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Verifying Ownership of a Facebook Page

Facebook now requires its users to verify ownership of Facebook Pages that have a ‘large number’ of fans. Our records indicate that you are currently the admin of a Facebook Page with a large number of fans, Digital Inspiration . To ensure a positive user experience, we require admins of large Pages to confirm their affiliation with the brand, business, person, or entity that their Page represents. To authenticate your Facebook page, you need to add a Facebook Fan widget or a Facebook Badge to your website home page and link it to your main Facebook page. If that’s not an option since you don’t control the website, there’s another way for you to authenticate a page. You can add a second email address to your Facebook account that is officially affiliated with the brand that your Facebook Page represents.

Social Networks That Have Failed Under New Owners

AOL’s struggle to make Bebo profitable is not the first time that a social network has brought trouble to its new owners. Both the purchase of MySpace by News Corporation and of Friends Reunited by ITV has coincided with those networks losing huge amounts of value: Rupert Murdoch paid £364 million for MySpace, while ITV paid £175 million for Friends Reunited. MySpace is now valued for “next to nothing” according to former Merrill Lynch analyst Henry Blodget, and ITV sold Friends Reunited for £25 million last year.