan, iTunes users will access video from various Internet-connected devices. Apple would, of course, prefer that users access video from the iPad, the company's upcoming tablet computer, the sources said. Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr said Apple doesn't comment on rumors or speculation. The news comes a month after Apple spoke to the major record companies about a similar plan involving music. Apple's vision is to build proverbial digital shelves where iTunes users store their media, one of the sources said. "Basically, they want to eliminate the hard dr...

John Titor Dalam Dunia Maya dan Dunia Nyata

Seseorang yang mengaku dari tahun 2036 datang ke tahun 2000 untuk memposting di forum internet, mengaku sebagai prajurit amerika di tahun 2036 mengemban misi ke tahun 1975 untuk mengambil komputer portable pertama di dunia yaitu IBM 5100, dan mampir di tahun 2000-2001 untuk melihat keluarganya. adapun pro dan kontra terhadap orang ini di forum menjadi topik hangat saat itu, karena dia dapat membuktikan hal-hal yang akan terjadi di masa dpn, dia juga mengupload foto mesin waktu nya, cara kerjanya, dan juga menyebarkan formula ilmiah mesin waktu tersebut di forum. Beberapa orang di forum mulai memberondong John Titor dgn beragam pertanyaan, kesimpulan yang di dapat bahwa John Titor adalah orang yg cerdas dan mempunya ilmu pengetahuan science yg mendalam, meski JOhn mengaku spesialisasi di History bukan di bidang komputer maupun science. Siapa John Titor ? Dia mengaku lahir tahun 1998 di florida, dia mengemban tugas dari tahun 2036 untuk ke tahun 1975 tuk mengambil PC IBM 5100, yg m...

How Hackers Work?

Thanks to the media, the word “hacker” has gotten a bad reputation. The word summons up thoughts of malicious computer users finding new ways to harass people, defraud corporations, steal information and maybe even destroy the economy or start a war by infiltrating military computer systems. While there’s no denying that there are hackers out there with bad intentions, they make up only a small percentage of the hacker community. The term computer hacker first showed up in the mid-1960s. A hacker was a programmer — someone who hacked out computer code. Hackers were visionaries who could see new ways to use computers, creating programs that no one else could conceive. They were the pioneers of the computer industry, building everything from small applications to operating systems. In this sense, people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were allhackers — they saw the potential of what computers could do and created ways to achieve that potential.