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The Top Five Terse Steve Jobs Email Replies

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, doesn't often answer emails from his customers but when he does his replies are short and blunt. Here's our top five.

1. "No."
Asked whether the forthcoming iPad would support 'tethering' to an iPhone, which would allow customers to use the iPhone as a modem for their iPad.

2. "Not to worry."
In response to a customer who wrote to express his disappointment that Apple has not updated its MacBook Pro and Mac Pro range of computers for a while.

3. "No but iPhoto on the Mac has much better Faces and Places features."
Jobs can't resist a dig at Google in reply to a customer who asked whether the iPad would support Google's Picasa library format.

4. "Change your app's name. Not that big of a deal."
Replying to John Devor, whose company, The Little App Factory, made a product called iPodRip. Apple's lawyers asked him to stop using iPod in the name of his app because it's an Apple trademark. He got little sympathy when he emailed to tell Steve Jobs of the situation. iPodRip is now called iRip.

5. "This is what happens when your MacBook Pro sustains water damage.They are pro machines and they don’t like water. It sounds like you’re just looking for someone to get mad at other than yourself."

Jobs offers a slightly more comprehensive response to a customer who wrote to complain that Apple wanted him to pay just to see whether it would be possible to repair his water-damaged laptop.

source :

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